Olympic Competitions

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An Olympic Athlete Hits On You:

Jai: You and Jai decided to go to a diving competition. You were rooting for Australia, of course, but you always had a thing for Nick McCrory of the United States. He was just so fit. You were sitting in the stands, front row right next to the hot tub. Jai had gone to get a drink, and you were waiting for the dives to start. You were checking your phone when you got splashed. "Ugh" you grunt to yourself, wiping the water off your dress. "I am so sorry!" you hear a man say, and you look up to see Nick there. "Oh it's okay, should have expected it at a diving competition" you smiled. He was too cute! "You look too dressed up to be here" he smiled, and you blushed. "You should come out with me and David tonight. You know, my partner?" he smiled and you nodded. "We need someone to show us around Melbourne and you look like you could do a fine job." "Find someone else mate" you hear from behind you. "Woah, take it easy dude. I didn't know" Nick says, taking a step back. "Well now you do, so get lost" Jai says, sitting and putting your arm around you. He walks away and you rolled your eyes at Jai. "What?" he asks. "You didn't have to be so mean, he had no idea." "I don't care. He can date some other girl. There's hundreds of thousands of other girls here." You giggled, and Jai rooted for every single other athlete that dove against the United States.

Luke: You and Luke decided to go to the diving final. You told your friend, and she immediately told you about a hot guy who was competing for Australia. You two looked him up, and you had to admit, he was gorgeous. His name was James Magnussen and you couldn't help but feel a little giddy when you sat down and spotted him warming up. There was excitement from the spectators around you and Luke, and James noticed you. He smiled at you and you smiled back. He jogged over and stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you, I'm James Magnussen." You shook his hand, "Yeah I know," you smiled, "I'm Y/N." He smiled at you, and you ignored Luke tensing up beside you. "Well, Y/N, how about you do your country a favor and give me a kiss on the cheek. For good luck, of course." You were shocked as James leaned up. You were even more shocked when you saw Luke put his arm up. "Listen, I'm not going to punch you because I wan us to win a medal, but if I ever see you near my girlfriend again you're going to be using those skinny legs of yours to run. Got it?" Luke's jealousy is a real turn on for you. "Whatever man" James says as he turns to line up. "Luke!" you shout, and he turns around and kisses you passionately. James ends up winning the competition, but disappears after getting the gold when they ask to get a picture with him and Luke.

Beau: You and Beau decided to go to one of the boxing matches. You knew Beau liked boxing growing up, and you thought it would be fun. It didn't hurt that Celemente Russo would be defending his silver medal. He was so hot! You got dressed really cute and you and Beau went to the arena. You had managed front row seats, and you could tell Beau was excited. Clemente walked out and, while warming up outside the ring, he saw you. He walked over and, while hoping on spot, smiled hello at you. You smiled back, and he leaned in, "You'd make a gorgeous ring girl. How about you be my trophy when I win this fight?" You looked over at Beau who was standing up. "Don't speak to my girlfriend like that!" he shouted. You yanked his arm. Why was he picking a fight with an Olympic boxer? "Or what, little boy?" Clemente shouted at him. "Go away dude, I want nothing to do with you" you say, and Celemente rolls his eyes. He gets in the ring and you and Beau sit down. "I could have taken him" Beau says, crossing his arms. "I know," you smirked, cuddling in and watching the fight.

James: You were attending the diving competition with James. You were excited to watch England's own Tom Daley compete for gold. Or just to watch Tom Daley. 'He is so fit' you thought to yourself as he walked out on the pool deck. He climbed up and did a perfect dive. The scores were great and you and James both cheered. Tom turned around to wave to the crowd and saw you high fiving the girl next to you. He smiled and came over. "Pretty good dive, yeah?" he asked you. "Amazing!" you said, smiling. "How about we celebrate? Your friend can come too" he asks, pointing to the girl beside you. "My friend?" you question and you and the girl look confused. "Mate, she's my girlfriend" James pipes up, laughing. "Oh, sorry about that" Tom leaves, embarrassed, and you, James and the girl all laugh.

Daniel: You went to hopefully watch history in the making. Michael Phelps was about to become the most decorated Olympian in history, and was poised to win gold. You were watching the relay, and quietly rooting for Phelps to win. You watched as his teammate, Ryan Lochte touched the wall and Phelps took off. Ryan got out of the pool and, as he hugged a teammate he noticed you. He smiled, and you smiled back. Daniel noticed, and gave him a dirty look. Ryan kept glancing back at you, and you would smile, trying to be polite. Phelps swam back and you stood up. He was leading, and you were so excited to watch this piece of history unfold. You applauded as Phelps touched the wall first, winning gold. The team started jumping around celebrating. Phelps got out and the four guys made their way to the crowd to hug their supporters. Instead of going to his cheering section, Lochte came over to you. "How about partying with a gold medalist?" he asked. You were taken off guard, and looked confused. "Bro, she's my girlfriend so why don't you sleep with your gold tonight and leave her alone" Daniel says, putting his arm out in front of you. "Whatever dude, I'll find someone else." "Damn right you will" Daniel says and Ryan goes over to his team. When they were getting their medal, you applauded politely, but Daniel sat sulking in his seat.

had to change names and some other stuff
original posted at: 1dprefss.tumblr.com
picture of tom daley above or to the side.
I replaced Nick Green with James Magnussen bc I wanted the person to be from AUS instead of GB.

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