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I walk across the room, preparing breakfast for everybody.

Today's the day, huh?

I look at the clock. Pretty early, really.

"Morning, Luce." Natsu opened the trailer door. I gasp and spilled some of the brewed coffee in the table, panicking as I didn't expect him to wake up this early and I also didn't expect him to appear naked from the outside. I put my hand on my chest and put the coffee down. I closed my eyes and look at him.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I tell him.

Natsu had a smirk on. Ruffling his pink hair, he walked towards me slowly, but strangely... seductive. The nerve! This guy's getting cocky! I huff in perturbance. He is acting odd.

"What's up with you?" I anxiously said as he kept on smirking. He put a hand on my hip and leaned towards me. "You step back, Dragneel."

Natsu breathed out in relief and I skeptically raised my eyebrows.

"Lucy. It's Mini." Natsu said, well, Mini did.

"O-Oh..." I blushed, guilty of not noticing the difference. It's true; I really thought it was Natsu. But in closer observation, there IS something odd. There's the lack of serrations in his teeth. And Natsu's teeth are horribly serrated, like it's ready to bite something off, his canine tooth.

"Nicely done. But... really, Lucy, its ersatz, haven't you noticed?" Gray was leaning over the doorframe, watching us. My lips were dry.

"But do you think the guise would work on them?" Mini was speaking in his natural voice now.

"Hm, I'm not sure, really." Gray stood, taking his coffee. Mini loosened up.

I was speechless. Am I that easy to deceive? I felt really stupid and idiotic.

Gray took a sip of his coffee and looked at me, seemingly reading my mind; he sighed patiently and leaned over the countertop, looking at me.

"It's... made to fool you, Lucy. Don't feel guilty about not knowing the difference." Gray tried to comfort me. Tried. I didn't say anything. I was looking at the distance, finally realizing how... terrifying today might be.

"First test, passed, Mini." Loke clapped his hands together. Gem huffed in annoyance.

"Ugh. No fair!" Gem shouted. Mini laughed inwardly as she also got his coffee.

The rest of the Celestia family started on taking their breakfast. I watch them flood outside and I just decided to enter Natsu's room. It was warm in there. I lay down next to Natsu, covering blankets on me, observing his slow breathing while he slept.

This face of his was so soft. He was like an angel. See, this is why I trusted him the first time we met.

But how did it end up, Lucy? You shouldn't have just seen him as that. See what happened?

No. I trust Natsu.

But why? Do you have the reason to? He was up to kill you, Lucy.

But he saved my life a lot. He saved Gray's life.

But is that enough? Are you actually letting your guard down just by that?


Were you THIS naïve? You know very well that this still could be a part of the plan to kill you.

No, it can't possibly be.

Tch. How could you be so sure about that, Genius?

Because he went through this. We made it this far!

How far? Not even a month has passed since you met him.

. . . That's... true...

I shook the horrible epiphany away. I should trust Natsu. He's here to protect me. But part of me doubts that so much right now. I stare once again to this deceitful face of his. Maybe I'm imagining this commitment between us.. Maybe we don't actually have this commitment and I just made it up all in my head. Natsu sighed.

Then his body became slightly tense. Nightmare. But strangely, I felt like I don't need to stop this. That I want this to continue. To just watch and see what happens. So I don't wake Natsu up as his breathing became slightly erratic. My heart was beating oh-so-fast but there was this force telling me I shouldn't. I should not stop this. You need to find something out.

"I won't.." Natsu groaned slowly, it was more of a whisper and a growl. Something in between. A snarl, probably. It scared me, so I closed my eyes. Partly because I was scared of looking at him like that and it's pointless to keep my eyes open and partly because I don't want him to wake up, knowing I was watching him. I tried to keep myself calm.

"I won't, Zeref.." Natsu said again. It was about Zeref... Now what about him? There was an outburst of laughter outside so I snapped my eyes open, thinking Natsu would've woken up with that. But when I open my eyes, struggle was eminent on his face. His jaw was clenched tight, he was already drenched in sweat and—

"Zeref, I'm telling you I won't!" Pure anger in his voice. I held my breath and closed my eyes once again. I have to stop this. A part of me wants to. But a part of me wants to know what this is all about.

I was about to nudge his shoulder when it was inches apart, it stopped on its own. Like there was some sort of force field in there.

Stop it! This should be private!

No. Don't. Let it go on, Lucy.

My inner conflict continued once again.

"I won't.." He whispered almost inaudibly that I might've not heard it if I wasn't right beside him.

"Betray you..."

My heart stopped and then it hammered against my chest so heavily and quickly. It's like I dropped a million feet with this lurching feeling in my stomach. I held my breath, wanting to cry already, I bit my lip. I tried to clear my mind. It was not what it sounds like, Lucy.

It's not what it sounds like, it's not what it sounds like, it's not what it sounds like.

Is it not what it sounds like?

I want all of this to become a nightmare. Just like what Natsu just had.

"Luce..?" Natsu spoke, the voice was so distant it was like it came from a tunnel, my head was spinning with emotions and it took every single fiber in my body to remain in that position.

"Luce, are you awake?" Natsu called again. I flutter my eyes open, trying not to keep a leery expression.

"I am now." I whisper, Natsu was supporting himself up with his right elbow.

"Yo-Your heartbeat was so fast, Luce. Did you have a bad dream?" Natsu asked. Now it's either he knows I was awake or he was confirming if I was awake. The room was dark but if it wasn't, I'm guessing Natsu would look pale or anxious.

"Did you?" I ask the question back. Now, this will serve as a test if he will lie to me. If he does, then he probably doesn't hesitate on lying to me about anything. If he doesn't, I'd ask him to tell me what the dream was all about.

Silence. He stared at me, his eyes very, very unreadable. I'm guessing he's trying to figure out if I'm testing him or not. And with a slight sigh, he answered.

"No, I didn't." He told me. I nodded slowly. So it IS a lie.

Checkmate, Natsu.

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