2 Other Brothers

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"Impossible..." She muttered.

"It's alright if you want to leave now. We understand right Shu?" Karlheinz said.

"I suppose." Shu was saddened.

"Why would I want to leave?" Her eyes watered.

"Huh?" Both of them stared at her.

"Finally...one of my kind." She looked up and showed her fangs with tears streaming down.

The bruise that Beatrix gave her began to heal.

"I don't know when but I think it was my mother..." She began to shake. "I had to suppress the urges to bite people. I don't know what to do...please..." Her head was screaming for blood. "Help me..."

"How could I not notice..." Karlheinz lifted up the girl into his arms. "Don't worry little child. Drink from me." He patted the girls head trying to calm her down.

"I-i could never to that to you Karlheinz-sama...I never drank before so please...I don't want to..." She felt her fangs grow longer from the thirst she was feeling.

"Don't worry. Go ahead. It pains me to see a vampire unable to drink blood. Especially a young one." She tried to push away but he pushed her back into his arms. "I order you to drink."

Her eyes widened and she felt herself obeying to the king's wish. "I'm sorry..." She bit into his neck sipping the blood that ran through him.

"Don't be child. All vampires are my children and so are you." He stood still petting her head.

She finally had enough to quench her thirst. She unconsciously licked the bite mark and it healed immediately.

"It seems like you have learned much from yourself." He put her down on the couch.

"Karlheinz-sama, Shu-sama...I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." She bowed to them. "I finally have a real family..."

"May I ask about your parents?" The King sat down beside her and Shu sat at the opposite.

"It's alright..." She began telling her story.


"Mommy mommy!" A little girl about 5 years old, ran over to her mom cooking and hugged her leg.

"Ah! Melody, I'll finish cooking and we would eat okay? Call your father for me." She pat her head.

"Okay!" She ran back to the living room and she tripped. "Wahhh!" She started to cry.

"What's wrong?" Her father came down hearing her cry.

"Ahh she has a bruise." Her mother went over to her and comforted her. "Come on. I'll show you my magic trick." She waved her hand above her wound.

"Magic?" The little girl stopped crying.

"Pain, pain go away!" She chanted at the wound magically disappeared.

"Wahh! It doesn't hurt anymore!" She jumped up and down.

"Go upstairs and get my glasses will you sweetie?" Her dad asked.

"Okay!" She ran upstairs.

"She's growing so fast. We can't hide this for long." Her mother was exhausted.

"It's alright honey." Her husband hugged her.

"She need to take these blood pills now...I'm sorry for this honey..." She cried in his arms.

Maid To Queen (Diabolik lovers fanfic) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now