Chapter 17:

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Chapter 17:

I brought my knees up to my chest, resting my head on my knees. The flashes of the faces of the men I had killed flowed into my mind and it tortured me every second. Jack remained quiet for a few seconds, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wow- Xayla, I never thought you'd do it," he said with a soft chuckle. I kept my eyes ahead of me, not really looking at anything in particular. I had stayed quiet, and I knew that Jack expected me to say something. "Are you alright? You are being awfully quiet," Jack asked.

Snapping my eyes up at him, I replied with a snap, "No, I'm definitely not ok. Killing is not fucking ok! I had killed people, Jack. I killed people who had families, lives to live and I just killed them!"

Jack placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. "It's alright, Xayla. I have killed many people, and it takes some getting used to," Jack said. I glared at him. If he thought that would help me, it wouldn't. I stood up from the bed, crossing my arms.

"It sickens me how you speak of killing like it is ok, I hate that. I hate that everyone in this house has killed innocent people and don't give a fuck!" I wished that I had something to throw, but I didn't. To satisfy my anger I slammed my fist against the wall, causing a loud thud.

That hurt like hell. I didn't show my pain, I just sucked it up. Jack stood up and grabbed my hands to stop myself from doing something like that again. "Xayla, calm yourself and listen to me. I know you aren't fond of killing, but you are going to have to get used to it if you are to stay here. The world is full of killing, people are paid to join the military and kill people, Xayla," Jack said.

It's not the same. The pasta monsters kill innocent people, and it angers me how Jack compares himself and his "friends" to the military. They are nothing like the military.

"Fine, Jack. I will never just get used to killing, I don't see that happening, but I will try my best to suck it up because leaving this hellhole is out of the question," I grumbled.

Jack chuckled, then ruffled up my hair with his hand. I smacked his hand away, not appreciating him messing my hair even more than before. "Go get some rest, Xayla," Jack said, grabbing my chin to make me look up at him.

I rolled my eyes, finding it silly how a killer like him could care if I needed to get some rest or not. But I won't argue. I am tired as hell. I sighed and walked towards the bed once more, then collapsed on top of it.

It only took a few minutes before I fell into a light sleep.

Eyeless Jack's Point of View:

I didn't leave the room until Xayla had fallen asleep. She looked so sad when she had told me had killed. My first reaction was eagerness. I was eager to have her killing by my side, but when she broke down explaining how she felt about what she did my eagerness subsided.

By the way she talked to me, I knew then that Xayla was not a killer. At least not yet. The look in her eyes showed me nothing but fear and anger, and she looked miserable. I don't know why she was thinking so hard on it. I know this has been her first kill, but she says she doesn't like it. The feeling of killing.

When I had my first kill, I never had these thoughts. All I could possibly think was when my next kill would me. Speaking of kills, I haven't been killing in a while. Xayla had distracted me from that.

"Toby," I called out to the proxy as I walked downstairs. He had been sitting on the couch playing on a hand held device, rambling on why it wasn't working. Toby perked his head to me when I had called his name, then he jumped up and presented himself to me.

"Why hello my eyeless friend, what can I do for ya?" he asked.

"Will you watch Xayla for me? I must be going somewhere for now," I said, the thought of killing entering my mind again. Killing had been off my mind for such a while, and now that it has gotten back into my brain, I want to kill.

I really wanted to. I chose Toby because Xayla and Toby don't have a quarrel. "Yeah, totally, I can handle that. How long because a lot of stuff has been going on between Zalgo and the Slenderman and I don't wanna miss it," Toby said.

Shaking my head, I replied with a, "Not too long. Thank you." I had completely disregarded what he had said between Zalgo and Slenderman. The thought of killing was taking over and distracting me from what was more important.

That is one flaw of a killer. We need to kill. If we don't, either we outrage or we just stop moving. I've learned first hand.

Let's just say outrages are not a pleasant experience to go through, neither for the killer or the victims.

Xayla's Point of View:

I woke up later, and it was around morning time. I felt like I hadn't gotten any sleep at all. My eyes still wanted to stay shut, but I didn't want to sleep much longer. When I had woken up, I saw that Jack was not here.

Instead, there was Ticci Toby. He was also sleeping on this chair, and the device that covered his mouth was now hanging loosely around his neck. Blood was dried at the corners of his mouth, and I had no idea what was wrong with him.

As soon as I thought that, he snapped his head towards me. "Oh, good morning," he rasped, and I found his voice odd without the device covering his mouth. His voice was dry, and it sounded awful. Noticing his voice, Toby laughed and covered his mouth once more. With the regular mechanical voice, Toby said, "Ah! Much better. I guess it just slipped off, ha."

I stretched my arms out, then yawned. "Where did Jack run off to?" I asked, wondering why I was left in the room with one of the proxies.

"I'm not too sure, he had just told me to watch you," he replied. I let out a groan, not appreciating the fact that Jack had just ditched me. Oh well, I needed a break from that killer.

He was bothering me with how he thinks about the killing thing. He does not know how to comfort someone. Then again, he's a psychotic killer. What should I expect? It's my fault for developing feelings for him in the first place.

With a sigh, I asked, "So what is going on right now? I doubt the government will just chill out now."

Toby must have found my comment funny, because he chuckled. "Yeah, I wish they'd just chill out. We haven't heard from them, but Zalgo and the Slenderman are at it. I wanted to go see but Jack ordered me to babysit you," he said.

"You don't have to babysit me, just go off. I can handle myself."

"As much as I'd like to, Jack would have my head on his mantel piece if I had just left you alone, you see, if you hadn't noticed, he is fond of you," Toby said. I rolled my eyes. Of course he is fond of me, he fucking kissed me. Twice.

I groaned. "Well when is he coming back because I don't want to just sit here doing nothing."

"I'm back," I heard Jack's voice.

"Woo hoo! I'm outta here!" Toby laughed, throwing his hands up and leaving the room. Jack was standing at the doorway, and he looked awful.

Blood drenched his sweater, giving it a red tint to it. His blue mask had been completely covered in a thick red substance, which I knew was blood by the way it reeked.

His hands had flesh bits attached to it, and I covered my mouth. I was trying not to puke my guts out.

"You disgust me," I spat.

Jack closed the door behind him, leaving a dark spot on the door, showing where Jack's bloody hand had been.

I had crossed my arms, not wanting him in the room looking the way he did. Did Jack have any respect for me? I had clearly told him that I was not comfortable with killing, and right when I wake up, he comes back covered in the blood of probably innocent people.

"And why is that?" Jack asked, dragging his hand down the door.

"I think you can answer that," I retorted.

Jack sighed, grabbing his mask and throwing it off. His mouth was rimmed with dried blood. I was really tempted to just ask him to put his mask back on, but he'd probably get pissed and never take it off again.

But I do not want to see this. He as practically telling me: Hey, I don't give a shit about what you think about killing, I just killed a shit ton of people and ate them. What an ass.

He staggered over to me, and I didn't know why he seemed so off. But he did. Jack didn't look right, and I knew something was wrong. "Back off," I growled.

Jack stopped, realizing my discomfort. "Why must you look at me like that?" Jack growled. I looked away, not liking this. Jack seemed aggravated for some odd realizing, and I just looked down.

"Jack, just relax. I just don't like seeing you covered in blood," I muttered. Jack just looked at me with his empty "eyes". A feeling of disgust overcame me. I know what Jack did to his victims, in fact, I was his victim.

What he does is absolutely gut wrenching, and I hated the fact that this man could do something as sick as this. Jack then sighed and crashed down on the bed in exhaust.

As if realizing how odd he was behaving, Jack said, "I must apologize, I just, haven't felt this good in a while." I frowned, just looking over to him from where I stood. So killing was the best feeling for him.

The feeling of taking someone's life was what made me want to scream at Jack for liking. But I can't change that.

Jack is a killer, and nothing is going to change that.

I'm just going to have to accept it.


Well, Jack just wanted to do some killin' and Xayla did not appreciate it :D So I still have a few things that are going to happen int his story before it ends, and I'm hoping that this story will have about 30 chapters or so.

The next chapter will be about how big of an asshole Zalgo really is :]

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