Day 15 Pt. 2 Finals, finals,FINALS!!!!

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Day 15 Part 2: Finals, Finals, FINALS!!!!

We both hesitate for a moment, but then I dart off. "Hey!" Gwen shouts at me.

"Sorry!" I laugh. She follows suit. I stop when I reach a ten-foot distance to the robotic beetles. I can hear the gears purring from inside their metal bodies. Gwen stops in front of her beetle. We both don't know what to do. The beetle is angry or programmed to be. It starts to charge at me. I run towards Gwen and her beetle.

"What are you doing?!" she yells.

"Winning!" I dive behind Gwen and the beetles dive at her. They barely miss her. They crash to the ground in a heep sending a cloud of dust into the air. When the dust clears Gwen is curled into a ball to protect herself. I am way ahead of her.


"That little...."

End Confessionals.

I reach the sand mines. The mines look like regular sand, but Chris taped off a huge section of it. I step one foot in it and the ground beneath me explodes. I'm covered in mud! I fall and the sand sticks to my clothing. "EW!!" I scream. I look back at Gwen to see that she is still running from both beetles. I figure I have enough time to dip into the water and get this sand off.

Gwen's POV:

I hear the explosion, but I can't look over because the beetles are still pursuing me. I have to shake them. I scan the area as I run. There's a palm tree about twenty yards from where I am. It will be time-consuming, but I have to. I hear a splash. I glance in the direction of the ocean to see Ethan is in it. Wonder why. I pick up speed and head for the palm tree. I stop inches from the tree. The purring of the beetles comes closer. I jump out of the way seconds before the beetles crash into me.


My world is a brilliant flash of sparks and metal. I'm sent flying backward.

"That. Was. AWESOME!!!!" Chris shrieks. I glance over at the ocean to see Ethan getting up. I run towards the sand mines but its futile. Ethan reaches the mines first. He doesn't step on them, though. He picks up a group of rocks and throws them across the taped off sand. Dozens of explosions are sent off.

Ethan's POV:

All the mines are set off. I wait for the smoke to clear. "Thanks for clearing a path!" Gwen shouts. She dashes past me and through the smoke.

"Hey, wait!" I call out.

"Sorry, this is a game!" she laughs.

I run through the smoke to catch up to Gwen. She arrives at the babies and the sunscreen seconds before me. "Seriously, Chris?" I say. "Couldn't you have gotten spray?!"


"The OCD inside me is going to go insane!"

End Confessionals.

"Ew," I say as the goo of sunscreen drips out. Gwen has no problem with the sunscreen. She applies it quick and rubs it in. I have to remember this is a challenge. I apply tiny dots and rub them in, but the genuine person in me feels as if the baby needs more. Gwen finishes and runs towards the pier.

"Aw, screw it!" I say. I rub in the last of the sunscreen and run towards my mother. Not my mother, but the mother that I have to- you get what I mean!

Gwen's POV:

The baby I hold starts to cry as I run. "Oh, please be quiet. I need to win this!" I say to it shushing the baby. I reach the child's mother and put him in her arms. I start to take off, but she grabs my arm.

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