Day 4

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Day 4

Girl's cabin Running Rhinos:

"I don't have any friends here now," Gwen says to Lauren. "I hate Heather and I barely know anyone else.

"Well, you can get to know me," Lauren says to cheer her up.

Challenge Area:

Ethan's POV:

Along with everyone else, I am wondering where Chris was. We all stand by the Mess Hall. Sky notices something nailed to the wooden building. "Look a note," Sky tells everyone. We race to it. 

Dave reads it, "'I have gone missing. Find me in the place where Scarlett went crazy. -Chris.'" 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Heather asks.

"In season six Scarlett went crazy out of annoyance with Max. The island is mostly mechanical, so she went to the control room to blow it up," Jazmine tells Heather. The teams split off. Jazmine says to our team, "Chris gave Shawn a map of the underground system after he won the show in season six. When he was eliminated he gave it to me!"

"Nice Jazmine," my team whisper cheers. We take a look at the map.

Running Rhinos:

"Now what do we do?" Matthew asks his team.

"Don't worry," Sugar says. "I know what to do. Last season...." she whispers to them and then they start to look under rocks.

Ethan's POV:

The map said there was an entrance under a big rock in the forest. Jazmine points out the rock and we move it aside. The map isn't very helpful after that. It doesn't label anything! It is just a  big maze. Jazmine says she remembers the way, but she leads us to a bunch of Chris bots.

The bots charge at us with great speed. One of them grabs Dave and throws him across the room. He lands and a cloud of dust surrounds him. The rest of the team runs before the bots can do the same to them. "Dave, let's go!" I scream. Dave is in a ball, hugging his knees. I run off. The Chris bots follow.

Running Rhinos:

Soon the Rhinos find a certain rock and makes it to the underground maze. The path they take is a direct route to the control room. No twist or turns like the Snakes' path. "And the Running Rhinos win!" Chris says as they enter the control room.


Ethan's POV:

"Jazmine, you are going home," Chris says blankly.

"What about the marshmallows?" I question.

"Everyone voted for Jazmine including herself." That's depressing. "So, bye!" She's loaded into the cannon, and... I don't watch after that. I liked Jazmine. She was nice. She's gone. No matter. I'm one person closer a million bucks!

Underground Tunnel:

"Guys? Anyone there? Sky! Ethan?" Dave shouts. The Chris bots turn and start toward him. "HELP!"

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