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"Okay, girls! Circle up please!" I beckoned everyone over to me. A good majority of them looked like crap with messy eyeliner and wrecked hair buns for a Saturday morning. As they came over, they all moaned and sat down.

"Well, you guys look like shit. You all have hangovers?" I chuckled and asked them.

"The worst ones ever," Emma said. She rubbed her face and curled up in a ball on the mat. I stood over them with my arms crossed and an amused look on my face. See? Alcohol was no one's friend.

"Alright, alright. We'll just chill for today then. At the very least: stretch, please." I sat next to Taylor promptly after and looked at her with a content smile. However, she groaned and rested her head on my shoulder, burying her face in my chest.

"So you got hammered, too, last night, huh?" I asked her.

"Yes. It's all cool, though because action took place," Taylor said with a sly smile plastered on her face.

"So, you and Jennifer finally got around to doing something, hm?"

"Sure did," Everyone around us started laughing lazily and fell on their backs (with a grunt, of course).

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't," Taylor warned them.

"But, Kellin needs to know. He's your best friend." Hannah said with sarcasm. I wasn't too fond of her but I didn't hate her either.

"Shut up, Hannah," Taylor replied.

"If one of you don't tell me, I swear to God," I was getting fed up with their delaying; I just wanted to know! I liked gossip from time to time and I had nothing better to do right now anyway.

"Jennifer totally threw up on Taylor because she was way too wasted. I doubt she even remembers kissing Taylor, in all honesty." Someone shouted.

Again, everyone erupted in laughter, even me. Poor Taylor. She'd wanted Jennifer for the longest time and this is what happens when she finally gets with her? She had the absolute worst luck.

"I'm so sorry I missed that."

"Shut upppppp." Taylor moaned and laid herself down on the gym mat.

"It was amazing. Where did you go last night, Kellin? I missed out on you." Sarah pouted and hugged me as she finished talking. She was so cuddly; I always enjoyed her on the team.

"Well, Vic spilled his drink on me and we got into something so I just went home afterward," I said.

"Did he apologize?" Jennifer asked. I nodded.

"Of course, he's rude, not barbaric." I joked. As if it were magic, though, all of the boys' basketball team had come into the gym.

"Hey, ladies!" Jaime called as all they entered the room. I said my hellos and watched as they all sat down on the mats with us.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them as I rubbed my face and pouted. I know I gave the girls a day off of practice but that didn't mean I wanted them over here. I doubted that they were in any better shape.

"Chill out, Kells, we just wanted to talk. We have a day off, I'm guessing you guys do too?" Jaime smirked.

"Yeah, we do. Enjoy the break, then." I said nicely. I looked at the crowd of people in front of me and noticed Vic picking at his nails and looking bored. I sat next to him and started a conversation.

"So, Vic, when are you taking me shopping?" I smiled widely and he laughed in my face.

"Never sounds good to me." He cocked his head to the side to look at me with a look full of attitude.

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