You have another kid

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Jai: "Jai...Jai. Jai wake up!" you yelled, hitting him in the stomach. "Ow! (Y/N) what the hell?" he asked, sitting up tiredly. "The baby is coming!" you hissed. Jai leapt out of bed, turning to you "Well get up then" You glared at him "You did not just say that to me" His face softened, realising what he had said "Sorry baby" he whispered, kissing your hair and helping you out of bed. You were soon in Jai's car on the way to the hospital. "No, no, no!" Jai yelled, hitting the steering wheel with his fist. You looked up at him. He turned to you "Baby the car won't start again" he frowned as the car slowly rolled to a stop on the side of the road. You grabbed onto his shirt as a contraction coursed through your body "You better get me to the hospital Brooks. I am NOT having my baby in the back of a range rover!" Jai nodded and pulled out his phone "I'll call Luke" Twenty minutes later Luke pulled up behind you. "Jai, this baby isn't hanging around!" you cried, feeling pressure on your lower abdomen. "Ah, shit. Jai I can see the head" Luke grimaced, averting his gaze. Jai was by your side in an instant. He grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes "I'm sorry (Y/N). We're going to have to push now" he whispered, kissing your hair softly. "No!" you whimpered. He grabbed hand tightly "I'll be right here. It'll all be okay. Luke, there are some blankets in the trunk. Can you get them?" he asked, not taking your eyes off of yours. With the help of Jai and Luke you were able to bring your baby girl into the world. You watched as Jai cradled her to his chest. "Maria Brooks" he breathed, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Luke: "Pick up the phone Luke. Please pick up" you hissed into the phone as a contraction ripped through you. You were in the back of your mums car on the way to the hospital and of course, Luke was rehearsing for a concert that was on that night. "Luke?" you asked as you heard the phone being picked up. "No, sorry (Y/N)" Daniel laughed into the phone. "Daniel" you groaned "You need to tell Luke to get to the hospital now. It's time" You heard him muttering something to someone "He's in the middle of-" you cut him off "I don't care. Tell him to get here now!" you pressed the end button and sunk back into the car seats. At the hospital, you were close to pushing but Lukw still wasn't here and you were determined to wait until he was by your side. "Mrs Brooks we can't wait any longer" the midwife said sympathetically. You were angry that Luke wasn't here to see your daughter being born but you used all of those feelings to push. "It should just take one more push!" the midwife exclaimed. As you were preparing yourself for the last push, you felt a warm hand wrap around your own. You opened your eyes to see Luke, who mouthed an apology to you but you ignored it, just happy that he was actually here. You pushed one more time, falling back onto the bed as you heard the cries of your little girl. They handed her to Luke after they cleaned her up. "She's perfect" Luke whispered, kissing her head softly "Anna Brooks"

Beau: " I suggest you take a long walk" the doctor smiled "Then we'll come check on you" You nodded. "Thanks Dr. Greene" Beau smiled, turning to you when the doctor left the room "Well you heard the man Mrs Brooks. Let's go on a walk" You didn't want to walk. You wanted the baby out of you, but you knew that Beau wouldn't be able to sit still for that length of time so you agreed. You had been walking for about half an hour when you felt wetness dripping down your legs and saw a puddle at your feet. Beau went crazy. He was shouting 'She's coming! She's coming!' and bouncing on his feet. He was buzzing as you went into the delivery room and ended up being sent out to calm down. This only made you distressed, so they let him back in. He was by your side just in time to see your daughter being born. "Little Jai" he whispered, causing you to snap your head up at him. "Kidding!" he laughed "Kylie. Kylie Brooks"

James: You were a week over your due date and you were just sick of having a large stomach. You and James had tried everything to bring on labour -James was always willing to try sex- You were trying one last thing. Spicy food. You ate maybe half of it before sliding your plate over to Jamss "I can't eat any more" He laughed before digging in. You got up to use the bathroom. You were happily doing your business when you heard and felt a rush of water then a splash. You looked into your toilet and saw your baby -alive and healthy- crying in the toilet. "Oh my god" you breathed "James!" You heard him make his way up the stairs and he was soon at the bathroom door. "Wha-" he stopped when he you holding your little girl -who was still attached to you- in your arms. "Holy shit" he whispered before stepping into the room, grabbing a towel to wrap around her. He got scissors to cut the chord and called an ambulance. While waiting for the paramedics, you both sat on the bathroom floor, admiring the beautiful daughter you created together. Kelsea Yammouni.

Daniel: "Ow, ow, ow" you groaned, feeling an uncomfortable pressure on your abdomen. This baby just didn't like to sit still. But you were told to expect that in your last week. "You okay?" Daniel asked. His head was resting on your stomach. "Yeah, the baby is just in a really uncomfortable posit-" Daniel leapt up, looking down in disgust. "What?" you asked. "Did you just pee on me?" Your eyes widened and you looked down, seeing a huge wet mark on your jeans. "Daniel, hospital, now!" you yelled. He sprung into action, grabbing your bag that was by the door and helped you into the car. You arrived at the hospital fairly quickly and you were soon in a bed, ready to push. Daniel was by your side, gripping onto your hand for when you were ready. "You're ready to push" the midwife smiled. You looked at Daniel and he nodded at you, ready to help you through this. You cried out in pain as you began pushing, sweat rolling down your face. Daniel pushed some of your hair back "You're doing great baby. Just great" Thirty minutes later Daniel was holding your little boy while you were dozing in the bed. "Wow. You're the most amazing thing I've ever created. Little Elena Sahyounie".


just so this is clear, the kids names (including the ones "just born") are:

Jai: Cameron, Samantha, and Maria
Luke: Connor, Ashlyn, and Anna
Beau: Drew, Veronica, Jordan, and Kylie
James: Colin, Marco, and Kelsea
Daniel: Tyler, Talia, Bailee, and Elena

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