Help Me Tag Along On A Date

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Joe *enters kitchen* "Whatcha doing?"

Jess *without looking up* "Homework."

Joe "Funnnnn."

Jess *still not looking up* "Yup. Pure riot!"

Joe *takes seat next to Jess* "Need help?" *grins*

Jess *puts down pencil, looks up* "I guess, I could take a break." *smiles*

*Dad and mom enter, shoot both a knowing look*

Jess *fake serious* "Go away, Joe! I told you I don't need your "help"! I have to focus on this! You know how much I love algebra!"

Joe *fake hurt, scoffs*

Mom *smiles, rolls eyes* "How far did you get before Joe came in to "help" you?"

Jess "I'm almost done. Three more problems."

Mom "Alright then." *grabs water bottle, leaves kitchen*

Dad "Since I got you two together right here, I was wondering...would you be willing to maybe see if you could write another song together? We'd even record it! We'll also go into the studio, probably tomorrow and record Still There For a suggestion, don't answer me now. Just think about it." *leaves kitchen*

Jess *looks at Joe, grins*

Joe "Guess, we know what we'll be doing soon." *grins*

I smiled, nodded my head, and then turned back to my homework. Frikken algebra. Anyway, I picked my pencil back up, and stared at the third to last problem. I tried to just ignore Joe and get my stupid homework over with, but it was kinda hard to's why:

Joe *props elbow up on table, rests chin on hand, looks at Jess*

Jess *tries to focus on homework*

Joe *gazes at Jess, smiling*

Jess *losing focus* "Joe."

Joe *still looking at her* "Yes." *smiles*

Jess "WHAT are you doing?"

Joe "Admiring my sister."

Jess "Can you admire me from the other room or something?"

Joe "Sorry, I'll try not to bother you anymore. Only three more problems, let's go, Jess!"

Jess *rolls eyes, sighs* "Alright then."

Joe *resumes position*

--30 seconds later--

Jess *sighs*

Joe "We look a lot alike, you ever notice that? Like our hair texture, and eye color, and skin tone and...."

Jess "JOE!!! Oh My Gosh..."

Joe "Sorry....just wanted to tell my sister, she's pretty." *shrugs shoulders, smiles*

Jess "Joe, you tell me about how much we look alike and then tell me, I'm pretty....??? Do you see anything weird or wrong with that?"

Joe "What? I can say you're pretty!"

Jess *groans*

Kevin *enters* "Hey guys!"

Joe "Hey Kev, a brother can tell his sister, she's pretty, right?"

Kevin *smiles* "Of course!"

Joe "See?"

Jess *puts head down, sighs* "Kevin, Joe just told me about how much me and him look alike *picks head back up* and then proceeded to tell me, he thinks I'm pretty!"

Kevin *busts out laughing*

Joe "What? Why does everybody think that's funny?"

Kevin *giggling*

Nick *walks in, drops mail on table* "What's so funny?"

Joe "I wish I knew...."

Kevin "Joe just told Jess all about how much they look alike and then told her he thinks, she's pretty."

Nick *tries not to laugh, fails*

Joe *throws hands up* "OK, can ANYBODY explain how that's funny? Seriously!"

Nick "Dude, you basically called yourself 'pretty'" *raises both eyebrows*

Joe *looks from Nick, to Kevin, to Jess, back to Nick, looks enlightened, squints eyes, taps forehead with index finger* "Yeeaah, my wording might have been a little faulty there.."

Nick *starts going through mail pile* while *everyone else gives Joe a look*

Joe "Oh OK, fine, I'm an idiot." *starts laughing* "BUT! I'm right!"

Nick *looks at small padded envelope, picks it up* "Jess."

Jess "Hm?"

Nick "It''s for you." *hands over envelope*

Jess "What is it?"

Nick *sighs* "Your new medic alert dog tag."


Jess *stares at the package, then opens it, pulls out tag, looks at it*

Joe "Cool. The medical alert symbol is blue...that's different."

Jess *ignores Joe, turns over tag, reads all the engraving, runs fingers over it, two tears start falling silently*

Nick *pulls Jess into a hug* "It's OK.'s OK..."

Jess *sniffles into Nick's shoulder*

Nick *looks towards the ceiling, tries to prevent tears from falling* "I know, Jess, believe me, I know...that makes it that's it. No turning back. This is how it's gonna be."

Jess *quiet sobs*

Nick *hugs Jess tighter*

At this point I was crying for three reasons.
One, reality had finally hit, I, Jessica Nicole Jonas, was a type 1 diabetic, and would be for the rest of my life.
Two, Nick understood. He completely got why I was so upset and I was so glad he was there.
Three, I was incredibly sad, but not for myself. I was hurting because I knew that Nick, in the first few weeks after diagnosis, did not have someone that just "got it", someone that knew what it's like. How scared and alone must he have felt? It hurts to even just ask myself that question. It was at that moment that I realized, how strong and brave my twin brother really is.

Jess *hugs back really tightly, whispers* "You're my hero, Nick!"



---Parents' bedroom---

*Mom and Jess just chatting about the last time the family was in New York*

Mom "...and that's exactly why you and Joe will never go into a toy store together alone again, if I can help it."

*Mom and Jess laugh*

Nick *knocks, walks in* "Hey mom, forgot this." *holds up dog tag in hand*

Jess *swallows hard*

Mom *sad*

Nick "You OK?"

Jess "Y-yes....Nick, can you...?"

Nick *nods, small smile, puts medical tag around Jess' neck, kisses her forehead*

Jess *grabs her tag, looks at it*

Mom *one tear rolls down her cheek*

Nick *holds out bent index finger*

Jess *looks up at Nick, smiles, hooks her index with his*

*infamous Jonas Twins Index Wiggle* *wiggle* *wiggle*

Mom *wipes tear, smiles* "One day, you two will have to explain how your little index wiggle started and what it's all about." *smiles*

*Nick and Jess smile at each other*



Mom was about to leave for the airport at 6:30PM and so were all gathered in the family room to wish her safe travels. Well,...Joe was missing...

We all hugged mom and she told us to behave and so if we would ever do anything silly.

Joe *walks in* "Sorry, I was taking a shower..."

Dad "It's OK. Important thing is, we are all here now. Let's get in a quick circle, and pray.....alright. Bow your heads, close your eyes, dear heavenly Father, ...."

Dad said a quick prayer asking for traveling grace for mom, and strength for Susan's family.

Dad "...Amen."

Everyone "Amen."

We all sat back down and just hung out for a little.

Jess *sweetly* "Daddy?"

Kevin *smiles* "Uh oh!"

Nick "There she goes *takes a sip of his Vitamin Water*, with her puppy dog eyes, her cute self, and that innocent voice..."

Joe *folds arms in front of his chest, leans back against the couch*

Jess *shoots Kevin and Nick a look*

Dad *slightly worried* "Yes, baby girl?"

Jess "I was wondering...can is fine, if I go out on a date tonight, right?"

Joe *neutral facial expression*

Nick *chokes on his Vitamin Water, starts coughing* "What?"

Dad "Excuse me?"

Kevin *confused * "With who?"

Jess "A boy."

Nick "Ugh, NO!"

Jess "Umm...yeah!? I'm pretty sure, he is a boy, Nick!"

Nick *squints eyes* "You know exactly what I mean!"

Kevin "Do we know this boy?"

Dad "Kevin, ...let me..."

Kevin "Sorry, dad!"

Dad "Do we know this boy?"

Joe "Uh, dad, Kev already asked that."

Mom "Honey, this boy...we don't really know anything about him..."

Jess "Oh, you do!"

Joe *knew where this was going all along* "Oh, is he the cool one?"

Jess "Yup."

*everyone else is confused*

Nick "Is he in the business? Or a neighbor? Where the heck did he come from all of a sudden? We tell each other everything, Jess, how did you keep this from me?

Jess "Chill, Nick! And I did tell you!"

Nick "When?"

Jess "Last night!"

Nick *even more confused*

Joe "He's the handsome one right? The funny one, that can sing really well?"

Jess "Yup."

Dad "Will you please just tell us his name at least?"

Jess *throws arm around Joe's shoulder* "Mom, dad, meet Joe. He asked me out last night to go camping in my room tonight and I said, yes." *big smile*


Joe *puts his arm around Jess* "And I was just smitten and had to say yes, when she asked me to pick her up at 7, to maybe drive around and see a movie."

*everyone cracks up, except for Nick*

Nick "That was NOT funny, about gave me a heart attack. *dramatically holds his chest* and above're cheating on me Jess? With Joe?"

Mom "Oh, stop it, kids! You are just too much." *laughs*

Dad *checks watch* "Well,...we better get going....I should be back by around 11PM depending on traffic. No monkey business, and yes, baby girl, you may go on a date with this Joe tonight." *smiles*

Jess *smiles, claps hands* "Yay!"

Dad *gets close to Joe, serious* "Listen, young man, you will treat my daughter with respect. You will have her back at the house by 10, and you will keep your hands to that clear?"

Joe *grins* "Sure thing, Mr Jonas."

Mom "Joe, 'keeping your hands to yourself' means, no tickling, no tackling, and no crazy bear hugs that will make you two fall and trip all over the place."

Joe "Aww man, Jess, your parents really know how to suck the fun out of everything."

Jess *giggles* "MY parents?" *laughs*

Before I knew it I was in the middle of a big family group hug. We then hugged and kissed mom goodbye and she promised she'd call the next morning. She wouldn't get to NY until way late and I felt really bad for her about that. Late flights stink.

*Dad pulls door closed behind him*

Kevin "Well, Buglet, you better get ready for your date." *grins*

Jess "Oh yeah! I should, huh?" *winks*

Joe "No, Jess, Kev's right! We're actually going out!"

Jess *gives Joe the 'Yeah right!' look*

Joe "I'm serious...maybe not a movie, but we'll drive around and grab a bite to eat...whaddayasay?"

Jess *turns to Nick, excitedly hits his arm repeatedly* "OMJ, did you hear, Nick? I'm dating a Jonas Brother! It's so hotttt!!...I just don't know which one...cause, you know, they all look the same!"

Kevin *laughs* "Alright, kids, you have fun. I'm going to my room."

Nick *shakes head, smiles* "Let me know before you leave."

Jess "I will."

Joe "Well, I better go make myself look pretty for my lovvv-lay date, tonight." *grins*

Jess "I'll use mom and dad's bathroom..."

Joe "Coolio. Pick you up at 7....from your room." *grins*

Jess *smiles* "Can't wait!" *laughs*


End Notes:

did you get how the title? Like why I named it that? ; )

soooo Mama J is on her way to NY and Jess and Joe out in town? Alone? do I smell double trouble or just a nice brother sister bonding night?

Guess, we'll find out : ) 

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