49 Awake

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He leaned on her chest to make sure he wasn't day dreaming. Indeed it was her heart pumping.

"R-Reiji!" He ran out the room as fast as possible and went to find his brother.

"What is it Shu? You startled Hina." Reiji looked at him and to Hina, who was playing tea with him.
(Just imagine this scene. And think how stupid Reiji looks XD )

"It's h-her!" Shu stumbled over his words.

"What about her? Is she still sleeping?" Reiji made a expression telling him to use sleep as a way for not letting Hina know.

"Sh-She's awake! Reiji help me get her up!" Shu's tone urgently told him to hurry.

"Awake?!" The shock was evident on Reiji's face.

"Is mommy not supposed to wake up?" Hina asked innocently.

"Hina, stay here okay? Your mommy is just a little sick. Kanato!" Reiji shouted and Kanato opened the door and peaked in.

"You don't have to be so loud. What do you want?" Kanato lazily asked.

"Give Hina Teddy! She's awake." His tone suggested that he was not joking.

"If you say so..." Kanato was still reluctant but gave Teddy to Hina, who gleefully took it. "Take care of him."

"I will Kanato bro!" Hina hopped on to Reiji's bed and played with Teddy.

"Let's hurry, she may need medicine." Reiji pocketed a vial of medicine and headed off to call the others.

Once they finally got together they all surrounded her again while Reiji examined her.

"Her heart is functioning again...unbelievable. How is it even possible?" He checked her pulse again to make sure.

"I can hear it...her heart." Subaru said. "It's faint..the knife! It's blocking tje healing process!"

"We have to remove it!" Ayato almost got the knife only if Laito didn't stop him.

"If we pull it out her blood will gush out. We can't have her lacking in blood." Laito said.

"For once, he's right. Her cells are too focused on healing her blood right now and it would take longer for her outer layer of skin to heal...we need to feed her." Reiji thought.

"Once we take out the knife then we have to give her blood, that's it right?" Shu stood up. "Then it will be me giving her blood."

"No! It should be me! My knife killed her. It's technically me telling her to kill herself so let me do it!" Subaru protested.

"No I'm the one who drove her to killing herself!"

"It was still my sword!"

"It's my respon-"

"Just take turns." Hina appeared in front of them.

"Hina!" Ayato and Laito tried to cover up her dead body.

"It's fine... I knew about it. You can't just hide that obvious looking blade by just a blanket and the smell of mommy's blood is here." Hina walked up to them bravely. "The moment I went inside this room I could tell mommy needed blood."

"How did you even...?" Subaru wondered.

"That's my apprentice." Reiji ruffled her hair and one could almost see a blush rising up her cheeks.

"Hehehe! So anyways! You need to take turns. And hurry it up! Mommy's heart beat is fading!"

"Thank you Hina." Shu pat her head. "I'm sorry for lying."

"It's okay. I'm sure mommy asked you to not tell me, but I am a grown vampire!" Hina stated proudly with a pose.

"Alright then."

"Teddy please?" Kanato took Teddy back. "Please wake up soon, we miss your blood." Kanato let Teddy's lips meet hers before biting and sucking on his arm, collecting the blood inside his mouth.

"Don't look at this Hina." Reiji covered her eyes and made her look away.


Kanato nodded as Reiji pulled the dagger and blood gushed out. Without a moments hesitation, Kanato kissed her and put his blood inside her system. He didn't matter if his clothes were bloody. All that mattered is that she lived.

"Please forgive me for teasing you. I promise I won't do it again...No promises actually." Laito smirked as he bit inside his cheek and kissed her.

Slowly but carefully her body began reacting to the blood and naturally sucked on the one who was giving blood to her. Laito signaled Subaru to go next. She was taking so much blood out of him.

"My sword did this to you, it's only natural for me to pay the price for it." Subaru bit his wrist and collected the blood inside his mouth like Kanato did, and connected his lips with hers.

Her heart began pumping louder and the blood that was once gushing out was now slowly stopping.

"I won't call you shrimp anymore, because you've grown a lot in your true self. Instead I'll call you pet, so open your eyes." Ayato bit inside his cheek and gave her blood.

At this point Shu was ready to give his all to her, but one more man should give her blood before him.

"You have helped me since I was a kid. When my mother told me that I was not good enough you defended me and I will forever be greatful for that. Please accept this." He stored the vial contents inside his mouth and kissed her.

A trail of medicine and saliva trailed down her chin and down her neck. Reiji then punctured the area where the shoulders meet the neck using his nails and hoisted her body up to let her drink from him. Out of natural instinct she followed the scent of blood and digged her fangs on his neck.

"That's it...drink slowly." Reiji encouraged her to drink more.

"Reiji, that's enough, she'll suck you dry." Shu warned.

"Alright." He pulled away yet Melody was still craving for more.

"I love you." That was all he needed to say to convey everything that he was feeling as bit his lips drawing blood and kissed her.

This woke something inside of her.

This tastes familiar...It's warm. I'm dead aren't I? And yet my body is craving for blood...

She let her body do what it wants for now and let her subconscious mind take over.

After she was satisfied her wound inside and outside her body was completely healed. She was now resting with a satisfied expression on.

"Does she really need to rest now?" Ayato gave a tired smile.

"Adding the amout she drank from all of us. She could have sucked a man dry." Laito chuckled as he sat down on a chair exhausted.

"She's breathing. It means she's alive. Then thats good enough for me." Subaru sank to his chair.

"Here you might want to give this back to her once she wakes up." Reiji handed Subaru the silver blade.

"Your right...I'll clean it up." Subaru went to a different bathroom.

"I need to clean Teddy." Kanato also left the room.

"Come on Hina, you two too. We have to make the antidote just in case." Reiji called Laito and Ayato to follow him and so they did.

They were left again, alone inside the room.

"It took them a while to leave."


This ain't the end yet! This was longer than expected.

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