Chit Chattin' It Up!

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*Jess running into the media room*

Dad "Oh good, at least one of you made it! Where are your brothers?"

Jess *grins* "So I'm not in trouble because I made it here before them?" *fist pumps* "YES!"

Dad "You're still not on time, I just sent mom to go look where everyone is...go sit down!"

Jess *eyes wide*

Dad "Sit!"

Jess "By myself???"

Dad *looks at Jess over the rim of his glasses*

Jess "Hrmph"

Dad *still looking at her*

Jess *smiles*

Dad "Much go, go!"

Jess *takes deep breath, takes seat on couch*
*thinking* Oh wow! Guess they can see me *waves as she sees all the messages on the screen*. It's moving so fast! *spots herself on the little screen window, grins*

*out loud* "Hi guys! *waves again* I'm Joe *hops to the left on the couch* I'm Kevin *hops back to the right* and I'm Nick. *grins* Just kidding. I'm Jess. Sorry, the Jonas Brothers are gonna join me in a minute but for'll just have to put up with the Jonas Sister. *big smile* So how's everyone doing today?" *looks at screen*

Joe *runs in, plops down on couch* "Hey guys!" *grins*

Jess "Oh, how nice of you to join me here on the Jess Jonas Show. How are you, my brother?"

Joe *grins* "It's such a pleasure. Thanks for having me. I am fantastic. *to camera* what's up you guys? We have some great announcements to make, so stay tuned. We're just waiting for Nick and Kevin."

Jess *reads off question* "Joe, where were you?"

Joe "Now the official answer is 'I was held up at the office.'.."

Jess *to camera* "...while the real reason is he either couldn't choose what to wear, or his hair didn't look right."

Joe *looks at Jess* "It's creepy how well you know me."

Jess "Joe, it's not a secret that you like to look good."

Joe *puts arm around Jess' shoulder, pulls her close, laughing*

Jess "See, what I have to put up with? Times 3?" *grins*

Dad *from behind the webcam* "They are asking what it's like to be the only girl."

Jess "What's it like being the only girl? Being the only girl is not as bad, as most people may think. I actually get that question a lot. I actually like having three brothers....most the time."

Joe "Hey! *laughs* Well, we love having you as our sister!" *smiles at Jess*

Jess *looks at screen* "Haha, everyone's going "awwwwww". *to webcam* Oh, I'd like to thank every single one of you for all the well wishes on Twitter! I tried to read them all and I really appreciated them! You guys rock!" *smiles*

Kevin *comes in*

Joe "Kevin Jonas, everyone."

Kevin *sits down* "Hi everyone! So sorry guys! I literally overslept."

Jess *eyes wide* "You slept until just now?"

Kevin "No, silly! I got up at 6 this morning, then took a nap...was only supposed to be for 30 minutes."

Jess *laughs* "Oh!"

Nick *walks in*

Jess *spots him* "NICKY!!!" *blushes* "Sorry, guys. Nick just walked in."

Kevin *laughs* "Yeah, cause they couldn't have figured that one out."

Nick "Move over so I can sit."

Jess *giggles* "Nick, I don't think they wanna see your butt!"

Nick *turns around and squeezes between Jess and Joe* "Sorry. Hello everyone."

Jess *reads screen, starts laughing* "Never mind, they love your butt!"

Nick *shakes head, smiles* "Sorry guys, I had to have a little snack before I came on this couch is way too tiny."

Jess "Nope. Joe's butt is just too big."

Joe "Leave my bootyliciousness out of this!"

Kevin "I'm pretty sure that word is copywritten."

Jess *to camera* "Dear Mr Beyonce's lawyer, tell Beyonce I said, hi, and to call me once you're done talking to our lawyer." *makes call me sign with hand*

Kevin *giggles* "So anyways, we have a big announcement! We are going on tour! Our first show will be in New York at the end of next month. Tickets will go on sale in *looks at dad* right after this we will hopefully see you on tour soon!" *smiles*

Nick *low voice, to Joe* "Can you like...i don't know, sit on on the floor, or something? Or Jess, sit on my lap even...this is not working." *all squished, wiggles around*

*Joe sits down on floor, in front of Jess, Jess rests her chin right on top of Joe's head*

Nick "OK, that's better. Sorry guys, I felt a little crowded there."

Jess *sniffs Joe's hair* "Your hair smells so good! Wait a mi-...Joe, have you been using my shampoo?"

Joe *grins* "It works for your crazy curly I figured it'll work for mine."

Kevin *laughs* "Oh, here's an important question, Jess, is it true that you were diagnosed with diabetes just like Nick? And how are you feeling now?"

Jess *takes a breath* "Yes. That's true. I was diagnosed..*squints eyes* a week ago?" *looks at Nick*

Nick *looking straight ahead at a spot on the wall behind the screen, nods head* "September 5th."

Jess *nods* "Hm...*smiles again* and I'm feeling lots better now. Thanks again for all your messages guys. They meant a lot!"

Dad *from behind the screen* "They are wondering what it was like for you when you found out Jess had diabetes, too."

*All look towards Nick for a second*

Nick *serious* "It's never easy to hear about anybody's diagnosis, just because I know about all those highs and lows you go through with diabetes...when it's your own sister... it's extremely hard at first. Jess is not only my sister, she's my twin. *Jess leans head on Nick's shoulder* So just knowing what I felt like from when I was diagnosed and knowing what she is most likely was not easy. But life only moves forward, and we're all really glad to have her back home with us." *leans his head against Jess' head*

Kevin "I think the good thing was that, even though we were really shocked at first, we had that feeling of safety because we already knew what diabetes was and how it would affect Jess' every day life from now on. Even though it's different for everyone, I'm sure, it still gave especially our parents, I think, some comfort knowing how to handle the highs....and the lows."

Jess *lifts head off of Nicks shoulder* "Diabetes is definitely a family affair! I actually feel really blessed. *all look at Jess* I know it might sound weird, but dad always tells me that God would never put more weight on our shoulder than we are able to carry, and I firmly believe that. Having my family behind me and especially Nick, who's helped me so much in the past week, makes me feel like I can achieve anything and will be able to manage my diabetes well, and not let it control my life. Thanks guys."

*All smile*

Jess *squints at screen* "Oh, I like this one. Do you guys all have nicknames for each other?" *looks at Kevin*

Kevin "Only for Jess. I've always called her, Buglet. When she was little she was fascinated with bugs, so it just kinda stuck.

Jess "I call Kevin 'Kevy-Kins sometimes..."

Nick "I call Jess 'Twinnie' sometimes because she actually loves Mickey Mouse..but she's a girl so Twin+Minnie= Twinnie." *smiles* "She doesn't really like it though, I don't think."

Jess "Yeaaaahh ...It's alright."

Kevin "Nick, can you say 'hi' to Molly."

Nick "Hi Molly.*small wave* How are you? Hope you're doing well."

Jess *squints her eyes again to read*

Kevin *laughs out loud* "Jess, a whole bunch of fans are saying you and Nick both make the same face when you're reading the questions or thinking."

*Jess & Nick look at each other for a second*

Nick "Hm. Interesting. Thank you?" *smiles*

Jess "Yeah, we actually practiced that really hard. We wanna make sure you guys get the ultimate Twin Experience!" *grins, and waves arms*

Nick *tries not to laugh, into webcam* "No, we actually didn't!"

Joe *reading* "CarlaLovesJonas says 'Jess and Joe, you are both so silly. I love it.' " *grins*

Jess *hugs Joe's head covering his eyes* "Thanks. I wuv my Joey....but what do you mean we're silly?" *raises one eyebrow*

Joe *with Jess' arms still around his head, unable to see* "Yeah, Carla, what are you trying to say?" *grins*

Jess *lets go off Joe's head*

Joe *puts head all the way up so he can look at Jess upside down, grins, mouths 'Love you'*

Jess *grins back, mouths 'I know'*

Kevin *laughs, shakes head* *Points at screen, laughs* "Jess, Joe, they caught that! I think you just scored really high on cuteness-points.....oooooh guys! *reads* Will Jess be playing or singing on this tour? *answers himself* Yes! We are very excited about this. We have FINALLY finally finally talked her into performing with us."

Jess "Well, I just always figured it's the Jonas Brothers World Tour. Not The Jonas Siblings World Tour..."

Joe "Well, reading all these comments, looks like they can't wait to hear you live."

Jess *grins* "Thanks for all your support, guys! I really didn't expect that!"

Nick *reads* "Jess, they wanna know what, if any, instruments you play?"

Jess "Guitar, a little bit of drums, and a little piano."

Kevin "She's so humble...Buglet, you're a beast on the drums! *to webcam, raises eyebrows* She's a beast!"

Jess *blushes* "Only on the songs I know, which is not that many."

Nick "Jess, what is the weirdest experience you've had with one of our fans?"

Jess *giggles* "Hmm...weirdest JB fan experience I've ever had.... I was at the mall with my bff G *waves* Hi G! *smiles* And we were looking through that rack thingy that has all the posters in it? *looks at Kevin, back to webcam* and we were flipping through the posters and one of them had you guys on them *pointing towards her brothers* and *laughs* these two girls came up behind us and saw the poster and like squealed right in my ear and one of them was like "O-M-J they're like soooo hot!" and the other one was like "And they're pants are like soooo tight! Aren't they delicious?"

*everyone laughs*

Dad *laughs, covers eyes* "Oh boy..."

Nick *amused* "What did you do?"

Jess "Well, of course, I was like *makes face like this: O_O* at first. Then G goes "Oh, yeah, I just wanna sprinkle cilantro all over them and eat them up." Then I was like O_O even more. G then giggled her head off. Then one of them goes 'So who do you think is the hottest?'.."

Joe *grins, looks at Jess* "Did you say Joe?"

*everyone laughs*

Jess *laughs* "Well, I actually said 'I don't know...but umm...Joe's got really shiny hair!'.."

*everyone laughs*

Jess "Then both girls started to go on and on and asked if we had ever been to one of your concerts and was pretty hilarious...but just so wrong!! It's weird hearing others talk about you guys like that..."

Kevin "Jess, you're hot!"

*Jess and Nick's heads shoot up, same confused facial expression, then Jess grins*

Jess "Thanks Kev! But sorry, you're not really my type...I don't usually go for the 'brother type'..."

*everyone laughs*

Kevin *laughs* "Sorry, someone wrote that on here...I don't think I was supposed to read that out loud." *giggles*

Jess "But yeah, see how wrong that is to hear someone say something like that about your sibling? It's like, ewww, really?"

Nick *serious, to webcam* "It's also quite dangerous to say don't want me to catch you personally, saying that to or even just about my sister!"

Jess "Oh great, here we go again,....there you have it. I will never get married." *laughs, directs her attention to screen* "What are you guys doing for your birthday, Nick and Jess?....yeah, Kevin, what are we doing for our birthday?"

Nick "Why are you asking Kevin?"

Jess "Cause he's been keeping secrets from us!"

Kevin *to webcam* "We have something really special planned for them but we can't tell yet."

Jess *points finger at Kevin while jumping up, hitting Joe in the head* "HA!!! I knew it!"

Joe *rubs head* "Umm...ouch???"

Jess "Sorry" *grins, rubs Joe's head*

Nick *reads* "Jess, do you wear a purity ring, like your brothers."

Joe *blurts out* "You better believe it!"

*everyone laughs*

Jess *smiles* "Yes, I do." *holds up ring to camera*

Kevin *laughs out loud all of a sudden* "Jess, 'ItsGnotGabriela' says "*sprinkles cilantro on top* do you ever bring friends along on tour with you?"

*everyone laughs*

Jess "Hi G! *waves* That's from my bff G, everyone. She's like our sister AND will coincidentally be coming on part of this next tour with us."

Kevin "Oh, everyone, our dad just said we only have 15 minutes left. So send in your questions!" *smiles* "and don't forget right when this chat ends to go and get your tickets!"

Jess *plays with Joe's hair, takes pony tail holder off her wrist, gathers his hair on top of his head, and puts it onto a pigtail right on top, grins*

Joe *keeps a straight face throughout the whole thing*

Nick *giggles*

Kevin *reading comments, looks up, just now notices what's going on* "HA HA! I was reading the comments and was like, why is everyone freaking out?"

Joe *still with straight face* "What? It's how I always wear my hair."

Kevin *laughs, reads more questions* "Jess, can you sing something for us?"

Jess "I don't know." *looks at Nick*

Nick *smiles encouragingly* "I can help you."

Jess *pulls pony tail holder out of Joe's hair* "I was actually thinking of singing a new one me and Joe wrote today, if that's ok?" *fixes Joe's hair back to how it was before*

Dad *in background, surprised* "Oooh!"

Joe "Yeah, let's do it!"

Jess "We wrote it on piano but I can play it on guitar, too."

Nick *gets up to grab guitar*

Joe *gets up to sit next to Jess*

Nick *hands guitar to Jess, sits on the floors*

Jess *to webcam* "We just wrote it today so I hope we can remember all the words....and I can remember all the sorry if we mess up." *smile*

Kevin "What's it called?"

Joe "Still There For Me"

Jess "It's really close to me and Joe's heart so we hope you like it."

Jess *plays intro* "Ready?"

Joe *nods, starts singing*

Lately I've been thinking
About the things that we've been through
And I don't know if I'd be here,
If not for you

I had to take a little time
To try to work things out
And you should know that
I have never meant
To let you down

Cause I, I
Wannna tell you that I'm sorry
And I, I
Even when I'm not giving enough
And I'm taking too much
You're still there for me
Even when I got nothing at all
And I'm ready to fall
You're still there for me
There for me
There for me

Even when I can't be there for you
You're always there for me

Sometimes I know I can be
So hard to understand (Joe: It's ok)
Even when I'm lost
You show me who I really am
Life with me hasn't always been an easy ride
But because of you I've learned

To lose my selfish pride

Cause I, I
Wannna tell you that I'm sorry
And I, I
Even when I'm not giving enough
And I'm taking too much
You're still there for me
Even when I got nothing at all
And I'm ready to fall
You're still there for me
There for me
There for me

Even when I can't be there for you
Oh you're always there for me yeah....

Jess *plays last chord, smiles*

Nick *quiet voice* "That was beautiful."

Jess *puts hand on Nick's shoulder*

Nick *puts his hand on Jess' for a second*

Joe "That was "Still There For Me" and sorry but *wipes eye* I think something just flew in my eye."

*Everyone laughs*

Jess "Hope you liked it."

Kevin "That was amazing, guys! And whoa! Our viewers really loved it and are wondering if you're gonna sing it on tour!"

Joe "Maybe." *grins*

Nick "Alright, we have time for one more song, before we have to go, so any requests? Let us know!"

*All read messages for a second*

Jess & Nick "Interesting."

*everyone laughs*

Kevin *to webcam* "They really DO that. Like answer at the same time? It's kinda creepy sometimes."

Nick "Yup, looks like you guys really wanna hear this one song..."

Joe "Weird, we never get asked to do that one during live chats."

Jess "Well, there's a first time for everything." *grins*

Kevin "You know the chords or do you want me or Nick to play?"

Nick *receives another guitar from dad* "Thanks dad." *sits on other side of Kevin, Kevin in between Nick and Jess now, Joe on the floor* "Me and Jess will play." *grins*

Jess "Umm sure...but don't just play..*to webcam* I rock out!" *grins*

Kevin "Buglet, wanna sing the first verse?"

Jess *smiles* "OK, if the fans don't mind."

Dad *from background* "They've been saying how much they wanna hear you sing again. Go ahead."

Jess *big smile* "Alright then." *looks at Nick*

Nick *exchanges looks with Jess for about 10 seconds*

Kevin "Sorry about that guys, that's some kind of freaky twin telepathy thing...they tend to do that. Always makes you feel a little left out or like you're missing something."

Nick *giggles* "Let it go, Kevin, we were just deciding on what key to play in."

Joe "By just looking at each other?"

Jess *rolls eyes* "Ready?"

*Jess & Nick start playing, Jess starts singing first verse*

I woke up on my roof with my brothers
There's a whale in the pool with my mother
And my dad paints the house different colors
Where would we be, if we couldn't dream?

And I know

We get a little crazy

And I know
We get a little loud
And I know
We're never gonna fake it
We are wild
We are free
We are more than you think
So call us freaks
But that's just the way we roll

You got moves, I've got shoes, let's go dancing
Pop and lock, battle dance [battle dance] against Hanson
If we lose, all the girls, they'll be laughing
Where would we be, if we couldn't dream?

And I know
We get a little crazy
And I know
We get a little loud
And I know
We're never gonna fake it
We are wild
We are free
We are more than you think
So call us freaks
But that's just the way we roll

And we're old enough to know
We're never letting go
'Cause that's just the way we roll

*Nick and Jess finish the song and play the last chord*

*All smile*

Joe "Nice first verse, baby sis!" *grins and high fives Jess*

Nick "Nice harmonies, too...we didn't even have to ask you to." *fist bumps with Jess*

Jess "Well, I figured why not." *grins*

Kevin "Alright, guys, unfortunately we have to go now BUT there'll be another live chat soon! Until then remember to grab your tickets right after this chat!"

Joe "We love you, guys!" *air hugs viewers*

Jess *laughs* "Thanks for having me and all your support!"

Nick "Hope to see you on tour soon!"

--livestream ends--

End Notes:

Yay! the live chat was a success! the viewers loved it! Hope you did, too!

I watched old livechats for inspiration and had a lot of fun writing it. : )

PS: Still There For Me is by Corbin Bleu and Vanessa Hudgens ; )

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