Twenty One - The Graduation-Send-Off Dance

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Chapter Twenty One

This chapter is dedicated to emblemlovatic for suggesting the beauitufl song (on the sidebar) that describes Noah and Ara's relationship pretty well. She also gives the best comments. Thanks love xo

Important: read the author's note at the end of the chapter. 

I was still floating on cloud nine whenI woke up in the morning off the back of my night with Noah. I jumped out of bed, had a shower then glided down the stairs.  My parents were already at work so I had the house to myself. Smiling in delight, I started to make myself some breakfast. I made a fully cooked meal – something I don’t usually do – before sitting down to eat it.

When I’d practically eaten my weight in food, my phone started ringing. My hopes were high when I thought it was Noah but dropped slightly when I realised it was Katie.

“Hey K,” I answered, trying to sound normal. “What’s up?”

“You’re still happy, aren’t you?”

I giggled. “Maybe.”

I’d rung her last night and told her about everything that had happened. She was equally happy for me because like I said, she definitely had a soft spot for Noah.

She sighed. “Pathetic.”

“You were the same with Josh,” I pointed out.

 “Touché,” she laughed before sobering up. “Anyway, have you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“So you haven’t checked your Twitter?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re forgetting I don’t have one.”

“Oh yeah, right, sorry. Anyway, there’s news going around that Lillian Vaughn and her friends are organising a dance. Like, not a party. A formal dance, like Prom.”

I frowned. “But school’s over.”

“Yeah but we didn’t get a homecoming at the beginning of the year, remember? So they thought it was unfair that we had one less dance. So they’re doing a graduation dance.”


“It’s going to happen two nights before graduation and it’s for our Senior class.”

“That only gives everyone a week and a half to get sorted,” I mumbled.

“I know right but I reckon girls will get it sorted. Anyway, I gotta go because Josh is coming over. We’ll go dress shopping tomorrow, okay? Check your Facebook for the event.”

I logged to Facebook when she hung up and sure enough, I'd been invited to an event called the Graduation Send Off. I read over the information and it seemed legit enough so I clicked attending.

As I read the logistics of it all, it got me thinking about my date because with every dance, came the pressure of a date. I wasn't sure if Noah would ask me, heck I wasn't even sure he would even attend the thing. He went to Prom though. He went with Ashley Thomas. So maybe he'd go with her because they did look exceptionally well together. 

My eyes glanced at my phone numerous times, hoping to get a call from him. I was about to pick it up and call him myself when my News Feed refreshed and something caught my eye. It was a status from Noah 'Trip up to Lion Rock with the bro JJ, goodbye technology, hello surf'

I read it and sighed; now he definitely wasn't going to call me. I closed my laptop lid and stood up to put my plate in the dishwasher. I was just closing its door when my phone rang. My stomach twisted but I tried to remain calm. When I saw the Caller ID, it told me it was Noah so taking a few deep breathes, I answered the phone. “Hey.”

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