Day 7

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Day 7

Bottom of the cliff:

"Today," Chris says "It is a race to the plane. First team up the cliff gets an advantage in part two of the challenge. Go!"


 I can't go in a tiny plane with a bunch of people. I have clausterphobia! I can't do this challenge.

End confessionals

Gwen's POV:

"Are you sure you want to go through with this," Lauren and Zoey ask me.

"Yeah," I lie. Farther up the cliff I start to slow down, feeling sick. I try to speed up, but throw up instead. When I reach the top the other team and mine are already there. 

"Okay," Chris says., "Since Gwen was here last for the Running Rhinos, the Screaming Snakes win the advantage!"

They cheer.

Ethan's POV:


We won the advantage. Yay. *note sarcasm* How am I supposed to vote off Ethan if we win? I have to sabotage part two.

End confessional

"Here's part two," Chris starts. "Everyone gets in the plane. We will be sky diving! Whichever team who has the most injured or chickens loses. Now into the plane.

Everyone gets in the plane. Almost everyone that is. "I can't do it," Gwen says.

"Okay," Chris told her. "That's already one chicken for the rhinos." He gives her a chicken hat like in season one.

The plane goes up. When we reach full attitude the plane stops rising. "Time to jump!" Chris yells. He hands us parachutes. First is Sky. She lands gracefully. Then Dave. He lands with plop. Then Lauren. She wobbles when her feet touch. Then Zoey. Lands gracefully as Sky Then Mike. He changes personalities and does some flips in the air before opening his parachute. He lands. Then Cam. Cameron screams the whole whay down.  Then Heather. She follows suit. 

Confessional/ Heather

Cameron and I have done a lot together. Maybe when the merge comes I'll be in an alliance with him!

End Confessional

My cousin Matthew jumps. Matthew gets scraed and starts flailing around in the air. He lands and crushes his arm on a rock.  

Colin and I are the only ones left. "If we both don't go-" Colin starts. I jump before he can finish.


I see you play the game, Colin!

End Confessional

 "Hey," he shouts after me. He leans forward to take a good look at me. He falls forward! When I reach the ground Matthew had broken is arm pretty bad and Colin crushed his gaw on a rock in the sand. 

Chris lands the plane. on the beach "Well the Screaming Snakes win, but there will be no elimination," Chris says. "Colin and Matthew are too injured to continue-or so the lawyers say. They are out!"

No cannon for the them. The boat of loser comes for them.

"I am sorry for Matthew," I tell the guys back at the cabin. I don't mention Colin. I had gotten my revenge!

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