Chapter 44- Rain

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Rain’s pov.

I think they forgot that I have Ash's telepathic power while I'm near him. I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself. I never needed anyone else before.

Whatever. The thing that really hurts is that they would keep Soal and Me in the dark about something that could change us forever. Do I not have a right to know that I may die today?

I share a look with Soal and I know she agrees. I had put up a telepathic block to keep everyone out of our heads so we can talk undetected. 

'That is so not okay.' She says.

'They can't just not warn you that you might die. And then, knowing that this might be your last day, they continue to go through with it just to test their stupid theory.' 

I nod slightly to not attract attention.

We sit in silence for the rest of the ride, both of us letting our thoughts wonder to the scenarios that might be in store for us tonight.

"We're here!" Says Noah in a cheery voice. He's a good actor.

We walk the test of the way up the trail to the deserted mountain side.

"What are we doing here, Noah?" Asks Isis innocently.

"Flight lessons." He says simply.

We all take our wings out through our wing holes.

"Quick question," starts Elliot.

"What's up with purple, black, and gray?"

"They are the three colors of Gajeel. Black is what was, purple is what will be, and silver is the knowledge of both. Meaning," adds Alex at our confused looks, "purple, is future, black is past, silver is, as I said, the knowledge of both."

"So.... She can see the future, she can talk to the dead, and he's a genius." Asks Elliot. 

"Didn't we already cover that?"

"Oh. Yeah" 

"Back to flying lessons." Interrupts Noah.

"I already know how to fly." Announces Isis.

"All you have to do is move your wings like they're another set of arms. Like so." She runs to the edge of the cliff and jumps off. She zooms back up and soars through the sky, her wings flapping through the air.

"Your turn." She says as she lands on the rock.

Soal and I share a look become we run to the end and jump off, our wings pushing us upwards.

The feeling is exhilarating. It's like I'm the most powerful being in the world. I can't help but let out a whoop as the wind blows my long, curly hair out of my face. 

Much too soon, it's time to land. That's the hard part. As I land, my ankle catches on a rock and I fall in midair and land at an awkward angle, quickly falling to a heap on the floor. I am practically immobilized form the pain radiating from my ankle. I think it's broken. I see everybody running over to me, fear in their eyes. They probably think Isis's vision came true and I'm dead. 

I struggle into a sitting position and relief is clear on Noah's face.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yes. Because obviously, a broken ankle means you're fine. What do you think genius?" 

"I think that you’re in a talkative mood today." He replies, smiling.

He helps me up and we walk back to the car. Of course, Soal landed perfectly fine. 

Maybe I'm just a failure I think to myself.

You’re wrong, Rain. You’re not a failure. You’re a beautiful creature with a purpose that just hasn't been completed yet. Love yourself like I love you, Soal projects her voice through my head.

Always trust that girl to know what to say

Through the Fire and the Flames (The Ember Chronicles Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now