Day 2

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Day 2

The next day I am so tired. I walk out of the cabin door and see Sky in front of me. "Hey, Sky."

"Oh hey, Ethan," she says. She is about to continue when the loud speaker sounds. Chris tells us to meet him at the beach. With no bathing suit. 

"Okay, everyone," Chris says "The first part of your challenge is to climb up that cliff." We all groan. "The first team to the top gets an advantage in part two. Go!"

The teams start up. Everyone on my team is pretty fast, except Cameron. The teams are tied, but he is way behind us. I race back to him. "Are you okay, Cam?" I ask.

"Yeah. Just tired," he says. I try to pick him up.

"Can I get some help please?" Sky comes down to help. We carry Cam to the top. Both teams are there.

"The Running Rhinos get the advantage," Chris says.

"What is the challenge?" Dave asks. I stand next to Colin.

"You have to dive into the water and grab the key of invincibility. The first team to do so wins immunity. Any questions?" The Running Rhinos raise their hands. "Okay," Chris says," no questions."

"Wait," Gwen says. "What's our advantage?"

"Oh, that." Chris replies glumly. "You guys dive first. Go!"

Gwen dives in and then Heather does. Gwen climbs out of the water with no key. "Some advantage," she says sarcastically. Heather comes out with nothing as well. Sky dives in. So does Duncan. Sky, actually using a proper dive from, goes faster and faster. There's a huge splash. Duncan does a belly flop. That had to hurt! He doesn't even go under. He gets out right away clutching his stomach. Sky comes out of the water with something shiny in her hand. A key! 

"The Snakes win again!" Chris announces.


"Second time, Rhinos. You have to step up your game! The votes are in. The following people are safe:"






Mike and Duncan. The final marshmallow goes too...

 Mike. Duncan, you can leave just like your girlfriend did. Bye!"

"He's not her boyfriend," Gwen states. Duncan spins and is launched.

I feel bad for my sister and cousin. No matter. Neither of them were eliminated. 

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