Chapter 14- Noah

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Noah's pov

"Soal." I tapped her shoulder, waking her up.

"Come on Soal, were home"

I help her out of the car and walk with her to the living room.

"Anybody hungry?" I ask.

A series of yeses erupt in response.

I warm up some left over Chinese food and set it on big trays. Then I warm some French fries and open a bottle of Skippy’s peanut butter. I bring the food to the living room and plop it down in the coffee table. 

"Dig in humans!"

Soal dives for the general Tso chicken and the peanut butter faster than we can blink.

"Hey!" I whine. "That was my peanut butter!"

"She looks at me, then back to the peanut butter. Then she sticks her spoon in the bottle and eats a spoonful without breaking eye contact with me.

"Don't have to be so mean about it." I mumble.

Everyone chuckles then Soal gives me back my peanut butter, after taking another bite of course.

"Alright people. Down to business. First things first." Announces Tate.

"We have to train you in your powers, Soal. What can you do?"

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, I've read minds and controlled weather."

"Hmm. That's and unusual compound. Why don't you try to read my mind?"

She stares at him in concentration for a second than sighs.

"I can't do it."

"Hey Soal," says Ash. "Here's a tip to telepathy. When you first start off, the easiest way to do it is to imagine yourself entering the persons mind. Go deeper and deeper into it until you get to the center and you'll find a box. Open it and then boom. Thoughts."

She nods and looks into Tate's eyes. A couple moments pass before she says

"I got it! Tate your thinking about what to think about!"

We all laugh and Ash claps.

"You go girl!"

"Read mine!" Yells Elliot.

"You’re thinking about cupcakes."


"Alright. Ash will train you with that as for this weather thing I can help you with that. I read a book about that once. All you have to do is: think of an emotion that reminds you of that weather."

Soal closes her eyes in concentration and suddenly I hear the pitter patter of Raindrops on the window.

"What did you think of?"

"Pain. Sadness. Misery." She responds in quiet voice.

I give her a reassuring hug.

"Wait a minute...." Says Elliot. "Soal, try to light a fire. All you have to do is imagine heat traveling through your body and combusting at a certain spot."

Soal nods once again and closes her eyes in concentration. After about a minute of silence her finger catches fire.

She stares at it in shock and then starts to smile.

"I did it!!"

"Now Tate tell her how you do your thing" says Elliot, concentration written on his face.

"Okay. Study your target and then imagine yourself carving a price of clay into that exact shape. That's all there is to it."

Soal stares at me for a couple seconds then closes her eyes. Next thing I know it's like I'm staring at myself in a mirror.

"I see what you’re on to, Elliot. If your right then this chick is more special than most." Tate says thoughtfully.

"Alex? Tell her how to your power."

"Pretty much just imagine all your energy piling into your throat and then say the magic words to activate it. The words are in Latin by the way. Try saying levitate which is pronounced levitate (levy-tot-tay). And concentrate on that lamp."

Soal does as she's told and red haze envelopes the lamp causing it to raise into the air before the haze fades and the lamp starts to fall back to the ground

Thankfully, Alex catches is in his purple haze before it crashes. 

"We can work on that." He laughs, but I can see the pain behind his eyes. It reminds him of the past.

"Wait, why was mine red?" Asks Soal.

"Oh the color varies depending on the person."

"All that's left now is you Noah." Says Elliot.

"Okay" I stand up.

"Now Soal. What I want you to do is imagine yourself light as a feather. No, as light as helium. Then picture yourself floating up into the air."

"Okay" she closes her eyes and concentrates. Next thing I know her feet are lifting up off the ground and she is nearing the ceiling. When she touches it, she opens her eyes and laughs.

"Woo! Just one question, though." She says


"How do I get down?"

"Oh right. Just imagine yourself being really heavy. Like an elephant or something."

She does it and her eyes widen as she drips like a rock to the ground. I jump out to catch her and she giggles in hysteria.

"I thought I was going to die."

"I wouldn't let that happen."

"I guess it's decided then." Announces Elliot. 

"Your power is our power. You can everything we can do."

Through the Fire and the Flames (The Ember Chronicles Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now