Crashing' Pool Parties...

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The guys and G were all wearing their swim suits already and were headed straight to the pool area. I wasn't, so I raced to my room real quick to change as fast as I could.

As soon as I was done changing, I grabbed my phone and ran back downstairs, trying not to hurt myself in the process...

Jess *thinking* Sooo glad mom isn't here right now...she would probably yell at me for running through the house like a maniac...but I don't wanna miss anything! ...WHOA! almost bumped into the kitchen counter...*stops, peaks outside through the window* they better not be throwing me in the pool! I hate it when people do that. I'd just jump in anyway...but I hate when someone just picks me up an-..." *arms wrap around Jess, lift her up, Jess screams*

Kevin "Shhh, just me! *smiles and puts Jess down*

Jess *confused* "So you were not gonna throw me in the...never mind."

Kevin *laughs* "No, you want me to?" *grins*

Jess "Thanks, I'm good."

Kevin "Look at Joe just standing there..."

*both peak through window at Joe who was dropping all the pool foam noodles on the ground with his back towards them and facing the pool*

Jess *grins at Kevin*

Kevin *laughs* "Go, get him!"

Jess "You're awesome, Kevy! Just sayin'!"

Kevin *laughs* "Go!"

I took a deep breath, rubbed my hands together, and handed Kevin my towel....I wouldn't be needing that for what I had planned next.

Jess *opens door leading to backyard/pool area*

Nobody seemed to notice me. Half the band was playing what looked like water polo or something like that, I couldn't see Nick or Jack, but Kevin was just getting comfy on one of the pool lounge chairs. Oh, and dad was right next to Kevin, reading a book. Yeah, he was actually relaxing for once...not on the phone. I liked seeing him just relax in his swim shorts and Hawaiian shirt. I love it, when he's just dad. *smiles*

I started running from the door, screaming 'JESS ATTACK' at the top of my lungs, and tackled Joe and landed both of us in the pool. It was AWESOME! I had finally gotten back at him for throwing me into the pool with my clothes on, and phone in my pocket, the day before my diagnosis.

Jess *comes back up from under the water, laughing her head off*

G *yelling* "That's my girl!"

Joe *comes up, not amused*

Jess *sees Joe, stops laughing, O_O * "Oh boy!" *tries to swim to the other side of the pool*

Joe *catches up, grabs her by the ankle, pulls her underwater*

Jess *panics, starts kicking*

Joe *lets go, comes back up, rubbing his forehead*

Dad "Alright, enough, Joe!"

*Everyone giggles*

Joe "Dad, she flippin' tackled me like she's a flippin' defender in the NFL, then kicked me in the nose, and I'm the one you te-..."

Dad *puts book down* "Out of the pool, both of you!"

Joe *punches water with his fist*

*Joe and Jess get out of the pool*

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