Chapter 1

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AN: This is my first story so I'm still a little new at writing. I'll try to update every Friday. Please remember vote and comment on what you think so far!! :)

"BEEEP!! BEEEP!! BEEEP!!" My alarm blared loudly.

I groan as I put one of my pillows over my head. I manage to hit the snooze button even though I wanted to throw the stupid thing out the window. Soon I go back into a light slumber....but not for long.

"Time to get up, kiddo," My mom says excitedly.

"Ugh," I groan as I sit up.

Was I a morning person? No. Not at all. Especially not today. Today was moving day. We are leaving our Laguna home in California. I've lived here my whole life and I'm not interested in moving to Portland, Oregon. I've been dreading this day for weeks. I did everything in my power to convince my parents the move wasn't necessary for months before I realized I have no opinion in whether we move or not. We've slowly began the process of moving two weeks ago. Most of our furniture is already Portland.

"Today's the day! Moving day!" My mom says as she jumps up and down excitedly.

"Yay!" I say sarcastically as I slowly get out of bed.

"Don't be like that," she says. Her bright blue looked really saddened by my sarcasm. "This move will be good for all of us."

I hated when she says the word "us" as if I had contributed to their decision to move. My dad just got a huge job promotion at work but part of that promotion was to relocate from Laguna  Hills to Portland. I wouldn't mind the move that much but I'm really upset because I'm in the middle of my senior year and all of my friends were in Laguna.

"Rachel said it rains a lot in Portland," I try to say excitedly. I feel bad that my comment made my mom upset.

"I know this move is tough but we'll all adjust," my mom replies trying to comfort me. "Now get dressed so we can pack the last of the boxes."

"O.K." I reply as I walk over to my closet.

My mom gives me a small hug as she walks out the door.

I go to the bathroom and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My brown hair is a mess from sleeping and my hazel eyes look empty. I try to practice smiling for my mom but it just looks fake. I can tell she feels bad about moving but dad really wanted the promotion. I walk back to my room and put on my favorite maroon sweater and jeans.

The walk down the stairs was easy until I got to the living room. There were so many boxes I could barely make my way to the kitchen. Everything looked like it was already packed so I quickly grab the last of the apples.

As I eat my apple I reflect on all the memories I have with my friends. I think of my friends and I realize I never said my last goodbyes. I find my mom outside talking to the movers and I ask if I can see some friends before we leave.

I start my car and drive to Rachel's house. Rachael was my best friend since the first grade. We were there for each other through every part of our lives. I pull into Rachel's drive way and walk up her porch steps and  I knock on her door. As I wait for her to open the door I don't really know what to expect from our goodbye. We've never been apart longer than two weeks. I expect lots of hugging and tears.

"Grant!" Rachel squeals as she tackles me into a hug.

"Hi Rachel," I laugh as hug her back.

"You can't move away, you can't leave me!" She says desperately.

"I wish I could stay, but everything's already packed," I say sympathetically.

"I wish you didn't have to move," Rachel says glumly.

"Me too," I sigh.

We sat on the floor in her living room and looked at old photos, reminiscing about old times. We talked about the Taylor Swift concerts we went to, movie premieres, boys and school. An hour pasted before I realized how much time had passed. We walk over to her front door and hug goodbye one last time.

"Well, this is it," she says wiping her tears,

"No it's not," I cry, "we'll call and text everyday and I'll ask to visit during the breaks."

"You better text me everyday," Rachel says hugging me tighter.

"I will." I say reassuringly. "Uh, Rachel, I think you got snot all over my sweater," I laugh jokingly.

"At least you'll have something to remember me by," Rachel half cries and laughs.

"I'll always remember you, we're going text everyday remember?" I say giving her one last hug. We pull apart and I walk down the steps and over to my car.

"Goodbye Grant!" Rachel yells as I get into my car.

"Goodbye Rachel!" I wave as I pull out of her long driveway.

I make my way around town and say goodbye to my other friends. I saved my goodbye to Nathan for last. We met our freshman year in high school. I was late and couldn't find my first period class, luckily I ran into Nathan. He was also late but knew where the class was. He was sweet and when we first started dating it felt like a fairy tale. But as it progressed we were constant fighting. We've been on and off for about a year. I don't want our friendship to end on bad terms so my plan is to try to patch it up before I move.

As I drive up Nathan's drive way I notice his car wasn't here. I texted him last night to let him know I was coming over this morning. He completely disregards what I say and it's so annoying. Being the hopeful person I am I get out of my car and knock on his door.

There's no answer.

I knock again and wait five minutes for an answer. Soon the cold November air becomes too much and I decide to go back to my car.

"I should have known," I mutter sarcastically as I get back into my car. I don't drive anywhere I just wait for 15 minutes thinking that maybe, just maybe, he'll show up. I want him to put an effort in trying to be friends but clearly that's not working out so well.

I turn on the radio and thank god Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off' is on. She has a song for everything. I have a mini dance party in my car as I drive home. When I pull into my driveway I notice the moving truck is gone.

Another sign that we really are leaving.

"Where were you? Our flight leaves at 4:15 and you're not even ready yet?" My mom berates.

I guess she didn't expect my goodbyes to take so long.

"I was just saying goodbye to all my friends. It's not that big of a deal, we have three hours before our flight." I say frustratedly. She's always nagging at me and it seriously gets annoying.

My mom looks at me hurt. I don't like seeing anyone sad, especially family, especially when I was the cause.

"I'm sorry mom, I guess I'm just a little upset about the move. I'm not going to see my friends for a while and I just wanted to say goodbye. I'm sorry if I made you nervous about missing our flight," I say calmly.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry too. I should have known this move would be harder on you," she says sympathetically as she gives me a hug. "Now go make sure you have everything you need for the plane."

Soon it's time to leave for the airport. We all get in the large black SUV uber to take us to the airport. I stare out the window as we drive through the neighborhood. I think about my childhood. We pass the street where I learned how to ride my bike. The stop sign where I lost my first tooth. All of my childhood memories came rushing back to me in flashes.

I look at the houses, trees, and sidewalks that have become so familiar to me. We drive further and further away from Laguna Hills and off to the airport. Soon we will be 1,010 miles away from everything and everyone I've ever known. God, I hope this move goes well.

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