35 Forced

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"Make it fast." She snapped.

"No matter what happens... know that I will always be on your side." Jasmine gave a sad smile.

"What does that mean?! You betrayed Karl-sama so explain to me how you are on my side!" She shouted in rage. She didn't care if someone heard her, she needed to know why Jasmine betrayed her.

"I...can't tell you. Not now." Jasmine lowered her head in shame. "Just know I had to do it. Tell me what you need, that is as much as I can provide you."

"THEN LET ME OUT!" She ran so fast that even Jasmine was surprised. She grabbed her collar and lifted her up. "THAT IS WHAT I WANT!"

"You know I can't do that." Jasmine gripped her wrist and she let go. "If you need something just call me..."

"There is one thing I want...tell me what is 'W'? What does it stand for? What does it mean?" She sat on the bed and looked down on the floor.

"Plan 'W' is capturing you and making you our queen. I think Richter already told you but we need a ruler. Vampires cannot live long enough without a ruler, so Richter plans to take the throne using you."

"But I have no connections to Karl-sama so why?!"

"You still don't believe it do you? You have drank multiple time from Karlheinz am I right? His royal blood has taken over your half human which makes you special."

"I...." She wanted to protest but kept her mouth shut. There was no denying it now. "What is 'W'?"

"Invert it and it will be 'M' it's your name. It's corny b-" Jasmine was cut by someone entering the room.

"Well well well, Jasmine. Mind telling me what you are telling our guest?" Richter entered the room.

"Ah-I-uh. I didn't me-I." Jasmine had a change of expression. She had a look which she never thought she could make. A look of fear.

"What she says dosen't matter to you." She snapped at him. "So shut it."

"If you say so. Jasmine get out I need to talk to her alone."

"Yes..." Jasmine quietly left the room.

Ricther has only visited her a few times the past month. Small visits such as asking how she was, or letting her feed, or merely visiting her. Nothing he said was important and now she sensed that something major is going to be spilled.

"How's your days spending it in here?" Richter put on a fake smile.

"Aside from being in here all day. The same as usual." She made her reply quick.

"That's good. Is Hina treating you well?"

"Better than you will ever do. Cut to the chase. You came here to tell me something right? Spill it." She was getting irritated every second he was in the room.

"It's time for me to become the king. I have waited long enough and the people have also waited long enough. We, vampires, need a ruler." His expression turned serious.

"So? I told you before and I'll repeat it again. I have NO intention of becoming queen, much less your wife."

"Hah...I guess I have no other choice." He snapped his fingers and suddenly two buff bodyguards appeared in the room.

"What are you doing?!" She stood in a fighting position ready to defend herself.

"I guess Jasmine didn't tell you the true objective of 'W' huh?"

"Well then humor me." She growled.

"Brain wash you and force you into submission. Go." He ordered the guards.

"As if I'm going to let you take me." She punched the gut of the guy on the left and he let out a heavy grunt.

She kicked the guy on the right but he caught her foot and threw her across the room, but managed to soften her landing with her feet. She ran at them in full speed and punched them both in the face. The guards leaned back to avoid being hit only leaving a centimeter until grabbing both her arms and pinning her down.

"LET ME GO!" She screamed as she flailed around trying to loosen their grip.
(Let it goooo let it gooo! XD XD continue reading :P)

"No can do princess." Richter looked down at her.

"Don't make me...KILL YOU!" She used sheer strength and threw off the bodyguards making them crash into the wall and breaking it. "Your turn." She glared at Richter but he just had a smirk on his face.

She merely touched the floor with her toes but the power inside her made the floor tiles crack. Sprinting full speed towards Richter, you would think that he would get hit but no. He side stepped making her abuptly stop her tracks and crash into the wall. Slowly this time she charged at Richter with her fist outstretched but he caught it with his hands. She was about to kick him until he grabbed her back and wrist and flung her strongly against the wall making a huge crack.

"Compared to me your still a baby bird. Don't even try." This again. She felt helpless against this man. Like she did last time.

"Papa! Melody!" Hina suddenly went to the guard on the ground and grabbed his shirt. "Papa! Papa!"

"H..ina...get away...from here." The man on the ground said weakly in between coughs.

"I don't wanna!" Hina had tears running down her cheek.

"Oh!" Richter had a dangerous new glint in his eyes once he saw Hina.

"STOP!" She shouted. She knew what he was planning.

"Come over here!" Richter grabbed Hina from the back of her clothes into the air. "How about you make big sister submit, hm?"

"LET HER GO RICHTER! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" She stood up with blood running down her body.

Hina was shaking her head vigorously while her tears were spilling out.

"How about if I do this?" A sadistic look escaped from Richter as he stepped on Hina's father's wound.

"GAHH!" The guard arched his back from the intense pain.

"PAPAAA!" Hina was now a sobbing wreak. Not only on the outside, but in the inside as well. Hina was struggling against Richter but there was no way a child can defeat a full grown man.

"How about now?" He grinded his feet even more.

"Stop that RICHTER!" She shouted as the other guard locked her arms behind her.

So damn persistent!

"Don't hurt her face!" He commanded the guard. "Still not budging huh Hina? Hahaha! I know!" He let her down. "Kill her." He commaned the father.

The guard looked up with a questioning look mixed with absolute fear.

"You heard me. Kill her. Kill Hina. Kill your child."

"P-please! I will do anything-I- please!" Despite the pain the guard was feeling he bowed down in front of Richter.

"Fine then." The man had hope fill his eyes for a second. "Hurt her instead. That's what I want. Do it or I'll kill your wife and unborn child. Make it hard so that she passes out!"

The guard had plain fear written on his face as he faced Hina.

"It will only sting for awhile okay?" He cupped her cheek gently.

"Papa...?" Hina looked up to face his eyes.

"See this is the power I have over these people." Richter smugly boasted.

The man raised his clenched fist with eyes closed and swung it. In a flash Melody broke free and was in front of Hina who was clutching her own dress in fear. She got hit instead and was sent flying into the wall.

"As I suspected." Richter kicked Hina away and walked over to where Melody passed out. "Sweet dreams my queen."


Maid To Queen (Diabolik lovers fanfic) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now