Chapter 13

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AN: Thank you so much for reading my story! Please remember to vote and comment! :)

He's staring at me. He's staring at me. I know he's staring at me, I chant over and over in my head. As soon as the lights dimmed and the movie started I felt Kenneth's eyes on me. I try ignore it and focus on the movie but I just can't, why is Kenneth staring at me? I want to turn around and tell him to stop but he'd probably make fun of me.

"Wow, that was a great movie," Alex breaths when the movie finally ends.

"Yeah, it was amazing," I reply, it would be amazing if I could actually pay attention to the movie, I think to myself.

Everyone in the theatre files out the door and into the large hallway. Kenneth and Madison are a few feet in front of us. Madison keeps reaching for Kenneth's hand but he keeps jerking it away, I guess their date didn't go as well as I thought. Once we're in the main lobby Kenneth quickly turns and glares us but turns back around before I could say anything.

"That was fun, we should do that again sometime," Alec says, interrupting my Kenneth watching.

"Yeah, we should," I agree, nodding my head.

I try to listen to what Alex is talking about but Kenneth keeps distracting me. He and Madison are laughing and holding hands as they leave the theatre. As we're walking through the parking lot Kenneth does the unthinkable. He puts his hands on Madison's cheeks and kisses her, right in front of me.

I see red. My heart stops, how could he do that?! I understand him kissing Madison, after all it's his life, but kissing her right in front of me is a low blow.

"Grant, are you O.K.?" Alex asks me.

I look at him and see he's a few feet ahead of me, I guess I forgot to keep walking.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, quickening my pace to catch up with him.

I get in the car and rest my head against the window, I can't believe Kenneth just kissed Madison. I honestly wouldn't have cared if he did it somewhere else, preferably with me no where near. O.K. Let's face it, I totally care. But why? I'm here with Alex, we had a nice time. I shouldn't even be thinking about Kenneth right now.

"Grant, Grant," Alex says gently shaking my shoulder.

"What?" I ask slightly confused.

"Um, we're at your house already," Alex says awkwardly pointing to my house.

"Oh sorry, I totally spaced out," I say sheepishly.

"Yeah, I could tell," Alex jokes. "We should do this again sometime, maybe get dinner after or something," Alex says hopefully.

"Look, Alex, there's just a lot going on right now with the holidays and other stuff, that I don't think I could fully give my attention to this, to us," I say motioning between us. "At least for right now, things have been hectic," I admit.

I feel bad for kind of dumping Alex but it's not right to keep going like this when all I'm thinking about is Kenneth.

"It's O.K. I understand, you know I'm here if you need anything," Alex says understandingly.

"I'm sorry. I had fun today, maybe we will do this again sometime," I smile as I get out of the car and walk to my house.

I feel bad, I really do but it just isn't fair to Alex. Once I get to my front door I turn around and wave goodbye then go inside.

"So how was the movies?" My mom asks once I enter the kitchen.

"It was good we saw Suicide Squad," I reply.

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