24- Sorry

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"Harry you can go." She kept telling me that, repeating me that she would be okay. But the due date was pretty soon, and I didn't want to miss it. She was sipping her tea, her hand caressing her big belly, sitting on the couch in our living room, her legs stretched out. She patted a spot, and it was incredible how the baby reacted at her touch, you could see the skin moving slightly, and I smiled like a happy idiot when I witnessed it, every single time.

I was standing there, watching her, listening to her, telling me to live my life.

"I'm gonna be fine, you're only a phone call away" she reassured me, insisting carefully to not hurt my feelings, as I sat next to her, and caressing her belly. I sighed, and kissed her cheek.

I knew I'd been a stalker since I'd learned she was pregnant. No one could tell I wasn't involved, because I truly was. I hadn't missed an appointment, and was present for her at any moment. Any crazy cravings she had, I had satisfied them.

I was there, committed to our new life, and unborn child. And she respected me for that, she could rely on me, she knew it.

Those past nine months had been an incredible experience. And made me grow up very fast. As the time passed, I knew what kind of man I wanted to be, what kind of a father I wanted to be. It had been a scary process, but in the end, I knew it was worth the stress.

Of course, my child wouldn't miss anything materially, but among anything, I needed to be a good man, and a good father, to raise a happy kid, especially that she would have a famous dad, and would live on spotlight, just as Freddie.

However, it took us some time to adjust, because we were just back together, and the parenthood happened very fast. We focused on the pregnancy hastily, and forgot a little about us, as a couple. People said it was normal. We were not kids anymore, we had to learn how to be parents, even if we had to push aside our own relationship for a while.

But I thought we were happy, together.

It had been such a challenge to not lock her up. As the press was involved, it had stressed me out, that she was drawing that much attention to her, and to the baby. Sometimes, the craziness of the fame could be risky. So, I hired body guards for her quietness, but I knew it was bugging her. When she went to shop for baby clothes, being surrounded by amount of paps was stressful. She had lost her intimacy. But she was getting better at this as the time went by. That was how her life would be for now on. Scrutinized by the media.

I had been nervous, the whole time. Read a ton of books, took classes, trying to be prepared, for the beginning of a new chapter of my life, with her, with them, the two girls of my life. I knew how to change a diaper properly.

Her belly had become pretty big. She kept complaining about the weight she gained, and how much effort it would take to pull her old clothes on after the pregnancy. But to me, she had never been that beautiful.

She looked insanely beautiful while pregnant.

It was such a new thing to me, and I had to say that the whole experience was amazing. Well, I had the easiest part, as she was the one having a baby in her belly, growing, every passing month. Every ultrasound was exciting, and new, discovering how she was developing, and being sure she was fine. She was making my heart beat, she was my reason the breath, and she was not even there.

When I learned it was a girl, my heart burst. It would have been the exact same feeling if it would have been a baby boy, but still. I was over the moon since I heard the news, and I felt I lived in heaven. I was definitely walking on clouds.

Knowing the sex allowed us to pick names. We struggled finding a name, but found the perfect one.

I couldn't wait to me her. I couldn't wait to hold her. But the wait shouldn't be that long anymore.

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