Nothing Personal

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"We actually need to go back to work." I murmured as I wore my uniform. Well, halfway from wearing my uniform.

The door creaked open and I snapped my head back, panicking as I was not fully dressed yet.

Natsu entered the room nonchalantly and ate... a slice of pizza, I think? It doesn't matter! I'm half naked and he just entered the room!

"Natsu! I'm dressing up, idiot!" I shout at him. He looked at me once, smirked, then sat on the bed, continuing on.

"So?" He took a bite on his pizza. I blush madly.

"W-Well? I'm not dressed yet, obviously! You'd see my body!" I covered my chest with my uniform. Damn, what's wrong with this guy?

"I've seen lots of those since every girl I'm with practically removes their clothes for me." I hit his head hard as he groaned.

"YOU IDIOT." I huff in annoyance.

"What's up with girls and their bodies? God, you girls sure are vain." Natsu sighed and turned his back on me. "I don't even care!"

"You're like a whiny teenager, Natsu." I pick up my uniform and put it on. Arms first then my head, as my head went up the clothes however, I was struck with Natsu looking at me while dressing.

"YOU ARE SUCH A PERVERT!" I slapped him in that attractive face of his.

"Owiee~" Natsu sprawled on the ground.

""I don't even care!"? Yeah, right, perv." I wore my boots as I murmured.

"But Luce, your bra is cute!" I blush like an overripe tomato again because of this dense idiot. I punched him in his arms as he was thrown across the room.

'BANG!' Natsu hit the wall of the trailer.

"Wha—Natsu? Is everything alright in there?" Leo shouted from the outside. I glared at Natsu.

"Ye—Yeah.. Just tripped." Natsu shouts back.

I was finished dressing up and looked at the mirror. I tied my hair up in my usual ponytail. I looked in the mirror again. I got lots of scars, damn.

"Lu—Luce?" Natsu called. I didn't even look, I just "Mhm?"ed back. This... bastard.

"Your uniform actually suits you." He told me and I look, for the first time. "I want to see you in that in action. At least once again."

"Th-Thanks.." I tried to suppress my blush. "But.. my uniform's kinda useless today, really. I don't think crime would be happening today. Such a waste. I'd like to chase a criminal today too. Partly cause I miss it and partly cause... well.. Money's been real low for us. I need to get some of those. And I'd like to buy this book.."

"Hahahahahaha!! Really, Luce?" Natsu laughed. "I think we both have something to gain here."

"Wha—" I almost asked but Gray's already calling me.

"Well, well. Cool idiot's calling you already." Natsu stood.

"Cool idiot? Really? Why are you guys so against each other?" I asked, looking at the mirror one last time.

"Eh, he just hits my nerves. A lot." Natsu hugged me. "Bye. C'ya later."

"Bye." I hugged him back and went outside.

"What took you so long, Monster?" Gray started his car. "That hotheaded freak bothering you?"

"N-Nope." I took the front seat. "Hotheaded freak? Have you guys been fighting?"

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