Field Trip Adventures

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Me and Joe just looked at each other, completely surprised...

Jess *thinking* How did mom find out about our little trip to ToysRUs? Yeah, we hugged a fan but we didn't take any pictures with her...and mom was in New York, so she couldn't have heard it from someone in town or.....oh, I hate it when mom finds out about everything. Someone needs to remind her that she is NOT a CSI....*sighs*

Dad "Well, let's all go to the kitchen and grab our sandwiches that Ryan and Garbo picked up for us..remind me to pay you boys back later.... We can talk about Jess and Joe's little field trip later..."


On our way back downstairs to the kitchen Joe was walking next to me with his left arm around my shoulder.

Joe *whispers* "HOW did she find out ab-..."

Jess *whispers* "I have no clue..."

Joe *whispers* "What are we gonna tell her? Like, you know, what's the official statement?"

Jess "Godzilla was chasing us and it was the only store that was open?" *shrugs shoulders*

Joe *laughs* "I love you."

Jess *smiles, shakes head*



*Dad goes to grab extra chairs so everyone can sit*

*Mom hands out sandwiches to everyone.*

Kevin *receives sandwich from mom, looks at Jess* "Buglet, I really think, you'll be fine. I believe in you."

Jess *smiles* "Thanks Kev, I really appreciate it." *gives Kevin a side hug*

*Dad returns with chairs, everyone sits down*

Dad "Alright, let's say Grace. Everyone, join hands, bow your heads and close your eyes."

We all did as we were told. I was in between John and Joe. Now that I think about it that's kinda funny....Joe and me usually tend to get in trouble a lot together (shocker, right? I know...) and whenever we do, we usually stick close by to each other...not sure why, but we've always done that...guess, it's kinda like, we're thinking, together we're stronger long as they don't catch us individually ...*giggles* started to pray...

Dad "Lord Jesus, we'd like to thank you for allowing us to share yet another meal with the entire family and band. We are especially thankful for being able to have Jack with us tonight and we ask you to bless the ER doctor that took care of him so quickly and we ask for quick healing and a smooth recovery for Jack. We also ask you to watch over us as we are starting preparations for this tour and figure everything out...[....]"

Dad's prayer continued for a little while longer. We all had a lot on our minds and dad had naturally picked up on all our concerns and things we were grateful for.

After we were done praying, mom handed out the rest of the sandwiches while me and Nick "did our D-thing" *wink*


Jess "129!" *fist pumps*


Nick "129!"

*Nick and Jess look at each other, grin*

Nick & Jess "BLOOD SUGAR TWINS." *high five each other*

*Everyone laughs*

Nick helped me figure out the carb count for my sandwich and we gave ourselves our shots.

Pretty soon everyone was eating and there were a few different conversations going on between some of us.

Mom "So, why don't Joe and Jess tell us a little bit about their field trip to the toy store, while I wasn't here?"

Jess *figures she can't deny it anyway, sighs* "How did you find out?"

Mom "How could you even possibly think I wouldn't?" *smirk*

Joe "Dudette! Why did you do that??? We could have probably told her the Godzilla story or something!"

Jess *gives Joe a look*

Joe "Well, maybe not that one..."

Dad "Well,....?"

*All other conversations had stopped, all eyes on Jess and Joe, everyone is amused*

Jess "We just...we just felt like going and we passed by it and I was like, hey that'd be a great place to go. We haven't been in so long..."

Joe "Oh please, that is so not what happened! *almost proudly* It was all my idea, we pulled up to the store and Jess was like *girly voice* 'No, Joey, we shouldn't, we'll get in trouble.' and I was all like *deep manly voice* 'Don't you worry. We'll be fine. Mom will never find out' and then we got home found out and...did I just confess the entire crime?"

Mom "Well, that was easy..."

Jess *to Joe, fake bummed out* "Blabbermouth!"

*Everyone laughs*

Joe *smiles* "What?"

Mom *smiles*"I wouldn't have so much of a problem with you guys going to a toy store, if you weren'!....don't get me wrong I love you two very much, but, boy, about 80% of the few gray hairs I have, are from all the times you have broken something...."

Jess "What about the other 20?"

Mom "The other 20 are from worrying about you two, when you haven't gotten yourselves in trouble for a while."

Jess *laughs* "Moooommmm!"

Joe "How did you find out? You were on the other side of the country!"

Mom "Well, they do have internet there."

Jess & Joe "Huh?"

Jess "But we only met one fan and didn't even have a picture tak-..."

Mom "Oh, this wasn't a fan picture..." *looks at dad* let me see your phone, honey.."

Dad *hands his phone to mom*

Mom *read off phone* "Guess who was spotted out in town yesterday. Yup, Joe and Jess Jonas. Looks like these two have chosen to never grow up. While shopping for pool toys at ToysRUs and making it through the entire store without breaking anything, Joe and Jess were seen hitting each other by the cash register...with foam noodles, of course. We talked exclusively with the manager, "They were here for about an hour. The sister bumped into one of our associates, but apologized immediately. They also hugged and signed stuff for a young fan. After they were done paying for pool toys and Moon Sand, they started goofing off with the foam noodles. No one was injured, and they left before any damage could be done." Well, there ya have it JonasHeads. I am sure their parents are relieved their polite Troublesome Twosome didn't break a ferris wheel again." *looks at Jess and Joe, everyone else giggles*

Kevin "'The polite Troublesome Twosome'? I like that. Very fitting." *laughs*

Joe *nervous laugh* "Pff, they can't really prove that though, I mean..."

Nick "Joe, that sounds JUST like you two!" *giggles*

Mom "Oh, and looky here! There is also an adorable picture of two of my children going at each other with foam noodles!"

Jess "Pff, a lot of people look like us!"

Joe "Jess, no one looks as good as us!"

Jess "True!"

Dad "Kids! The point your mother and I are trying to make is 1) nothing gets by us without us hearing about it. 2) We had asked you before to stay away from ToysRUs for obvious reasons. We have slightly been on their radar since...a certain couple of kids of mine decided it'd be fun to take the big wheel apart. 3) the paparazzi are everywhere and so are fans, no matter what you do outside this house, chances are, someone is going to see, and recognize you, and take a picture of whatever it is you might be doing."

Joe & Jess "We're sorry."

Dad *nods head* ".....and speaking of publicity... kids, I just got a call this afternoon from Radio Disney they wanna do an interview tomorrow at 2PM. It should be mostly questions about the tour and we might as well address the whole Jack situation and resulting changes..."

Jack "Great idea! I just checked my Twitter and have already gotten about a 100 tweets asking what happened...guess somebody saw me at the hospital or something."

Dad "Alright, that sounds like a plan then."

Kevin *to Joe and Jess* "Did you really buy Moon Sand?"

Jess "YES!!! I'm so excited to try it out!"

Kevin "Did you get a set? Which one?"

Joe "The monkey one!"

Jess *gives Joe look, to Kevin* "The jungle one."

Joe "Like I said...the monkey one."

Dad *looking at the picture on his phone, shakes head* "I cannot believe you guys went to town on each other with these foam noodles at the store."

Nick "I believe it!"

*Everyone laughs*

At that point mom and dad just kinda dropped it. I don't think they were ever really that mad about the whole thing...they just used it as an excuse to give us another quick refresher on how to behave in public. *grins*

We had a really great rest of the night. Every once in a while Jack would come over to wherever I was to remind me, we were still friends *rolls eyes, smiles*, he wasn't mad at me, and how excited he was for me to be playing on tour.
I asked him if he would still come with us, or if he was just gonna take some time off. Jack assured me he'd be there to help me with any questions I might have, and also that he would not want to miss seeing me play. I was really nervous about this whole thing. I knew I had to do it though...not just try, but actually do it. But with Nick and Jack there to coach me and help me, I was sure, I would end up fine.

Kevin had been talking to mom and dad somewhere in a corner for about 20 minutes. I excused myself (I had been talking with Joe and Garbo about video games), and grabbed Nick away from John and Ryan with a "Triple T, NOW!" and pulled him aside.

Nick "What's up? Joe picking on you again?"

Jess "What? No! Have you noticed something about Kevin?"

Nick "Nothing really... he's just been talking to mom and dad...have you?

Jess *gives look*

Nick *mocks Jess, gives same but exaggerated look back*

Jess *smiles, rolls eyes* "Nicky!"

Nick *smiles* "What am I missing, CSI Jess?"

Jess *grins* "Kevin has been talking to mom and dad for like 20 minutes!!"

Nick *looks at Jess, expecting more*

Jess "Really, Nicky?"

Nick *smiles* "I'm just messing with you. So you think it's got something to do with our birthday?"

Jess "Ya huh!! There's only two days left and usually, they always tell us like a week in advance about what we're gonna do."

Nick *squints eyes* "Hmm,...very true."

Jess "Aaaand Kevin's been so secretive, and remember, how like a couple of times, he just went out and then came back?"

Nick "Jess, people do that. Especially all those that are not handcuffed to any kind of piece of furniture, confining them to their home."

Jess *giggles* "Seriously, though!"

Nick "I know, I've noticed it, too."

Jess "What do you think they got planned?"

Before Nick could answer we were interrupted by John saying they all better leave and get some rest. So we said bye to everyone.
When everyone was gone, I started to make my way upstairs. I passed Nick and Joe's room and saw that Nick had already changed into his jammies and was getting ready to lie down. I walked in (hey, the door was open, OK? it's not like I just kicked the door in or something...I have gotten better about knocking and stuff though) and sat down next to him on the bed.

Jess "So...?" *raises both eyebrows*

Nick "I don't know. I don't really need anything big...I mean, I like doing big things because I know you love doing crazy stuff, but I really don't need..."

Jess *holds up hand* "Save the humble Nick-version for the interview tomorrow, you always say, you don't want anything big, but then when we get it, you always have a lot of fun."

Nick "Of course! What am I supposed to do? Just sit there and mope, saying "I said I didn't want anything."?

Jess "Yup. Pretty much."

Nick *shakes head, smiles*

Jess "Maybe we're getting a pet wolf or lion!"

Nick "That's just silly."

Jess "Hm...maybe a car?"

Nick "We have a truck and the Mustang."

Jess "Yeah, but they're both yours..."

Nick "No, they're both ours."

Jess "Except that no one will let me drive them by myself."

Nick "Because all you have is your learner's permit!"

Well, he was right there. I had kinda failed the first behind the wheel test and hadn't retaken it yet...

Nick "You'll get your license!"

Jess "When? We won't have time to practice before tour ends...then something else will come up...."

Nick "We'll have some downtime here and there while on tour. We'll get you there." *smiles*

Jess "OK..."

*Joe sneaks up on Jess, grabs her in a headlock from behind, Jess squeals*

Joe *to Nick* "Sorry, dude, but it's Jess and Joe camp time!"

Nick "So umm...I see you're cheating on me, Jess?"

Joe *giggles, lets go off Jess*

Jess "What? No! Never!"

Nick "That's OK...I see how it is...go ahead. Break my heart. I'll probably write a song about'll become a hit..."

Jess *slaps Nick's arm, laughs* "You're terrible! And I promised it to him. We'll camp out again tomorrow night or so..."

*Mom, dad, & Kevin appear in doorway*

Dad *half way to mom* "You know, I really wonder why we bought them all individual beds. They never all end up in their own least one of them is always empty."

Jess "DON'T THROW MY BED AWAY! I need it!"

Kevin *giggles*

Mom "Dad was just joking, sweetie. We're heading off to bed. We just wanted to say good night!"

Dad "You kids better get some sleep, too! We have that Radio Disney thing tomorrow and I'm also thinking of doing another live chat in the next couple of days, and have the entire band say, hi, so the fans can see Jack and so forth."

Jess *looks down*

Nick *puts arm around her shoulder* "You do realize that Jack could have just not started running away from you, and then wouldn't have slipped, right?"

Jess "Yeah...I know...but it just looked so bad....him slipping, bouncing of the edge, and then ending up in the pool..."

Dad *walks into the room, sits down on bed next to Jess, puts arm around her waist* "I want you to know that even though I am not thrilled about what happened, I am not mad anymore and also...*lifts Jess' chin up* I am confident you will do great."

Jess "You are?"

Dad *smile* "Yes, but it will take a lot of hard work. Listen, what happened, happened, and we can't change anything about that, but we can darn sure do our best to try and make this tour the best one yet, right?"

Jess *smiles* "Right!"

Joe "JONAS GOOD NIGHT GROUP HUG!!!!" *tackles dad, Jess, and Nick on the bed*

*Mom and Kevin join too, all laugh*

Dad "Alright, alright. To bed now. All of you."

Joe "Except for the Awesome Twosome. 'Cause Jess and me got a Camp Date." *grins*

Dad *fake serious* "You two have been going on a lot of dates lately...I think it's time we have a talk about relationships and courtship."

Jess "Daaaaaddd!!!" *slaps dad on the arm*

*All laugh*

We all said good night and of course, mom and dad reminded us to not stay up much longer.

*Mom, dad, Kevin, leave*

Joe "I'll go set up camp!" *grabs pillows and blankets off his bed*

Jess *smiles* "OK...but please don't mess up my room...never mind it's already messy...go ahead."

Joe *laughs* "We're both so good at that." *grins, leaves through bathroom door*

Jess *to Nick, sigh* "This should be different...."

Nick *smiles, hugs Jess*

Jess *still hugging* "Don't worry, our camp outs are our camp outs..."

Nick "No worries, Twinnie. Just....don't accidently hurt each other."

Jess *breaks hug, makes face*

Nick *laughs* "Just messing with you. Have fun! Oh and take your shot and check before you go to bed!"

Jess "Oh yeah, thanks! ..."

Nick *smiles* "Jess, you will get better at this, you know! I mean, you are already doing so well, but what I'm trying to say is..."

Jess *smiles* "I know what you mean."

Nick "'Course, you do."

*Jess & Nick hold up bend index fingers at the same time, laugh, interhook them*

We then stuck our heads (and hands) together and prayed really quickly. When we were done, we hugged.

Joe "Awww, how cute, ok ok ok ok let's go, Jess!

*Nick and Joe break hug, smile, say good night*

Joe "So wilderness called...and I picked up *pretends to pick up a phone*...and say "hi, yes we will be right there."

*Nick, Joe, and Jess laugh*

Jess "Alright then, Joey. Let's go camping!"


End Notes:

Phew...well that all kinda worked out....whatchu think? Jess is definitely new to the whole drumming thing...shes messed around with drums for years but has never performed in front of a crowd...just at home...she definitely has A LOT to learn...but dont forget....SHE's a JONAS! tour is starting soon but its the twins' birthday first! w00t! are you excited? so m,uch stuff coming up! it NEVER ends...

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