Pretty in Pink

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Author's Notes:

I don't think there's anything Jess can do without getting in trouble...


We dropped G off on our way home and I walked her to her door.

Jess *hugging G* "Thanks so much for coming, girl!"

G "Oh, please, I had so much fun!"

Jess "I noticed...especially when you were laughing like a maniac blasting everybody with your bumper boat!" *smirk*

G *big smile* "Yes. That was awesome!"

Jess *shakes her head*

G "Oh, and the silly bandz? Give some of them to Nick, too. I forgot they were supposed to be for both of you...I'm sorry I couldn't get you two a real present...I feel really bad." *looks down*

Jess "No, no, no, are you kidding me? G, these things are awesome!!!"

G *smiles* "OK. Like I said, give some to him. You have like a bajillion now."

Jess "Yup. I will. He'll get all the pink ones." *grins*

G "Aww, nooo, don't be mean to him. *sighs* you guys are so lucky you have each other."

Jess "Yeah...I know..."

Mom *honks horn*

G "Gimme another hug and then go...or else I will make you do my laundry, too!"

Jess *rolls eyes* "Thanks for reminding me." *hugs G*

G "Text me tomorrow before you get on the plane, OK?"

Jess "Of course." *smiles* "I'll see you in a few days."


--Kevin's room--

Jess *peaks head in*

Kevin "Hey Buglet." *smiles* "Ready to get everyone's laundry together?"

Jess *sighs* "That's a lot of laundry...sorry I pulled you into this..."

Kevin *pulls Jess into a side hug* "Nah, you're fine...I would have probably felt bad for you and helped you anyway."

Jess *smiles* "You're definitely one of my favorite brothers, Kevy."

Kevin *raises eyebrows* "Oh yeah? One of them? How many favorites do you have?"

Jess "Three."

Kevin "Luuuuckkkkyyy!!!"

Jess *smiles* "I already put my clothes in the laundry room by the way."

Kevin "Oh good, I'll get mom and dad's, and you get Nick and Joe's."

Jess *exhales* "Fine."


---Joe's & Nick's room---

Jess *knocks on door frame, walks into room*

Joe "Ahh, my personal laundry service *snaps his fingers, points to pile on ground* right here, laundry lady."

Jess *glares at Joe*

Nick *pops up right in front of Jess, grabbing her by her upper arms* "Hey, hi, I'm Nick, your twin, reminding you why you have to do laundry for everyone in the first breathe, ignore Joe...and here *kisses her forehead* see? all better."

Jess "Joseph, you are SOO lucky, I have a brother that cares about YOUR wellbeing."

Joe "Hey, I do, too! But when I switch on caring brother mode, you don't like it...llike earlier when you were flirting with flippy-hair-dude!"

Nick "Joe. Please don't start again."

Jes *Hrmpf. Just let go off me, Nick. I'm good."

Nick "You sure?"

Jess "Yup."

Nick *sighs* "OK." *lets go*

Jess *launches towards Joe*

Joe *grins, jumps over his bed, runs out the door*

Nick *catches Jess before she can get far* "Hey!"

Jess "Hrmpf!!!! Why has he got to be like that sometimes?"

Nick "Cause he's our older brother, so he feels he has to mess with us sometimes to preserve the pecking order?"

Jess *looks at Nick*

Nick *smiles* "How many times have you teased me today alone? On MY birthday at that?"

Jess "What are you talking about? I am always very loving..."

Nick *fake girl voice* "Nicky, is that a gray hair? You're pretending to shave? Hahaha you have a baby face..." *makes face*

Jess "Oh, that! But those are all things I love about you...Joe's just being evil and bossy and controlling...Nick, because of how he acted, Ryan thought Joe was my jealous boyfriend! what the heck?"

Nick *tries not to laugh*

Jess *makes face* "Thanks for at least trying not to laugh....I guess it is kinda funny." *smiles, sighs* "Alright, where's your laundry..."

Nick "Oh, over can just use my hamper and throw Joe's clothes on top and then carry it like that....need help?"

Jess "I'll be fine....OH! I almost forgot!!!" *pulls a bunch of Silly Bandz out of her jeans pocket* here! G got them for both of us actually and told me to give you some."

Nick "Are those the shaped rubber bands?"

Jess "Yup. Look!" *shows Nick her wrist*

Nick "Cool." *takes a bunch out of Jess' hands*

Jess *starts gathering Joe's clothes and throwing them into Nick's hamper* "Did you still want your white v-neck washed, too?"

Nick "Oh yeah, please!"

Jess *looks at Nick* ".....*shrugs shoulders* OK then...*grabs Nick by his shirt, drags him towards the door."

Nick *laughs* "What are you doing?"

Jess "Well, it's kinda hard to wash a shirt that you're still wearing. with the clothes you go. Don't puke though! Vomit stains are gross! Actually...*grins* I'll throw you in with Joe's clothes..."

Nick *smiles, shakes head*

Jess "I'll so get back at him for that."

Nick "...just don't get caught by mom...." *takes off shirt, puts it in hamper* "There you go!"

Jess *sighs* "Thanks. I'll be in my office, if you need me..."

Nick *chuckles* "Ohhh, that's right there by the laundry room, right?"

Jess "Yup." *half smiles*


---two hours later---

I told Kevin, I'd take care of getting the clothes washed and into the dryer, if he helped me fold them and put them away later. He agreed.

I was just about to call Kevin to come help me fold all the clothes I'd been pulling out, (Thank Goodness we have two big commercial washers and two dryers.) when....

Jess *pulls out shirt, shakes it out, thinking* "Oh, there it is. My pink v-neck......*O_O* Ummm... I don't own a pink v-neck! *O_O* It's Nick's! It's his white v-neck...well, it was...oh boy. It's his favorite, too...well, it was. crap crap crap....well, maybe he won't notice?...ugh

So I folded it and just stuffed it in with his other clothes that I decided to fold myself.

Kevin *peaks head in "Aww, I thought you were gonna call me, when you were ready to fold clothes."

Jess "Umm..yeah...well, I figured I might as well get started." *smiles*

We started folding all the rest of the clothes, which wasn't thaaat much really because we had just done a ton of loads three days ago but it was nice having clean clothes for our New York trip and with six people a good amount had accumulated in the past three days....

Jess *holding up a pair of boxers* "How come girl undies don't come with comic book heroes on them?"

Kevin *laughs* "I wonder what Joe would wear if they didn't make cartoon underwear in his size anymore but like only for little kids...."

Jess "Ugh....thanks for that visual, Kevin."

Kevin *laughs* "I was thinking the same thing...*laughs* he'd probably try to squeeze into kid's und-..."

Jess *covers ears* "LALALALALALA"

Kevin *grabs Jess' arms, laughing*

Jess *stops, makes face* "Thank you. No really, Kevin."

Kevin "Oh whatever..." *laughs*

We finished up folding and put the clean and folded clothes into everyone's room.

Once that was done I walked into my room and thought of grabbing my big duffel bag out of my closet. I figured I might as well start packing...except it wasn't there.


----family room----

Mom *watching TV*

Jess "Mommy?"

Mom "Hey sweetie."

Jess "We finished all the laundry...I was thinking of starting to pack for the NY trip but I can't find my duffel bag.."

Mom "Oh, it's in me and dad's room. I used it for when I went to the funeral the other day. Go ahead and grab it." *smiles*

Jess "Than-..."

Nick *running into the room, angry* "JESSICA!!!!!!"

Both me and mom's heads snapped up to look at him. And there he was. My twin. Nicholas Jesse a light pink way too small v-neck t-shirt. Very stylish.

Nick *fuming* "WHAT did you do to my favorite shirt?"

Mom "Sweetie, you didn't seperate colors and whites?"

Nick "Mom! This shirt USED to be white AND it used to fit me!"

Mom "I know, honey, you wear this shirt a lot."

Jess "If it means anything, you can really pull off the baby pink! IS a little tight though!"

Nick *angry glare*

Jess "AND I can give you some pink silly bandz so you can accessorize."

Mom *giggles* "Sweetie, that's enough."

Joe *walks in* "Nice color, Nicholas! It really brings out your eyes!"

Nick *glares at Joe*

Jess "To my defense it was probably Joe's The Flash boxers that did that!"

Nick "You washed MY shirts with HIS *points to Joe* underwear???"

Dad *walks in, stops in his tracks, looks at mom, looks at Nick* "Nicholas, why are you wearing your sister's shirt?"

Nick "Hrmpf!!!! This was my favorite shirt! I CANNOT believe this. Look at this!!!!"

Jess "We HAVE been looking at it. It's quite comical."

Nick "You are so lucky, I can't tackle you right now..."

Jess "Oh please, don't be so overly dramatic, Nicholas, it's pretty tight but not THAT tight."

Nick *frustrated grunt* "If mom and dad weren't....ugh....YOU will buy me a new one!!!"

Jess *face changes to serious* I'm really sorry, Nicky. And yes, I will buy you a new one. I'll buy you two..."

Nick "Good! Let's go!"

Jess *confused, worried* "Where are we going? Will I need Big Rob?"

Nick "I need someone to help me get this shirt off..."

End Notes:

poor Nicky...

oh and thank you SO much everyone for your awesome replies!!!! You guys ROCK!!!!

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