Day 8

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Day 8

This morning Chris stood on top of the cabins, with our stuff strewn everywhere. "Challenge time, kiddies! Climb the cabins get your stuff back."

"That's what that stomping was!" Heather says.


Sky flipps to the top. Shocker. Dave and Cam latched onto the gutter, but ccan't get their footing. I push Cam and Dave. "Find A groove in the wood!" I shout. They finally get up. "Heather, hurry up!" I shout at her.

The four of us are up. Scratch that.

The five of us. Heather climbs up. "Took you long enough!" I tell her.

"Sorry!" Heather says "I need my beauty sleep!"

"That's for sure," Dave mutters I high-five him. "Dirty! But, um, that's okay."

"The Rhinos win!" Chris yells

"What?" Sky, Heather, and I yell.

"Yeah," Chris says. They beat you. If it were just four of you...."

We glare at Heather.


"The following are safe:




and the final marshmallow goes too...


Heather you are out! See ya!" Chris loads her into the cannon. She spins and is launched.

Wow. Heather is gone. The "Queen of Mean!"

The teams gather by the cabins. Before entering Chris announces to us, "The teams are dismantled!" Gasp!   Along with that, I brought Sugar back!"

"Hi y'all," Sugar says as she steps out of the shadows.

Total Drama Disaster Season 8Where stories live. Discover now