Chapter 15. Alright

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Chatper 15.

And with that my dad and my sisters left.

I looked at my mom, she looked exhausted. Not even her heavy makeup could hide the dark circles under her eyes.

“I need some air.” She said grabbing her bag and walking out onto the deck. I knew better, plus who takes their purse to get some air in their own house. I followed after her and when I stepped out onto the deck the smell overwhelmed me. I covered my nose and mouth with my t-shirt as I watched my mom take a deep breath of marijuana.

“So air huh?” I questioned.

“This is better than what I did before baby.” She said calmly.

“You need help mom. I found meth in your room earlier. You haven’t changed.” I felt tears soak the collar of my shirt that was still covering my nose.

“I’m scared Annabelle.” She said taking another puff.

“I knew I should have let them put you in rehab. I knew I should but something in me thought different.”

“Please Annie don’t do this to me. Not so close to Christmas.” She said dropping her blunt and stomping on it.

“It’s either miss Christmas or…or I won’t let you be in Ava’s life.”

“Ava? You’re going to name her Ava?” she said smiling through the tears.

“I was going to tell everyone on Christmas morning but I guess not. But yes her name is going to be Ava.” I watched as my mom tried to gather herself but it was useless, she was so broken it would take so many people to patch her together again and make her whole again. But I planned on helping her through it all. She’s not going to go through this alone. I’ll be by her side as much as I can.

“Alright. I’ll go.” She said wiping her tears away. I pulled her into my arms.

“I love you so much momma. You won’t be alone. I’ll always be here.” I whispered.

“I love you to baby girl. We better get inside, I still have a question to answer.” She said scurrying inside.

Hey I know this is short but I have exams this week and my mom's freaking about my grades as always. I love you so much boo's!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping for a Happy Ending (A sequel to Heartbreak Girl)Where stories live. Discover now