Day 10

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Day 10

Boys cabin:

Mike and I were doing some thinking and we decided that we need a fourth memeber of our alliance. So once I realized everyone was up I popped the question."Cameron, do you want to join our alliance?" I ask him.

"Yeah! We need another player." Mike encourages him.

"You guys are in an alliance?" Cameron asks. He looks a litle hurt. Even if he was it is gone in a second. "Yes!


"Today," Chris says,"it is a race to the finish! While dodging some obstacles. Hehe. The first one to cross has get a special reward. You will be racing around the island. Last one back to the dock loses." He stops as if he's done. "Stay on the path. You've been warned. Go!"

We are off! I am the fastest except for Sky. I have to vote Sky off. She has already made it to finals once. She can't make it again. I make sure to stay close to her during the race. I run as fast as I can. I can't catch her. I look behind me. It is Mike, then Zoey, Gwen, then Lauren, Cam, and then Sugar.

It didn't matter if Sky won really. It only matter if she loses. That's the only way for her to be eliminated.

Chris had set up a finish line. We are headed straight towards it. The ground before it was an odd color. No matter. It's time to fufill my plans. I gather my last burst of energy and charge at Sky. I jump and land on top of her.

"Hey!" She yells at me. Mike zooms towards the finish line. He steps onto the darker colored ground. Out of nowhere venomous snakes shoot out. One sinks its teeth into Mike.

"Mike!" Zoey exclaimed. She grabs Mike and they hobble across the finish line. After biting Mike the snakes left. Gwen and Lauren cross.

"Mike wins!" Chris announces. "Your reward; a vacination for that lethal bite you got!"

"Lethal!?" Mike says.

"Get off of me!" Sky yells at me.

"Not until you're last and get eliminated!" I shout.

"You'll be last if you don't get off of me!" she says.

"No I-" I stop. Yes I will. "Nevermind. You are right." I get up and we cross the finish line.

About an hour later Cameron and Sugar come into view. They are neck and neck. Exsausted, Cameron says, "Energy level, low. Need to sleep." He falls on his face.

"Cameron, no!" Mike and I scream. We run over to help him up, but Chris says we can't. Sugar passes Cameron.

"Come on, Cameron!" we cheer. Sugar is about ten feet from the finish line when Cameron perks up.

"What?" he says disoriented. "Oh no!" he says as he sees Sugar. He jumps up and runs across the finish.

"And Cameron crosses the finish line! That means Sugar is out!" Chris announces


We stand by the cannon. "Any last words, Sugar?" Chris asks.

"I'll be back. Ima win this pageant!" she screams as she blasts off.

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