Chapter Thirty Three

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It was past midnight when the scouting group arrived the city of Alabast, so everyone was tired. Yet, being tired didn't stop Iris from being absolutely awestruck at its structure. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before. Buildings of stone and mortar rose from the ground instead of the wooden ones that she was used to seeing.

"I take it you've never been to Alabast," the general said, not looking at her. This made her snap out of her stupor.

"Never. I've never seen the like of it, either. In fact, I haven't seen any other city besides Eda and Morthrior, and both of them aren't what most would consider to be a city," she answered gruffly.

"It's quite the sight to see, then," he remarked, "Much grander than the outlying villages, if I do say so myself. Then again, it all depends on what you prefer. Here, one cannot wish to live a truly quiet life."

"I see." She continued to admire the view.

"What do you prefer?"

At his question, she furrowed her brow and turned to him.


"Do you think you would prefer to live here rather than Eda? Or are you fond of the quiet lifestyle?" he asked, referring to his previous statement. As Iris looked around, she found that she didn't know. While life in Eda was wonderful... well, for the most part, Alabast looked absolutely amazing. And strong. However, Iris had only been in Alabast for less than an hour, so she couldn't exactly draw a true opinion of it yet.

"I'm not sure yet. I'd have to see more. But living out where no one can bother you can be quite peaceful. Especially when one wants to be alone... and alone time was a thing that I sought quite often before I came here," she commented smoothly, not aware her words would draw so many questions.

"Why?" asked Shen. Iris turned to meet a pair of curious golden eyes, and then back around. She wasn't aware he'd been listening.

"Why?" Iris reiterated his question, "I guess because I was sort of an outcast. No one, mind for my father and aunt, really liked me. In fact, the opposite was probably true most of the time." Her words were vague, but they were truthful. Iris couldn't take more lying than she already had to do.

"Why not?"

"Perhaps I'm not a people person," Iris chuckled, "And perhaps they looked down on someone like me, too."

"Someone like you?" This question came from General Zayn, who now gave her a look of confusion as he led them to the inn. She sighed, sitting even straighter on her horse. To his question, she wasn't sure what to say. After a minute, however, she did manage to say something.

"Yes. That is what I said," she replied, "And what I mean by it... is that in my town, I'm considered a bit of a disgrace. Can't lose a betrothed any other way, can you? I suppose it was for the best though." Her words were harsh, but her tone was good-natured. In truth, she no longer cared about what had happened with Shad. Sure, it made her look bad... but what of what she was doing now? Surely lying to the Eldian army was a bit more disgraceful than losing a betrothed. Well, only if she got caught, that is.

"You were to be married?" asked Zayn.

"Aye. For a good year or so," Iris said honestly, and then added, "Can't say she was a very faithful lass. Left me for another, she did."

If anything was strange about the sentence, it was referring to Shad as a 'lass'. Yet, it had to be done to keep her identity safe.

"Like I said," she added, "Probably for the best that it didn't work out."

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