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When I woke up, I felt a warm pair of strong arms around my hips and chest. It felt nice; I felt protected. Moaning, I turned around and faced Vic as I buried my face into his chest and sighed. Vic stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up so I just sat there listening to his heartbeat and smelling his shirt. It was so comforting and relaxing, I closed my eyes for a bit and thought.

I didn't know what was going on between Vic and me, but I wanted to know soon. I didn't know what Vic wanted. He's always fooled around with people for a bit then broke it off like it was nothing in the past and I didn't want to be just another one of his exes. I sighed and opened my eyes. Why were boys this difficult?

"I know you're awake," Vic said, smiling even though his eyes were shut. His arms were still around me which was good because I don't think I wanted him to move them anyways.

"I'm not," I mumbled.

"Wanna get up?"

"Not really."

"Yeah, me neither." He laughed; it was cute.

"I like your laugh," I said into his shirt.

"Why thank you, sleepyhead." I groaned and looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest.

"You're a sleepyhead."

"No, I'm Vic." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and tried my best to get up but Vic pulled me down and gave me a kiss on the lips. I felt him smile into it and I couldn't help but do the same.

"Good morning." He told me, making us get up. He stretched and went to the bathroom as I sat on his bed. I took the time to wake up before walking downstairs to meet his parents in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kellin!" Vivian exclaimed, setting down her coffee and hugging me. I hugged her back and gave Mr. Fuentes a friendly wave as I sat next to them on a neighboring stool.

"So, Kellin, have you gotten into a college yet? Graduation is just around the corner." Mr. Fuentes asked. I nodded and sighed at the same time.

"Yeah, I've gotten into a few. There's this one in Hartford I'm shooting for, though, and they have a nice summer program that I want to go to." I explained as they nodded.

"Hartford is a long way. Are your parents ready for that?" I nodded.

"Is Vic?" Vivian asked. "You two seem to have gotten closer." I pondered. Granted, I nodded at what she said but this was if I get into it. There's still a good chance I won't get in so it shouldn't be a problem, I don't think. I got up from my position and began to walk back to Vic's room with that same thought still in my head.

"Hey," he said as I walked in. "You can use some of my clothes unless you want to stop home real quick," He offered but it was pretty cold outside and I didn't feel like stopping.

"It's okay, I'll use yours." I smiled, sitting on his bed. Vic handed me a long sleeve and sweatpants and I promptly put them on.

"Ya know, a picture would've lasted longer." I laughed. Vic looked at me the entire time I was changing from the corner of his eye but I noticed fairly quickly.

"Let's just go," He said awkwardly, grabbing his stuff and heading downstairs. He told his parents we were leaving and then made our way to a breakfast place down the road.

It was small, quiet, and had a home-like feeling to it; I loved it. It was like you left home to go to someplace damn close to it. I squealed when I got out the car and ran inside, dragging Vic behind me. We took a seat by the window and waited for our waiter to come around.

"Hey, y'all. What can I get you today?" A boy came up to us. He looked to be our age with blonde short hair and a nose ring.

"Can I just have a stack and some regular tea? But, could you get me apple juice too, please?" I ordered quickly. I was starving.

"Sure thing. And you?" The boy, Tyler was his name, asked Vic after writing down the rest of my order.

"Uh, I'll just take a short stack with cranberry juice, thanks." Tyler nodded and left us alone for a bit.

"You know, for someone so small, you have a big appetite." Vic laughed at me.

"I'm not small, I have some chubby spots." I pouted. "And, besides, I'm always hungry in the morning." I smiled wide. "Guess who's paying?"

"Me?" Vic raised his eyebrow as Tyler came around with our drinks, telling us our food would be out in a second.

"Yep! Thank you!" I jumped with glee.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He sipped his juice and smiled lightly at me.

"I'll pay you back later on."

"Mhm." He mumbled. We sat there for a bit, just talking. Vic was pretty interesting. I learned a lot more about him in that one breakfast than I would if we hadn't reconciled; it was pretty great. Soon, we were finished and waiting for Tyler to hand us our card back.

"So did you enjoy your little breakfast date?"

"Our breakfast date, if that's what you're calling it — and yes, I did." I smiled as I got up and dusted off my pants out of habit. I forgot I was wearing Vic's clothes.

"Well, would you mind going on another with me? Just because, you know, I like you and I think you're cute." Vic choked out. I started snickering as he mumbled the last part of his sentence but Vic blushed hard and turned away for a second.

"Aw, Vic! Don't sulk!" I chuckled, turning him around.

"You can't laugh if I say that!"

"But, it was cute!" Vic shook his head and I smiled, lifting his chin up to give him a confirming kiss.

"That means 'yes'. Now, take me to your house to cuddle?" I chuckled as Vic dragged me out of the door and brought us back to his with a smile on his face.

When we got inside, no one was there. Vivian had left a note on the door saying they'd gone to the mall so Vic just opened up and we ventured through, into his room again.

We sat on his unmade bed and got under the covers, turning on his television and watching Netflix. Vic was laying awkwardly away from me so I sighed and moved closer to him, resting my head on his chest.

"Put your arm around me like this morning," I instructed, placing his arm around my body and getting closer to him.

"See? Isn't that better than being far away when I just agreed to a date with you?" Vic laughed at me and kissed the top of my head. I smiled in response as he started talking.

"Then I can do that, too! Thanks, Kells."

"No problem!" I said. Sarcasm dripped from my response.

I didn't know what Vic had in store for me but, I was ready for it. This morning was so great that I felt we were going to have another before he even asked.

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