You Cheated! Your Legs Are Longer...

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After they were done with breakfast Nick and Kevin went to the music room on some music? *shrugs shoulders* I really don't know...they said that's where they were going, so...pretty safe to say that's what they were doing, right?

Anyway, I had just finished my cereal and was just sitting there at the island counter with Joe now. We were currently reading and laughing at the comics in the newspaper.

Joe *laughs* "You gotta read this one!"

Jess *laughs* "Hold on, hold on! I'm still reading JumpStart."

Joe "OK, but then you gotta read Lio."

Jess "I will, I will. Lio's my fave! But hold on..."

Joe "OK.....are you done now?"

Jess "No..hold on."

Joe "Now?"

Jess "Joe!"

Joe "Sorry."

Jess *finally reads Lio, laughs* "I always like Lio." *moves on to Pickles*

Joe *laughs* "Yeah.." *laugh fades* "Jess,..."

Jess "Hmm?"

Joe *quiet*

Jess *looks up* "Hmm?"

Joe "I don't wanna stir things up again, but...I really am sorry...about, you know, yesterday. I should have looked out for you better."

Jess *sighs* "Joe, you did nothing wrong. Please, please stop beating yourself up over it..."

Joe *sigh* "I know, I know, but...I just worry about you and I'm your big brother, I just wanna make sure you're alright....and what Nick said just kinda got to me...BUT good news!" *grins*

Jess *surprised at Joe's sudden mood change* "What's that?"

Joe "It'll never happen again." *grins*

Jess *frowns* "Please, don't tell me you're gonna ask me to poke my finger every 20 minutes from now on!"

Joe "Oh no! That would be crazy!...I say every 30!"

Jess *eyes big*

Joe *giggles* "Just kidding, relax! *laughs* I talked to Nick and he said, when I'm out with you to try remember to check every 2 hours."

Jess *smiles* "Now THAT sounds reasonable." *side hugs Joe*

Joe *plants big kiss on Jess' cheek*

Jess *squeals, in high-pitched fan voice* "Yay! I got my goodnight kiss...from Joe of Jonas! I will NEVER wash my cheek again!" *fake swoons*

Joe *laughs* "You're silly."

Jess "Wonder where I get that from!"

*Jess and Joe grin at each other*

Both *agree* "MOM!"

*Jess and Joe laugh*

Joe "So we're still gonna camp out right?"

Jess "Of course!! Oh and write that song together!"

Joe "Yuppp." *smiles*

G *runs in* "JEEESSSS!!!!!"

Joe *turns to the left, arms open* "GGGGG!!!!!!"

Jess *cracks up*

G *actually runs into Joe's arms*

Jess *mouth open, then giggles her head off*

Joe *arms still open, while G's hugging him* "Umm..OK" *big smile, wraps arms around G, then releases G*

Joe "Ha! Finally someone that appreciates my hugs!"

G *grins* "Oh no, I just felt like doing something random."

Joe *fake hurt, holds chest* "Ouch! Gabriela! Really?"

G *annoyed* "It's G! It's G! And you know that!"

Joe "Hehehe, soft spot."

Jess "Leave her alone" *giggles*

G *hugs Jess* "Hey girl!"

Jess "What's up, G?" *smiles*

G "Your brother was being mean!"

Jess *fake gasp* "JOSEPH!"

Joe *open mouth but smiles* "She was hating on me first!"

G *laughs* "Anyway, I'm so excited for the BBQ!"

Jess "Me, too!"

Joe "The guys should get here any minute!"

Jess *raises eyebrow, to G* "Who let you in?"

G "I let myself in."

Jess & Joe: O_O

G "What? I know the gate code and I know where you keep the spare key hidden."

Joe "IIII don't even know where we keep the spare key hidden!"

*Jess & G giggle*

Joe "No, really...I don't...nah just kidding, I do."

*All laugh*

*door bell rings*

As tradition dictates, me and Joe both jumped up, almost knocked down G (sorry G), and stumbled...I mean, raced to the door. Joe won...oh and it was Garbo.

Joe *a little out of breath, letting Garbo in*

Garbo *shakes head, laughs* "Who won?"

Joe *proudly* "Me!"

Jess *hugging Garbo* "He cheated!"

Garbo "Why do I find that easy to believe?"

Joe "WHAT? No, I didn't!"

Jess "Uh huh! You cheated!"

G *walks in, greets Garbo*

Joe *crosses arms in front of his chest* "How?"

*Garbo and Joe look at Jess*

Jess " *blurts out* your legs are longer than mine!!!"

Joe *raises eyebrows*

Garbo *squints eyes* "Umm...yeah, sorry, Lil' J...not very...yeah just no."

Jess *rolls eyes, laughs*

Joe "Guess, I'm just naturally awesome, like that."

Jess "Oh, pff, please. You were just lucky. *to Garbo* And don't call me Lil J!"

Garbo *grins*

Jess *rolls eyes* "Oh and you still owe me a round of Halo!"

Garbo "Well, we got some time to kill till the rest of the guys get here so, let's go!"

Jess *fist pumps* "YES! Race you upstairs?"

Garbo "You are sooo your brothers' sister!" *takes off*

Jess *yells and runs after Garbo* "HEY! No fair! WAIT!"


Me and Garbo played for a little while. We were gonna play Halo but the stupid disc had a scratch in it and wouldn't play right so we ended up playing NBA live instead. This way even G joined us. She usually only likes Madden and I love Madden don't get me wrong but me and Garbo really had our mind set on basketball for some reason...oh and Joe played, too, of course.

Dad got a home a little while after we started playing and once all the rest of the band had made it, the meeting began.


--Media room--

*G and Jess just sitting talking on the couch*

Jess "....I knowww!!!! He's so cute!"

Dad *sticks head in* "Baby girl, we're waiting for you! What are you doing?"

Jess *points to herself, raises eyebrows*

Dad "You're kind of part of this tour?"

Jess *forms and O with her mouth* "Riiigght. Sorry dad." *smiles*

Dad "That's fine. Come on, let's go."

Jess "What about G?"

Dad "Fine, she can come, too...but this is all confidential, so..."

G "I would never tell anybody!" *grins*

Jess "Dad, I know her huge idiotic grin does not make it easy to believe, she'll be able to keep quiet, but we can really trust her!"

Dad "I know that." *smiles*

*Dad, G, & Jess walk to the family room together*

Dad *puts arm around Jess* "So...who's 'he'? And how cute is he?"

Jess *rolls eyes* "Daaaad."

We all got to the family room (because Dad's office was just too tiny for this) and it looked packed somehow. Ryan, Joe, Jack, and Garbo were sitting all squished on the big couch, Kevin and Nick were on the love seat, and John was in one of the armchairs. G plopped down on the other armchair and then I was left just standing there.

Nick *smiles* "Come on!" *waves her over*

Jess *sits down on Nick and Kevin's laps, resting her hands on one of each's knees in front of her* sighs* "Just like old times." *grins*

I used to sit on their laps a lot. All of my brothers'. But not so much anymore now. I kinda miss it though.

Dad *smiles* "Alright. Now that I FINALLY have you all together..."

And he went on....and on ...and on....about the tour, the confirmed dates, safety rules, the stage design (which was actually really cool and interesting), the tour buses....

Dad " we have decided to have the kids have their own bus, the band have their own bus, and me and mom have our own bus BUT I have no problem having all six of us on the same one if it shouldn't work out! *looks at Jonas kids and G*."

I was really happy about parents! Our own bus! That sounded so rockstar to me!

Dad went on to talk about ticket sales so far and all I heard was numbers, so my brain shut off automatically because numbers = math and I just can't deal with that outside of school.

So I started "drawing" things with my index finger on Nick's knee, which was right in front of me, and that I had been resting my hands on. He didn't seem to like it because he kept whisper yelling at me to stop.

Jess *whisper* "Sorry." *keeps 'drawing' on Nick's knee*

All of a sudden Nick made the funniest squeaky sound EVER! Everyone laughed their butts off. A little jerky half jump accompanied his squeak, too and made me slide over to Kevin's side more which made me laugh even harder. Dad just looked at us like this: O_O right after he heard Nick squeak like a guinea pig.

Nick *not looking amused*

Joe "WHAT was that?" *laughing*

Dad *smiling* "Alright, alright, settle down can we please get back to....NICHOLAS! *laughs* Stop!"

Nick *holding his hands behind Jess, pretending like he's going to strangle her*

Jess *turns around to look at Nick*

Nick *before Jess can say anything, hug attacks her*

Jess *squeal*

Nick *laughs* "You think you got jokes, huh?"

Joe "Now, how come you never hug me like that, Nick? I'm hurt!"

Dad "Alright, once again settle down *smile* we're almost done! And the fun part's just now coming up! The setlist. Now, I know it's nowhere near complete yet BUT I'd like to talk about some last minute additions we will definitely include, and that is Still There For Me that Joe and Jess wrote and ...." *looks at Nick & Jess*

Nick & Jess "Tonight"

Dad "Right. Tonight."

John "Jess, you helped write two new songs?" *smile*

Jess "Yup." *smiles*

Nick "'Helped'? She wrote and arranged half of Tonite!"

Joe "And half of Still There For Me."

Ryan "That's awesome, Jess!"

Jess "Thanks." *blushes*

Dad *smiles* "Alright, those two will have to be learned by everyone and rehearsed."

Jack "Jess, you wanna play the drums during Video Girl? *to Dad* We're doing Video Girl, right?"

Dad "Yes."

Jess "Me? Like on tour? Like THIS tour?"

Jack "You love to go nuts with that song. So, if nobody else minds, definitely!"

*Everyone encourages Jess to do it*

Jess "OK, I'll do it. *squeals* I'm so excited now!!!"

*All laugh*

Nick *laughs* "Having written two awesome songs and being able to perform them makes her go "Oh OK, that's cool." but finding out she gets to play the drums on one song gets her all squealing."

Jess *smiles* "What? I love playing the drums...I just wish I could play more than just the handful of songs I know..."

Nick "Well, you pretty much figured out Tonight that was all you, remember?"

Jess "I guess..."

Dad "You really hadn't practiced that at all?"

Jess *shrugs shoulders* "No...Nick said, it's a mellow song and to just keep it smooth so I did...kinda started out with a basic rhythm and then...turned my brain off and just played."

Nick *smiles*

Dad *surprised, impressed* "Wow....Alright then...we're good! In the pool you go! Burgers will be served in about 2 hours!"

Joe *jumps up* "I'LL GET THE NOODLES!!!!"

*Everyone but Jess looks confused, all laugh*

End Notes:

just a lil filler chapter....pool party next :) GO GET YOUR NOODLES!!!!!

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