Day 5

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Day 5 

The teams, as of right now, are tied at six. I think I can win. You know, the entire thing.


"I led my team to victory last time. I think I am the team favorite!"

Dave: It was no surprise Jazmine was sent home. She was terrible! She led us to a room with robot Chris bots! I hate the guy already! Plus, it was so dirty!

End confessionals.

Girl's Cabin Rhinos: 

Lauren's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night. It's to dark to see the moon. Looking around the cabin, I realize I'm all alone in my cabin. Next to me is a camera. On instinct I grab it and see what's been taken. There's a video. It's from Chris.


 Hello, Contestant. You and your team need to make it to the dock. The first team to the dock wins.

End video

I walk outside. The dock is by the elimination campfire. I start to the dock but figure I should look for my team first.

Colin's POV:

I can't believe Chris is making us do a challenge at in the middle of the night. I wake up next to the fire pit. To close fro comfort. I head to the dock. Matthew is already there. It is tied at 1, 1.

Gwen's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the kitchen. Disgusting! I barely survived Chef's cooking before!

I remember the murderer challenge from season one. I shiver i fright. I hear the door open. I grab a pan. "Don't whack! It's me," Lauren says.

"Oh, hey," I say. "You scared me half to death!"

"Yeah. Sorry," she says. It is getting really cold.  The sooner this challenge was over the better, so we walk to the dock.



and Mike are already there from our team.




and Dave are there from the other team. Only Sugar needs to arrive then we win!

Somewhere in the forest:

Sugar's POV:

These berries are real good!

Cameron's POV:

Heather and I wake up at the top of the cliff. We take the long trek down the cliff to the dock. 

When we arrive our entire team is there. Sugar isn't. "We-" I start.

Chis comes out if nowhere. "The Screaming Snakes win!"

"AHHHHH!" I scream. "Don't do that, man! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"


"Hurry up and give the votes, Chef!" He runs over and ands Chris. The Confessional Cam. "Ugh, finally! I want to go back to bed! The votes are in. The following are safe:





and the final marshmallow goes too...

Zoey! Sugar, you are gone!" 

She blasts out of the cannon "Blahhhhhh!!!!!" she barfs in the air.

Ethan's POV:

I go to my cabin after dinner. "Told you we could win," I tell Colin as we walk.

He smirks. "Yeah, you're right."


We are winning. For now. Soon there will only be ten of us. Time for us to start losing.

Zoey: I know we all voted for Sugar because she was not at the dock, but why did she vote for me?

End confessionals.

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