Fourteen - The Rules of Weekend Play

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The Rules of Weekend Play

The host of the event, who has just taken to the stage and is now being watched on screens throughout the ballroom, first greets the masters, praising their goodness and kindness once again for attending this weekend event for the benefit of their submissive, and then greets the subservient women, reminding them of their privileged and fortunate existence due to their belonging to a master-subservient bond, and, furthermore, to having such a generous master in that bond. The sharply dressed man then outlines the weekend.

“Our first cycle will begin shortly, at two,” he begins. Two a.m., that is. “And each cycle this weekend will be made up of four hours, four activities. The last cycle will therefore end Sunday night, or rather, Monday morning, at two, which gives you forty-eight hours, masters, to nurture and to cherish your submissives by allowing them repeated access to the truest, most magnificent, and most exalted way of male gifting and rewarding for any female-being, in all of her world, from your body to hers. You also have forty-eight hours to observe and to appreciate the wondrous benefit and fulfilment provided to all females by their respective master, as all of you true men of nature and merit devote yourselves to tending to your respective subservient.”

He pauses in order that his words linger.

Men of nature, now? Not of God? Do some masters, then, just add God to the mix because of their own personal beliefs? Catherine nervously asks herself. 

“There will be a total of twelve cycles this weekend, with two four-hour cycles reserved as time for masters to get some well-deserved sleep, following all of their demanding efforts. Submissives will not sleep, since they must not smudge their precious art and not diminish in that way their master’s endeavour to provide for them the sense of worth that they require in order to feel whole. Going without sleep is also a way to show appreciation for a master’s care. And, masters, know that your art is most beloved and treasured by your submissive. However, such undivided attention on your part by way of such selfless giving may also be overwhelming for her, as her being’s absolute, utter happiness and bliss in existence are reached through your nurturing, through her realization of the righteousness of this way of life. And, since that just might be too much for some females to handle, behaviour may subsequently result on their part that is inconsistent with your gifting of paradise on Earth. Just be patient, masters, and know better. The closing of her eyes is merely her body’s doing, and is not an insult, since, within herself, she is in deep awe and has tremendous respect for who grants this bliss to her: you. However, that being said, smudged art, unless the result of a show or a contest, disqualifies a canvas from competition, with other exceptions to be judged on a case-by-case basis. If a canvas is responsible for another canvas’ smudge, if a canvas harms another master’s art on purpose, she will have no reprieve, and punishment will be swift and harsh. Please make that clear to all females, masters. Even if disqualified from the judging, all submissives, however, will of course compete to the end."

Is he trying to hypnotize us? The women here? Shiny watch on a chain swinging from side to side? What’s with the tone and all the words? He’s speaking to a room full of sexually eager men, and mostly prostitutes.  And how messed up does a woman have to be to believe that any of this is really for her?

“At two, our first cycle will begin, with submissives to take pleasure in bringing forth their master’s first offering upon their body. Artists will then design using that contributed creative material and will apply the fixative when the art on their living-canvas is designed to their liking. I remind you that we will be using a milder version of the fixative as well, one that is to be applied immediately after your gifting upon your subservient. It’s been found that better end results ensue, and, don’t worry, the substance of your award, or reward,  remains shape-able after the first fixative.”

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