The VIP Experience

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---Next day---

Big Rob had gotten to our house at around 9AM and we were leaving at around 9:30. Mom double triple quadruple checked we had everything we needed for the next two days until she and my brothers would meet up with us. She made sure we knew where everything was, a doctors note stating that we both have Type 1 and hence need to carry needles and insulin on us at all times, insulin pens, pen needles, extra lancets, extra finger prickers, we each had our spare meters in the bag as well, lots of glucose tabs and jelly beans for lows, two glucagon kits, and so much more. She also had dad carry an extra meter in his carry-on, as well as one insulin pen, and glucose tabs, just in case. 

We were now all gathered by the front door saying our goodbyes...

Mom *hugs Jess* "Bye, sweetie, be good. Watch out for each other! I want at least a text message tonight and tomorrow night with all your numbers, OK?"

Jess "Yes, ma'am." *smiles*

Mom "Love you." *kisses Jess temple*

Jess "Love you, too, mom."

Kevin "I do believe, I'm next" *grins*

Jess "Yesssss." *hugs Kevin*

Kevin "Take care, but most importantly have fun!"

Jess "Thanks, Kevy. We will." *smiles*

Kevin *breaks hug, kisses Jess on top of her head*

Joe was already standing right next to me. I was barely done hugging Kevin, when I was already scooped up by Joe into a big Joebear-hug. But it wasn't one of the squeezy-my brain's-gonna-start-leaking hugs. It actually was a nice hug.

Jess *smiles* "Yay."

Joe *smiles* "What are you yaying about?"

Jess "You're giving me a real Joebear hug without squeezing the crappola outta me."

Joe "Yeah well, someone once told me, you'd really appreciate a good serious strong hug every once in a while."

Jess *smiles, says nothing, holds on tight to Joe*

Joe "Be careful out there. And smack ARod on his butt for me and tell him "good game!" after they win."

Jess *slaps Joe's back, laughing*

Joe *pulls apart* "I''ll see ya in two days."

Jess "K." *kisses Joe's cheek* "Don't get in trouble without me!"

Joe *grins* "Never."

Big Rob "Alright, Nick and your dad are in the car already, make sure you got everything, and let's roll!"

Jess "OK. *waves at mom, Kevin, and Joe* Bye...!"

I was kinda sad I had to leave them behind.....I mean yeah it's only two days but still....BUT as soon as I hopped into the car, I remembered where I was going and that I had my dad, Big Rob, and Nick with me and I just got really excited.

The cab ride to the airport was kinda quiet. We were in a van and the driver wasn't one of the very talkative ones (thank Goodness). Dad and Big Rob were sitting in the middle row and talking about business stuff and me and Nick were in the very back just happily sitting next to each other, excited about where we were going, listening to our new iPods. Joe and Kevin had put our music from our itunes library on there and then some extra bands that they thought we should check out that morning..


We got out of the cab after dad had paid the cabbie and I was about to run grab a cart when Big Rob stopped me and told me he'd get it for me instead and to stay close to Nick and my dad.

Jess *thinking* Darn it! EVERY time! Sometimes I wish I could just run off and do stuff but noooo "someone might recognize you, Jess!", *sighs* ...I can't bel-..."

Nick "What's wrong?"

Jess "Huh?"

Nick "You look soo grumpy."

Jess "Oh...nothing...I just wanted to get the cart but....never mind....YANKEES!"

Dad *carrying a suitcase putting it close to the twins on the sidewalk, smiles* "SShhhhhh! I know you're excited but at least try to keep it down."

Dad was pushing the luggage cart and we were all walking towards the check-in counters.
Some people were taking pictures with their cell phones and giggling but nobody had approached us thus far.

Dad checked us all in...he handed everyone's ID to the clerk.

We were soon on our way and getting in line to be searched at the security check point.

Jess *pokes Nick's arm*

Nick *turns to Jess*

Jess *pulls Nick closer, low voice* "Do you ever wonder if less people would recognize us if our body guard was a little..."

Nick *smiles* "...smaller?"

Jess "Yeah." *laughs*

Nick "But then when we really need him to hold people back, a smaller one would have a harder time..."

Jess *nods head* "True."

We got through security pretty smoothly and were now just sitting there waiting for our plane....oh and we weren't waiting in the regular terminal waiting areas by the gates...we were waiting in the VIP lounge. Which is pretty much just a big room with nice comfy seats, TV's and all. It was mostly business people most the time in those lounges but at LAX especially I always like to keep my eyes open because a lot of celebrities come through here.

Dad "We still have about almost 1.5 hours to kill...I expected traffic to be a lot worse. When was the last time you two checked your sugar?"

Nick *looks at Jess*

Jess *looks at Nick*

Dad *smiles* "It's obviously been a while."

Nick *takes meter out of his bag, hands Jess hers, then goes through his meter memory* "Before breakfast...we should probably eat something now anyway." *gets test strip out, pricks finger*

Jess *does the same at the same time*

*Once both have applied blood to the test strip and the meter is counting down, they exchange meters and wait for the result*

There were three beeps, which meant one of us was out of range.

Nick *looks at Jess' meter in his hand* "Jess needs to right now!"

Jess "Nick's on his way down, too."

Dad *baffled* "Did you two just test and then swap meters?"

Big Rob "I seen them do that once or twice."

Nick "So, Jess what do you want?"

Jess "I don't know what do they have?"

Nick "Here. *hands Jess six jelly beans* have those for now until we find what we want to eat."

Jess "K. *stuffs them in her mouth, talks while chewing* You were at 76 so you'll probably be fine until we get lunch soon."

Dad *Big Rob* "Did they just ignore me?"

Big Rob *laughs* "I'll go get some McDonald's, everyone put into my phone what you want."

Big Rob then left with our orders to get the food.

Nick *puts both meters back into the bag*

Dad *curious* "So that little meter swap thing earlier was there some kind of deep twin meaning behind it?"

Nick *shrugs shoulders* "Not really..."

Jess "I guess, we got bored the other day, looked at each other, and decided to swap them and read each other's results..." *shrugs shoulders*

Dad *laughs* "You guys are an odd bunch sometimes..."

Jess "Nicky, have you checked Twitter yet and thanked everyone for the birthday wishes?"

Nick "Oh, no I haven'"

Jess *nods* "This morning."

??? "Hey there, Ms Jonas. I thought I recognized you."

Jess *turns to see where the voice was coming from, then O_O*

Nick *tries not to laugh, shakes head*

Dad "Oh, you are that wizard boy, right? Sorry, i forgot your name again..."

Nick *mumbles almost inaudibly* "Yeah, it's not like Jess never talks about him."

David Henrie *smiles* "Yes, I'm David Henrie, nice to meet you, sir." *shakes Dad's hand*

Dad "Kevin Sr."

David *nods* "Nick...and Jess...heh, remembered your name." *smiles, grabs Jess' hand and shakes it*

Jess "Hi Dave." *smiles*

Nick *raises eyebrows* "Dave?"

Jess *glares at Nick, signaling him to shut up*

David "Yeah, most my friends call me 'Dave'....So, you're off to your Yankees game, huh?"

Jess "Yeah, we're really excited."

David "Yeah, I remember you're saying you were leaving, but I didn't remember what day..."

Nick *raises eyebrows* "You two've been talking?"

Jess & David "Twitter." *both look at each other, smile*

Nick "I see. I see."

Jess *rolls his eyes* "No worries, we Direct Message'd (DM) each other...I didn't want crazy fans stalking us to the airport."

Nick *smiles*

Jess *thinking* Nicholas, I swear if you dare to say something stupid right now I will...

David *interrupts Jess' thoughts* "Hey, so when do you get back?"

Jess "In like four days. Where are you going?"

David "Ah, Phoenix...little three day trip. Just visiting some family."

Jess "Oh. Cool."

Dad "I'm gonna go see if Big Rob needs some help with all our orders..." *smiles* "Would you like anything from McDonald's, David?"

David *smiles* "No, thanks. I'm fine."

Dad *smiles, then leaves*

David "So, hey, I was wondering...have you ever played paintball before?"

Jess "Yeah, it's a lot of fun!"

David "Nice. Wanna get together..."

Nick *gives David a look*

David *sees Nick's look* "....with a ...with a nice group of people...a... a big group...and play some paint ball when you get back from NY?"

Jess "That sounds awesome! I'm in!" *smiles*

Nick "Of course, you are."

Jess *glares at Nick*

David *not sure what to think*

Nick "You know, throw in guns, bruises, and competition and Jess is in."

David "Nice. I like that. So, got my number and we'll stay in touch." *smiles*

Jess *smiles* "Yup. Have a good flight and have fun with the fam."

David "Always, always. You have a safe trip, too. Have fun with the Yankees, and Nick...good seeing you again, man!"

Nick "Yeah. Take care."

And then David turned around and left through the VIP lounge doors...

Jess *smiling BIG*

Nick *o_O* "So you got his number, huh?"

Jess *smiles, nods, smile fades* "Nick, stop it!"

Nick *laughs* "What?"

Jess "You'd be really happy, too if you got to hang out with one of your favorite stars."

Nick "Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear what you were saying I was too busy mopping up your drool again."*grins*

Jess *shoves Nick* "Jerk."

Nick "Aww, Jess, come on...seriously though I-...."

Jess "Nick, chill! He wants to go's not even a date!"

Nick "That's what you're saying, but are you sure?"

Jess "Nick, I want you all to come, too! It'll be fun!"

Nick *rolls his eyes*

Jess "Besides, I don't even think I'd wanna date him...just because he's a studmuffin, and yeah, there, I said it again...studmuffin, and on my favorite Disney show, doesn't mean I wanna be his girlfriend."

Nick *o_O*

Jess "It doesn't!...*looks down* "I've been thinking about this in general...I don't think I'd wanna date someone in the just seems like..."

Nick "More work than anything else?"

Jess " I need you to please turn off all protective brother mode. Leave that up to Joe...and just be my best friend and..."

Nick " happy for you." *smiles*

Jess *smiles* "Yes...and maybe hope for me that I will get a hug from him one of these days...every fan's dream: to hug their favorite star." *smiles*

Nick "No..every fan's dream is to kiss, make out, and marry their favorite star."

Jess *fake O_O* "You wanna do all that with Daniel Craig???? Nick, I think it's time we have a talk!"

Nick *rolls eyes* "Whatever."

Jess *rolls eyes*

*Dad & Big Rob come back, sit down and hand food to Nick & Jess*

Dad "Where'd David go?"

Nick *grins, to dad but looking at Jess* "DAVE *looks at dad* had to leave to catch his flight."

Dad "Oh, OK.....well, baby gurl. Look at you! Got to meet her favorite Disney actor for the second time."

Jess *rolls eyes, smiles*

Big Rob "So I know you think he's a 'studmuffin' and all...but I just don't get it...what's he got, that I don't?"

Jess *giggles her head off* "I'm gonna go call G..."

Dad "No, no,'re gonna stay here, eat first, and then you can call G."

Jess "Oh yeah...forgot about that...."

After we were done eating, it was pretty much time for our flight and so we left for the terminal.


---On plane---

Jess "I want the window seat!"

Nick "You bet you'll be sitting by the window! Last time I sat there you wanted to look out of the window for most the flight, so I had you constantly laying half way on top of me..."

Jess *giggles* "Sorry."

Nick "Yeah, so you better be staring out that window for the entire flight this time!"

Jess *giggles*

Nick *smiles*

Dad "Come on, sit down, you two, you're blocking the aisle!"

Nick & Jess "Oh, sorry."

Jess *slides into the window seat*

Nick *sits down next to Jess, stashes his satchel with all the D-stuff under the seat in front of him*

Big Rob was next to Nick and dad was sitting in front of us.

Jess *leans head on Nick's shoulder*

Nick *pushes Jess's head off his shoulder* "No, no, go ahead and look out that window!" *grins*

Jess *pouts*

Nick "Just kidding." *smiles*

The flight was around 5.5 hours long and we spend most the time listening to music, watching TV,....oh and eating. *laughs* On board food was actually pretty decent.
We had left at 1:30PM west coast time and didn't get to JFK airport until 10PM.
Darn time zones...traveling would be so much easier without those...

I honestly don't remember much of the cab ride from the airport to the hotel. I was just so tired and I remember getting into the cab and thinking 'Wow. I'm tired.'....and then that's pretty much it...*laughs* Next thing I knew, Dad was shaking me awake and I was dragged out of the cab. I do remember checking in know how when you're really tired, you get to sleep for like 30 minutes or so and then you're pretty much awake again for a little? Yeah, that's kinda what happened... Once we were checked in, we went straight to our rooms. Big Rob got his own room and dad got his own room (mom would join him in two days) and me and Nick got to share a room. We were gonna get a suite with three bedrooms but there was a mixup so they offered us four rooms instead...Kev and Joe were supposed to get that fourth room."

We stopped in front of our rooms and all said good night.

Jess *enters room* "Oh my Gosh, those beds are HUGE!!!!"

Nick "Shhhhh, it's late...others on this floor are trying to sleep."

Jess "Sorry...but LOOK!"

Nick *closes door behind him*

Jess *jumps on bed* "This one's mine."

Nick "Get down from there...what would mom say?"

Jess "Make sure you check your sugar every 15 minutes since jumping on the bed would count as exercise?" *grins*

Nick *laughs* "OK, that was actually a good one...*laughs*....alright...let's get ready for bed."

End Notes:

Please note that I'm still trying to figure out why the spacing between the lines of dialogue/paragraphs does not come out right. I apologize if that makes it harder to read. 

Exciting day for Nick and Jess ahead....Jess bumped into David again...this time without hurting herself...or him....what will ARod thing of her cheating on him with DAVE? AND will Jess get to smack some Yankees butts after the game? We shall find out soon....

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