Your Child[ren] is [are] sick

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Jai: Cameron (Cam) & Samantha (Sami)
Luke: Connor & Ashlyn (Ash)
Beau: Drew & Veronica (Roni) & Jordan
James: Colin & Marco
Daniel: Tyler (Ty) & Talia & Bailee (Bail)

Jai: You groaned as your two-and-a-half-year-old son, Cameron, climbed into your bed at 2:30 in the morning.  "Mummy, I don't feel so good," he said, the coughed.  "I can't sleep.  Can I sleep with you?"  He pressed himself up against your body, and you could immediately tell he was running a fever.  Though you were very tired from a long day at work, the day before, you reluctantly picked him up and carried him into his underwater themed bathroom.  "Let's take your temperature, little buddy," you said, getting out the thermometer. He obediently let you take his temperature.  It was only 100.7, so you didn't see any threat,but you still were concerned for the little boy. "Mummy, I'm cold," he said, sill sitting on the bathroom counter.  You could see beads of sweat running down his forehead.  "I want a blankie," he said.  You picked him up and carried him into his room, placing him in his bed.   "Is that better, bud?" you asked after you'd tucked him in.  "No mum," he said.  "I'm still really cold." Suddenly, you heard Jai at the door.  "(Y/N), go to bed," he said, walking in the room.  "I'll handle the sick boy." You stood up, grateful.  "He's running a 100.7 temp," you whispered.  "No matter what he says, don't give him more blankets."  And you left the room and went back to your room, where you fell asleep, exhausted. The next morning, all was quiet.  You tiptoed into Cameron's room.  He laid in his bed, and Jai laid on the floor, both sound asleep.  You awed to yourself, and knew Jai was going to be the best doctor for Cameron that he could possibly be while you were at work that day.

Luke: You woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of screaming.  You sat bolt upright, along with Luke.  Though you were seven and a half months pregnant, you still ran down the hall behind him, only to find your five-year-old son Connor lying on the floor in his bedroom and clutching his stomach in pain.  There was vomit on the floor behind him.  You gasped, while Luke ran to him, picking him up and rubbing his stomach. "What's wrong baby, what's wrong?" he murmured to him as he cried.  "What happened?"  He just continued to cry.  You stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. Finally, Connor had calmed down.  "Daddy," he mumbled.  "I threw up, Daddy.  It hurts.  Can you make it stop?"   Luke rubbed his back as he spoke.  "I can try, bud," he said.  You listened as you stepped into Connors bathroom to get some Tylenol.  "But can you tell me what happened?" Connors voice was quiet.  "I-I woke up, and my tummy really hurt, and I thought I was gonna throw up, and then I tried to get to the potty, but I didn't make it and then my tummy really really hurt, and then you and Mummy came."  Luke nodded, and reassured him when he started to cry.  "It happens to everyone, Con," he said.  "It's okay to throw up."  Then he whispered to you, "Go back to bed, (Y/N).  I'll clean this up and take care of him.  You can't afford to get sick with the baby on the way." You went back into your room, knowing Connor was in good hands. Luke stayed with him all night, and you could hear Connor being sick all night long.  In the morning, you found them both asleep in the bathroom.  It ended up being a 24-hour bug, and Luke was right there with him every minute of those long hours.

Beau: Your four-year-old son, Drew, had picked up some sort of bug at preschool and passed it on to his three-year-old sister. Not wanting your baby, Jordan to get it also, you made Beau stay out of the house with him, which left you with the two kids running fevers and throwing up.  You didn't leave their sides, sleeping in a sleeping bag in their room and holding them while they were sick.  You did a your best for three days, until you came down with the bug, too.  Drew was well again, but you and Veronica were still bedridden.  Beau took Drew and Jordan to his mum's house, and stayed home to take care of Veronica.  You could take care of yourself. Two days later, you were feeling much better, though very weak.  You had hardly eaten in the last two days, because you couldn't hold anything down.  Even though you were very tired, you walked down the hall to see Veronica. The poor girl was far worse than you.  She hadn't eaten in days and was white as a sheet.  Beau said that now she was just dry heaving, and anything he could get her to stomach came up within an hour.  When you walked into her room, Beau was singing her to sleep.  You sat down next to him and watched the little girl's delicate frame.  Once she was asleep, you spoke. "Beau, I think we need to take her to the hospital," you said.   "I know," he said.  "I just can't bring myself to do it.  One more day?  Please, (Y/N)?" You nodded, and went back to bed.  You couldn't bear the thought of little Veronica lying on a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes, either. The next morning, Beau came into your room, looking groggy and tired.  "How do you feel?" he asked you.  When you responded you felt quite well and had kept both of yesterday's meals down, he asked you if you could go watch Veronica while he rested.  You immediately obliged.  The poor guy looked awful. When your daughter woke up, she seemed much more cheerful than she had been when you'd visited her a few times the day before.  In fact, she even asked for something to eat.  You gave her some applesauce, and brought the trash can by the bed to be safe.  However, even three hours later, it hadn't been used.  The little girl even asked for some more food.  She kept the toast down, too.  You even let her out of bed to watch movies. The next day, the family was reunited.  Everyone was well again, and you took Beau out to dinner because you were so grateful for all her had done for Veronica when you couldn't be there to help.  He was your superhero.

James: You awoke to the sound of crying, which wasn't unusual these days.  Your five-month-old, Marco, was often awake at hours you would've rather been sleeping.  You pulled the chain on the light and looked over to the corner where his crib was.  There stood James, rocking the baby boy back and forth.  "I think he's sick, (Y/N)," he said.  "He keeps pulling on his ear and in the baby class they said they do that when they're sick."  You stood up and walked into the bathroom, and came back out with the thermometer.  You took Marco's temperature, and the thermometer told you he had a slight fever, 99.5.  "He probably just has a cold," you told James.  "See if you can get him to fall back asleep."  You crawled back in bed, since you'd only gotten about nine hours of sleep total in the last three nights.  Marco had  been awfully fussy. The next morning, you found James asleep on the floor next to Marco's crib.  You made Marco's bottle, left James a note, and told him to call you if Marco acted any more sick and fussy.  Then you headed off to work. James didn't contact you all day, which you took to mean Marco was just acting funny the night before.  However, when you got home, you could hear him wailing even before you got in the door.  James sat in the living room, a despairing look on his face. "He won't stop crying, (Y/N)!" James said.  A tear trickled down his face.  "I don't know what to do but I didn't want to bother you but I hate to see him in pain!  Help me!" You sighed and picked up the baby boy, cooing to him.  He fell asleep in your arms almost instantly.  Then you turned to James, who was crying into his hands. "James, it's okay," you said to him, and he looked up.  "It's the first time Marco's been sick.  I get that you don't know what to do.  I don't expect you to be the perfect dad!  It's okay to make mistakes.  But it's also okay to ask for help."  You sat down beside him, and laid there with your head on his shoulder, Marco in your arms, for a very, very long time.

Daniel: "Daniel?" you asked when he picked up his phone.  "I need you to go pick up Talia.  She got sick at school.  Yes, I've got my hands full here.  Please?  Thank you."  You hung up, still balancing four-month-old Jordan on your hip.  Soon, Daniel arrived home with a sobbing Talia.  You placed Bailee in her playpen and left the two-year-old cousin, Dominique to play with four-year-old Tyler.  Daniel sped off back to work, and you took Talia inside.  "Mummy, they all laughed at me!" she sobbed.  They called me Sicky Sahyounie and the boys pretended like they were throwing up when I left with the nurse!"  She cried into your chest.  You just rubbed her back and let her get it out. "Tal, it's okay," you told her.  "They're just teasing you because they're meanies.  How do you feel now?" I asked. She shook her head.  "Still really sick," she said.  "My tummy really hurts."  You took that as you cue to lead her upstairs to bed.  She fell asleep, and you went back to the little ones.  You rushed upstairs twice to hold her hair back while she threw up. A few hours later, after cousins, Leila and  Donovan, had come home, Bailee toddled up to you.  "Mummy," she said.  "My tummy-" she didn't get to finish her though before she vomited all over your shoes. You took her upstairs to bed, and quickly came back down to find the little kids playing in the mess.  Soon afterward, they were throwing up too. You called Daniel home, unsure of what to do.  Before you'd woken up the next morning, every one of the kids had the bug, and you and Daniel spent the day holding hair back, cleaning up messes, and reading to sick kids, all the while trying to keep from getting sick yourselves.  Fortunately, by the next morning, Talia, Dominique, Bailee, and Tyler were all feeling better, and you sent the older two kids back to school and Daniel back to work.  You kept Bailee and Tyler away from the other two little ones  and Donovan, who was recovered by the end of the day. Unfortunately, that night, it was your turn to succumb to your stomach.  Thankfully, Daniel was there to stay home and care for you, and by the end of the week, the only memories you had of the few sick days were the stained carpets.

^^ just to let you know, I had to really change this up, hence all of the confusion. The  preference is a one direction preference so they had 6 kids and you and Daniel only had 3 lol.  So, Talia, Tyler, and Bailee are your kids. Donovan, Leila, and Dominique are the cousins.

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