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I can't keep myself calm. I feel so confused, lost.

"Are you going back to sleep, Luce?" He whispered, he landed a touch on my arm, I almost flinched.

"Y-Yeah." I quickly told him.

"Wait, Luce, are you okay?" Natsu's getting suspicious now, damn.

"Yeah, I just feel nervous about today. I don't want a thing to fail." I told him, not looking at him at all but instead, the wall.

"Okay.. I'll just go outside to warm up with the guys." Natsu told me, his suspicion fading. I heard the door slam shut.

I feel very stiff. I can't move. Or I don't want to.

~~~~~ Natsu's P.O.V. ~~~~~

Lucy was acting strange. But maybe she's just actually nervous?

I walk outside to find nobody. Where are they?

"Natsu, oy, we're going jogging." Aquarius was telling me, they were jogging. I look at the mountain on gadgets and wallets and stuff there to guard.

"Kay." I ruffled my hair, I still feel sleepy.

"Hey!" Lucy bubbly told me, I look up to see her cleavage almost in my face. I blush a little.

"U-uh? Lucy, I thought you're going back to sleep?" I rubbed the back of my neck. I can feel someone watching me. Lucy smirked, pinching my cheeks, grinning then shouting.

"Wooh. Point! Natsu fell for it." Gem's voice said. Oh? It was Gem.

They guffawed then jogged once again. Gem was amazing at portraying Lucy, yes.

They were far enough when someone's phone rang. I look and it was Gray's phone. I grunted. Do I have to answer this?

I look at the name. Juvia. Sounds really... really familiar.. I look at the contact picture. She had this huge smile, her hands forming a heart. She... why does she feel so familiar. Like I've met her before.

I answer the phone as someone beamed

"Hello, Gray-Sama! Juvia here! Juvia has got to tell you something!" A weird accent she has... French?

"Uh, hello, Gray is not here at the moment. Would you uh... like to leave a message though?" I hear a lip smack on the other side.

"Yes, Juvia would like to invite Gray-sama and his friends today for lunch at my house! Juvia would be expecting all of you there. Please. Juvia obliges you to go!" Juvia quickly told me.

"O-Okay, Juvia." I told her. She giggled loudly and said.

"Juvia will not take no as an answer. Juvia would really be disappointed if you don't go, Natsu-sama." Juvia told me. "Good bye! That is all Juvia has to say!"

"Bye Juvia. I'll make sure we'll go.." Beeeeeeeeeeeep.

Well, that sure was an odd woman. She's really energetic and... she speaks in third person?

Well then, I guess we'll cancel for today, I mean. She obliges and obliges very hard. I lean back and rested on the tree, still watching over the items.

~~~~~ Gray's P.O.V. ~~~~~

We were finished jogging as I saw Natsu lean back on the tree, lazily watching over.

"Oy, Dragneel, why is my phone—" I look suspiciously as it was away from the other items.

"Juvia called." Natsu told me. Everyone was grabbing water now and Lucy walked outside, walking near us.

"What did she want?" I asked him. Natsu cracked his neck.

"Juvia told me that she's inviting all of us for lunch and she will not be taking no for an answer. She obliges." Natsu told me, Lucy also hearing it.

Ah Juvia.

"It's settled then. We cancel for today." Aquarius grinned.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.

"It's Juvia. She absolutely doesn't take no as an answer, Lucy." I told her, landing a hand on her shoulder.

"Mhm, okay." Lucy smiled directly at me.

"Invite Levy if you'd like. Juvia likes the crowd."

"And speaking in third person." Natsu walked inside, eyeing my hand. He seems like he's in a bad mood.

~~~~~ Natsu's P.O.V. ~~~~~

Well, looks like that idiot Gray and Luce have been very close again.

Is it just my imagination or is Luce avoiding me? I don't know, she seems... distant?

Eh. They were just getting ready for lunch at Juvia's and they're bonding again.

"We'll go ahead, Natsu." Lucy grabbed Gray's arm and hooked hers onto his. "I left the address."

Everyone except me went already. They must trust Juvia that much for every one of us to go at the same place at the same time or Gray just didn't think it's risky. After all, does he even have a brain? Gah. His mere presence annoys the flame out of me.

I lay down in bed, not even bothering to get ready. Lucy doesn't need my company anymore cause she has Gray now, doesn't she? I hate this. I rolled in bed. They must've been there by now. Having fun. Gray and Lucy. And what's the deal with Lucy? She giving me the cold shoulder now?

"They don't need me there." I groaned in frustration. "I mean, nobody would even notice." I covered my head in a pillow. Dammit! I grabbed my phone and waited for someone to call me or text me or even remind me to go now.

After about thirty minutes which felt like a century, I have had enough waiting. Nobody even bothered to ask why Natsu Dragneel wasn't there! I threw my phone. It slammed against the wall and broke to pieces. Nobody could reach me now. Nobody tried to reach me anyways.

And if they didn't try to reach me, they must be having the time of their lives there. I mean, nobody even bothered. Nobody even thought of me.

"Juvia would really be disappointed if you don't go, Natsu-sama." A flashback of Juvia's voice said.

At least Juvia— wait...

I sat straight up, gasping so suddenly I almost choked.

Holy... mother... of... God... Why didn't I notice it before?!

I grabbed my hair and pulled so suddenly, refusing to believe it. Refusing to believe I failed to see that... that detail.. That...

Juvia would really be disappointed if you don't go, Natsu-sama.


Natsu-sama. In the entirety of our conversation, never have I ever introduced or even gave a slightest hint of my name..

How did Juvia know?

How did Juvia know if I didn't tell her?


Unless I've actually met her before.

My eyes widen. Memories came flashing.

Unless that's why I found her familiar...

Unless she was Julian...

The French water woman...

From Zeref's side...

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