Something you both say a lot

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Jai: That's awesome.
"my sister was walking and tripped over the curb."
"No way. That's awesome," Jai said hysterically laughing.
(a/n: it's not even a funny story though^^)

Luke: Kill me.
you: my ankle hurts
him: what did you do to it?
you: I don't know, but I have to go play softball later....kill me.

Beau: Sorry for not being beautiful.
you: did you throw up after the challenge again?
him: yeah
you: shocker
him: well sorry for not being beautiful
then you both laugh cuz you're typical

James: you're/that's/so/ basic
you: I'm thirsty
him: so basic
you: no that's basic
him: what do you want Starbucks?
you: ha yes
him: you're so basic
you: you too
him: I know

Daniel: Illuminati confirmed
you: I'm hungry
him: HA! Hungry is 6 letters
Food is four letters
6-4 is two.
Two is three letters.
2+3 is five.
Five is four letters.
four is half as many letters as the word starving.
starving is 8 letters.
8-5 is three
There are three sides to a triangle.
A triangle is part of illuminati.
That's it, illuminati confirmed.
you: holy crap, all that for that stupid answer?
him: yes
you: I love it

Writing that last one was stupid as heck.

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