15 Takoyaki

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This dedicated reader over here Blackittycats, is such a encouragement to make me keep on writing. I really appreciate your comments gurl. This chapter is for you😉

Ayato only nodded and left the classroom.

"What do you need me for?" She faked a smile as she made her way toward the girls.

"Are you and the Sakamaki brothers really just 'siblings'?" Girl A asks suspicously

"Of course. What else would I be?"

"Tsk. Your obviously lying! You have a relationship with one of them right?!" Girl B pushed her from behind.

"Who is it?! Is it with Ayato? Reiji? Subaru? Or is it Laito?" Girl 3 kneed the back of her knee, the popliteal area.

"You little slut! You can't have them!"

"They are ours! You can't take them away!"

"You need to leave them now!" Girl B starts to push her around.

"Hehehe." She chuckles which weirded the girls out. "You don't know them like I do."

"What do you mean?!" Girl A raised her hand about to hit her but she grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Listen here girl A. You don't mess with them or me." She had no emotions on her face but pure annoyance. Their faces were only inches apart. "You only care for their looks, name, wealth and body. You don't care for them like how I do and did. Don't ever treat them like as if you own them."

"L-let me go!" Girl A started to struggle under her steel grip.

"I won't let go until you stay away from them." She said those words with anger coating them.

"I-i p-promise! Just let me go!" She lets her go.

Her wrist had red marks on them. She notices it and looks at her with shock.

"Oi Melody." Shu rests his chin on her head, like a headrest.

"Shu! What are you doing here?"

"Came to pick you up. You were taking long?" He scanned the scene with his bored and lazy eyes. "Did they do something?"

"Nothing at all." She smiled his way. "Now tell your little ducklings to do as I said okay?"

Girl A nodded her head way to vigorously. They all ran away like a little rabbit who a fox had eyes on.

"Bye bye~" She bowed sweetly at their minimizing back as they run away.

"Hmmm...." Shu was still leaning on her.

"Do you want to say something Shu-sama?"

"Nothing. Just seeing you be so aggressive is something I thought would never see." He chuckles lazily.

"I am still part human after all." She laughs.

"Come on Reiji will be so pissed at you." Shu grabs her bag and starts running.

"Thank you Shu-sama." She smiled as she walks at his side.

As they walk towards the car she mentally prepares for a scolding from the one and only Reiji.

"And where have you been?" A familiar strict voice spoke as they just opened the door.

"Ahh...a couple of girls held me up. Sorry Reiji-sama." She got in first before Shu.

(Such a gentleman right?)

Shu yawns and goes to sleep resting on her shoulder for support.

"For today I will forgive you. But the next time, there will be punishment." Reiji's eyes never left the book he was reading.

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