Radio Studmuffin

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Mom *spots twins* "Oh, there you are. Look at them holding hands and all."

Jess *lets go off Nick's hand* "Mooommm, we were just holding hands, because we had to walk through the parking lot without Big Rob or anyone..."

Mom *to dad* "You should have just stayed with them. I don't like it when they just wander around like that."

Dad "I agree,..."

Before we could talk more a lady in her early 30's maybe came walking towards us.

Jess *thinking* "Aww, I wanna work here. They get to wear black skinny jeans and red Radio Disney polos...that is so cool!"

Lady "Jonas Family? My name's Heather. Come on right this way."

We all followed Heather, as she led us into a pretty big lounge. There were comfy looking couches, a big TV, video games, tables, chairs, and a buffet table.

Jess "Wow! Disney doesn't play!"

Kevin *puts hand on Jess' back, laughs* "Come on, let's sit down."

We all sat down on the couches and dad grabbed one of the chairs and placed it right in front of us.

Dad *sitting down* "Alright, kiddos. We are here mainly to promote the tour. I've given Kevin a list of our confirmed shows so far. We might also address the incident with Jack and explain how we are going to proceed. Also, the live chat tomorrow needs to be heavily promoted. So go ahead and do that....other than have met Ernie D. before..."

Jess "I haven't!"

Kevin "Yes, you have actually, remem-..."

Dad "Ahem."

Kevin & Jess "Sorry, dad."

Dad "You have met Ernie D. before, so you know that he is very easy going and most likely will not ask you any questions you would feel uncomfortable with."

Jess *looks at Joe*

Joe *giggles*

Jess *rolls her eyes*

Dad "Denise? Anything I forgot?"

Mom "Yes, I need the twins to check their blood sugar right before you go on air..."

Jess "I'm gonna get to talk, too?"

Dad *stern look*

Jess "What?"

Nick *whispers* "You keep interrupting everyone."

Jess "No, I don't!"

Dad "Jess, you are not just a "guest" on our tour anymore, like you were before singing one or two songs....of course, you will be on air, too! In fact, it is your job to convince everyone that you'll be able to fill in for Jack! Besides, you're part of this family, so either way Ernie would have probably pulled you into the booth, since you're already here."

Jess "Oh." Yeah...that's all I said...while gulping and thinking 'hey, no pressure.'

Mom "Both of you check before you go on! Nicholas, for this week, I'd like you to do extra checks here and there. I am still not completely comfortable with you being on a pump break, since we had just figured out all your basal settings...but OK..."

Big Rob *walks in*

Jess "ROBERT!" *jumps up*

Big Rob "Ms Jessica!" *laughs*

*both hug*

Joe "See, I NEVER get a welcome hug like that!"

Jess *turns to Joe* "Cause you're always where I am,...why would I randomly welcome you into my presence?"

Dad "Glad you're finally here!"

Big Rob "Yeah, traffic was crazy!"

Mom "When is it ever not?" *smiles, hugs Big Rob*


Five minutes later Heather came back with a catering crew who stocked the buffet table and after they left, we all grabbed some stuff off of it and had an early lunch. Nick was running a little high which kinda bothered me, just because I know what it feels like but he seemed OK and not totally grumpy or out of it, so I didn't say anything. I did notice though that since I have been diagnosed my relationship to Nick's diabetes has changed. I used to see him battle highs and lows and just feel bad for him, because, well, I hate seeing my twin struggle...but that I know exactly what a high blood sugar feels like (or a low), I like....I don't just see what he's going through anymore....I FEEL it...makes sense if you think about it, right? Either way, I decided to keep my eye on him.

We were now all huddled right outside the booth. We could see Ernie D through the glass, who was talking into the mic, announcing my brothers...oh and me....and....OK I just gotta say this. I still did NOT feel comfortable with being included in everything. I mean I was always the sister, on the sidelines, getting the occasional spotlight pointed at me, and that was that. I liked it. Now it started feeling like I had entered into a business relationship with my brothers and dad,as well, and at that point, was not sure if that was really what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I was stoked! I mean, come on playing/performing in front of tons of people? Yeah....but like I did not feel completely right. Plus I was also worried people would say stuff like, 'The only reason, you got a chance to do this is because of your brothers.' And you know what, there's some truth to that...but I was already famous. People knew I was their sister, now it was my turn to become popular....oh I hated all those popular kids in school way back when...

The door to the booth opened, and we were told to step in. I could hear the Black Eyed Peas playing in the background. We sat down on chairs, across from Ernie D and Heather made sure we all had headphones on, and got us water bottles.

Ernie D "Hey guys, sorry I couldn't chill with you earlier and have lunch, something came up."

Kevin "That's alright. We're all here now." *smiles*

Ernie D *into mic* "Aaaand the time has finally come, I know you have all been waiting for it. I am back with the Jonas Brothers AND Sister. How are you all doing today?"

Kevin "We are doing fantastic."

Nick "Definitely excited to be here."

Ernie D "It's been a crazy month, hasn't it? So many changes and even more big plans ahead. We're gonna talk about all that and even more right after the break, so stay tuned!"

Jess *looks at Nick*

Nick *looks at Jess, grabs her hand, squeezes it*

Ernie "Guys, I don't wanna ask you anything you're not comfortable with so just let me know if there's a topic you would like to avoid."

Kevin "Buglet, are you OK talking about diabetes?"

Jess "Yes. That's fine."

Nick *squeezes hand again* "I'm right here, so no worries."

Jess *smiles*

Ernie "Aaaanddd we're back with the Jonas Brothers and Sister! Now we all saw your last live chat, when you broke the great news to us that you'll be going on tour again! Tell us a little about that!"

Kevin "Yes. We are very excited about this! Our first concert will be on October, 23rd in New York City, and then after that we'll travel down the east coast."

Joe *robot voice* "Make. Sure. You. Get. Your. Tickets."

*all laugh*

Ernie "In your live chat we also had the pleasure of 'hanging out', so to speak, with Jess Jonas, your little sister, who's here with us today, too. How are you doing?"

Jess *smiles* "I'm doing great, thanks for having me!"

Ernie "So you've been around your brothers for while...*all laugh*...and we all could see during the chat that you are all really close, but does it ever get too much? Do you ever just say, oh go away?"

Jess "I think we've said this before but we actually really just enjoy each other's company, which is a good thing, seeing how we're gonna be stuck on a tour bus and hotels for several months again. *laughs* I mean, we all have our moments when we just want some time to ourselves but it's like..."

Nick "...when we don't see each other for like a day or two, we really miss each other a lot."

Jess *nods*

Ernie *laughs* "And Jess nods in agreement. I love this twin dynamic."

Jess & Nick *smiles* "Thank you."

Ernie "There's been some changes to the lineup...wanna talk about that for a second?"

Kevin "Yes, Jack slipped and broke his wrist the other day, so he won't be able to play the drums on this tour...but we already found a replacement. But we won't tell you who that is yet. You'll have to tune in to our next live chat!" *grins*

Ernie "Yes, we will talk about that in a little bit but for now, we got our first caller. Hey this is Ernie, who am I talking with?"

Caller "Ashley."

Everyone "Hi Ashley!"

Ernie "Do you have a question for the Jonas boys or their sister?"

Ashley *giddy* "Yes, do you ever play pranks on each other? I have a brother and we always try to mess with each other?"

*Jonas kids look at each other and giggle*

Ernie "How old are you and your brother?"

Ashley "I'm 8 and my brother is 13."

Jess "Aww then you know all about how older brothers can be!"

Ashley *laughs*

Kevin "We do have some of those typical brother and sister moments...but I have to say *looks at Joe* Joe and Jess are usually the ones that go at it and then end up in trouble together." *laughs*

Jess *laughs* "Yeah,but it's all fun like we would never try to hurt each other or anything on purpose."

Ernie "Does that answer your question, Ashley?"

Ashley "Yes."

Joe "Alright, thanks for calling, Ashley!"

Ashley "Byee!!"

*All say bye*

Ernie "Jess, we just learned that you, too, were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes not too long ago. How are you doing?"

Jess "Yes. That's true and I've been doing great. I have a great family, and Nick, of course, who have been there for me through this whole thing."

Joe "She's been doing really great with her shots and finger pricks and all, too! We're all very proud of her."

*Kevin & Nick agree*

Jess "Thanks guys."

Ernie "And we'll take another caller right away."

Caller "Hello?"

All "Hi!"

Ernie "Hey, I'm Ernie, and you're live on Radio Disney with me and the Jonas Brothers and their sister."

Caller "I'm Megan"

All "Hi Megan."

Megan "I have a question for Nick and Jess."

Nick "What's up?"

Megan *giddy* "What are you guys doing for your birthday tomorrow?"

Nick *looks at Jess* "Thanks for remembering our birthday, Megan! You know, we don't actually have anything planned, as far as I know, but we DO have something for you and all our fans!"

Kevin "Yes! There will be another live chat tomorrow again! It'll be at 10AM pacific time...we know it's a little early but we hope you can tune in."

Joe "ANNDDD we have another surprise!"

Nick & Jess *confused*

Joe "Nick and Jess don't know about this but we actually do have stuff planned for their birthday!"

Jess *eyes light up* "What is it?"

Ernie "Hold on, guys! We're gonna have to take a little break really quick. But we'll be right back and you and Nick and Jess will be the first ones to know what the rest of the Jonas fam has planned for their birthday. Thanks for calling, Megan, and here is some Sean Kingston for all of you."

Jess "Aww you are mean, Ernie D! I really wanna know!"

Nick *laughs* " can wait another..."

Jess "Oh, like you don't wanna know."

Kevin "I think, you're really gonna like it!"

Jess "Is it a pet lion?"

Joe "Aww, Kevin,I told you that would have been a great idea and she would have liked it!"

*All laugh*

We all looked through the glass window at dad who was giving us a smile and a thumbs up, letting us know that everything's been going well.

Pretty soon, we were back on air.

Ernie "We're back, and I'm glad you're still with us because we are about to find out what the Jonas fam has planned for Nick and Jess' birthday...and I'm going to let Joe or Kevin talk now because I think Jess is literally about to explode if she doesn't find out soon."

Joe "OK, I'll tell you guys, because I don't wanna have to mop up Jess' brains."

*all laugh*

Joe "Well, as you all know, it is Nick and Jess' birthday tomorrow."

Jess "Yeeessss."

Joe "And we're having a live chat tomorrow morning at 10."

Nick "Yes."

Joe "Have I ever mentioned how much I love our fans..."

Joe and Nick "JOSEPH!"

*all laugh*

Jess "See what I have to deal with?" *laughs*

Kevin "Alright, after the live chat we'll just get together with the family and maybe some friends and enjoy the rest of the day and then as you may or may not know, tour rehearsals won't start until the 20th...there's a reason for that!"

Joe *blurts out* "We're flying you two out to New York, so you can go see a Yankees game!!!"

Jess & Nick *mouth open, look at each other*

Ernie *laughs* "What a great present!"

Jess "Oh my Gosh!"

Nick "That's crazy! Thanks guys!"

Kevin "Better than a pet lion?"

Jess "Well.........just kidding. It's awesome! I'm excited!"

Ernie "This is a pretty big deal for you guys, I know you are both huge Yankees fans!"

Jess "ARod, if you hear this, call me!"

Dad *through the window, O_O*

Ernie *laughs*

*boys give Jess a look*

Jess *blushes* "What? He could give me some tips in the batting cage!" *grins*

Ernie D "So, anyway, our time is almost up....anything else you'd like to say to the fans?"

Joe "Hope to see you tomorrow during the live chat! Get your questions ready! I want some crazy ones this time!"

Kevin "And if you haven't yet, we'd love to see you on tour next month!"

Jess "Thank you so much for all your support so far! And keep requesting my brothers' songs online!"

Ernie "It was a pleasure having you guys here with me. Thanks for coming out!"

Nick "Thanks for having us."

*all say bye*

Ernie D put another song on and escorted us outside. Everyone was laughing and talking except for me...I was kinda worried I'd get in a lot of trouble with that for that "Call me" comment I had made about Alex Rodriguez.

Ernie D said, he didn't have much time, and that he was sorry but that we would catch up soon. My family walked back into the lounge with the buffet table while I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Nick said he had to go, too, and since I had no clue where the restroom was I was kinda glad he tagged along.

*Nick & Jess looking for the rest room*

Nick *shakes head, smiles*

Jess "Amazing, huh? We get to go see the Yankees play!"

Nick "That is not why I was shaking my head and you know that..."

Jess "I have no idea what you are talking about, Nicky." And better believe I was cringing on the inside...I totally knew what was coming.

Nick "I am talking about your love confession to Alex Rodriguez."

Jess "WHAT? No, no, no, you got that all twisted! He's an amazing player and just happens..."

Nick " be about twice your age!"

Jess "Whatever. I didn't say "ARod if you hear this, let's go elope"...."

We had been following the 'restroom' signs and were now standing in front of them.

Nick *rolls eyes, smiles* "Whatever." *disappears into men's room*

I rolled my eyes and walked into the ladies' room. When I was done, Nick was already waiting for me outside sitting on a chair. He got up as soon as he saw me come out, and we were on our way back to the lounge. Of course, I So that means, I can't just naturally turn a corner without bumping into someone...

Jess " you know, I was thin-..." *thump* "whoa, sorry, I didn't mean to...*looks up, O_O*

??? "Hey, I'm so sorry. Are you OK?"

Jess "'re David Henrie!"

You better believe I was squealing my head off on the inside!

David *smiles* "Hey, aren't you the Jonas girl? *to Nick* Oh hey, man. Nick, right?"

Nick *forces a smile* "Yeah, hi."

Jess "You're David Henrie!"

Nick *rolls eyes*

David "Yeah...I think we've established that. What's your name again?"

Jess "Sorry, I just...didn't expect to bump into you....literally. Oh and I'm Jess."

You also better believe that I most likely had the most idiotic grin on my face ever.

David "Nice to meet you, Jess Jonas" *shakes Jess' hand* "Interview with Ernie D?"

Jess *still shaking hands with David, smiles* "Yes, we just got done actually."

Mom "Oh there you guys are, we're about ready to leave, I thought I'd look for you!"

Jess *lets go off David's hand immediately*

Mom *looks at all three* "Hi, I'm Denise Jonas, their mom." *points at Nick and Jess*

Jess *looks at mom*

Mom "Sweetie, isn't that that handsome young man you always watch on that show about wizards?"

Jess *O_O, to David* "Only, occasionally...I mean, I don't like VCR every episode or anything."

Nick *scoffs*

Jess *glares at Nick*

David *to mom* "Yes, I'm David Henrie. Nice to meet you, Mrs Jonas." *shakes hands with mom*

Mom "Well, I am glad, Jess, got to meet someone from one of her favorite shows....

Jess *whisper yells* "MOM!" *then smiles sweetly at David*

Mom "....and it was very nice meeting you, but we really gotta get going."

Nick "Yeah, nice meeting you. See ya!" *starts walking away*

David "Too bad we can't talk some more but hey, that Disney Friends for Change thing they got everyone attending at the end of October in NYC are you gonna be there?"

Jess *thinking* Did David Stufmuffin Henrie just ask me out on a date? OK...not a date but he wants to see me again...oh boy oh boy oh boy!!! *looks at mom*

Mom "Yes, we are. It's the day before your first show of the tour, sweetie."

Jess *smiles big* "Well, I guess, I'll see you there."

David "Awesome! Hey, it was nice meeting you! Sorry I bumped into you!"

Mom "Oh, Jess is clumsy as can be...I'm sure SHE bumped into YOU."

Jess "MOM!" *blushes*

David *laughs* "We bumped into each other. There."

Jess *smiles* "Alright. See ya."

David *smiles* "Bye." *walks off*

Jess *takes a deep breath, looks at mom* "Hrrmph!" *starts walking towards the lounge*

Mom *rolls eyes, laughs*



Dad "Oh, there you are, baby girl, what's wrong?"

Jess *grumpy* "Nothing!"

Dad *looks helplessly at mom*

Nick "She just ran into David Henrie.....literally."

Joe "You knocked over your TV crush?" *laughs*

Jess *makes face* "Thanks Joe! And no, I did not knock him over. I just bumped into him in the hallway."

Dad *to mom* "That's that wizard kid, right?"

Mom *nods, smiles*

Dad *smiles* "Alright gang, let's roll!"

The walk back to the car was horrible!!! Big Rob walked with us and he had his arm around my shoulder telling me not to listen to them...but other than that it was no fun.

Kevin "So do you think he's even studlier in real life?" *grins*

Joe "Nick, he wasn't like totally checking her out, was he?

Nick "Not sure, I was busy mopping up Jess' drool all around us."

Mom "You should have seen her, she was so cute and blushing and all."

Jess "Stop it! And mom, you didn't have to embarrass me like that!"

Mom "OH, sweetie,..."

Jess "Big Rob, she told David, how Wizards is my favorite show and basically how I think he's a studmuffin."

Big Rob *stops walking, looks at Jess, starts laughing*

Jess "Great. Now everyone's against me!"

Dad *puts arm around Jess, patting her shoulder*

Big Rob "I'm sorry, Ms Jessica...but 'studmuffin'? You are too much."

Jess *covers eyes* "Hrrrrmmmpphh."

The drive back home was actually not as bad...or maybe I just got really good at ignoring sily comments because I was too busy reliving my encounter with David Henrie...*grins*

Jess *pulls out phone*
[text] G!!!! OMG GUESS WHAT!!

G [text] What?:)

Jess [text] we were just doing an interview with radio disney and i literally bumped into david henrie.

G [text] NO WAY!

Jess [text] I knooooww!!

G [text] You had an interview with RD and didnt tell me about it???

Jess [text] sorry...but G david henrie??

G [text] oh yeaaahhh thats sooo cool! did he look just as cute as he does on wizards?

Jess [text] way better! :D g2g we're pulling up to the house. ill ttyl!

G [text] cool...u gotta tell me all about it then


End Notes:

Poor Jess, everyone's teasing her....

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