Wooing the Swan (Dexter/Duchess)

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"Mr.Charming," Professor Knight called after Dexter as class ended, "Please stay a moment."

His older brother Daring patted his back, "Think it's time for your Wooing Mission." The Wooing Mission was an assessment given to each Wooing 101 student once a year, where you are assessed to Woo a certain person in a certain amount of time.

Dexter gulped, hoping that he could get the nerves out of his head. He wasn't good at flirting at all, even when he finally asked out his crush it turned out that she was in love with her roommate, who returned her feelings.

Dexter walk to his teachers desk and waited until the rest of the student left.

"How are you doing Dexter," his professor asked as he read something in a folder.

"I am doing quite well sir," he answered.

"You want to know something Dexter," his professor didn't give him time to answer, "On every written test I give you, you get some of the highest score in the class but when you are given face to face challenges you get nervous. This is the only class that you aren't doing that well in, other than Hero Training, so I decide to give you an assessment that partners with one of your other classes."

"Thank you sir?," Dexter replied questionably.

"I mean that quite literally Dexter," his professor made dead eye contact with him.

"What do you mean by that sir," Deter answered, pulling up a chair from one of the desks.

"I asked your Advance Crownclousy teacher to assessed you someone of your grade level and within the end of the semester I expect you to have at least gone on one date with her," His professor seem to have a evil gleam in his eye.

"Um thanks you sir?," Dexter said for once not totally nervous. He was one of the only underclassman in the class, so he was pretty sure he could get a pity date from one of the older girls. Hey he might even get some street cred with his brother.

"Do know who she is sir?," he asked.

"Even if I did Dexter, I would not tell you. Now get to your next class, I also have other classes to teach."

Dexter bowed his head and left the classroom, thinking that it might not be that bad.


Dexter sat in his seat, eager but he felt the butterfly in his stomachs. What if he got someone who didn't like him or what if he couldn't convince the girl to go out with him. Maybe this was too much to hope for.

"Dexter Charming," the teacher call. Dexter swung his back over his shoulder.

The teacher seemed to meet his eyes from she said, "With Duchess Swan." Dexter must have heard her wrong. He had never seen Duchess in the class before. He looked around in front of him and then looked back. There, sitting in the farthest seat in the corner, was Duchess Swan. The girl he know had to win over.

Dexter didn't know Duchess, he knew of her, but he didn't know her. He know that she had had some fairy fail moments this year with some of his friends, he know that she was one of the best dancer in the school, and that was about it. He didn't even remember a time where he had talked to her.

He walked to the back of the class to take the seat next to Duchess, who was just starring at him. He waved and she looked at him with new confused in his eye. He brought his hand down and pushed it into his pocket, not wanting to believe that he just waved to her.

Maybe he should just accept his fairy fail now and just focus on the project.

"So do you want to get started," he asked, opening his notebook to a fresh page.

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