Quote he likes to tell you

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The Quote He Tells You When You Seem Angry or Upset:

Jai: Don't change because someone else wants you to, change for yourself.

Luke: Don't listen to what other people say about you because you need to value your own opinion more than other peoples'.

Beau: if your angry, just take a day to relax and clear your head. If you were to run your phone all day eventually it would die; if you run yourself all day, eventually you'll become worn out.

James: People have to be blind if they think you don't look nice. If this was an art show, you'd be the main masterpiece.

Daniel: it's okay to be angry or upset because it's hard to be happy all of the time; we're humans, not robots.

I just saw the movie The Visit and it was pretty hilarious. It was a good movie, but the one kid was so funny. That's all I'm gonna say, I'm pretty sure no one even reads these updates but if people do I don't wanna write what happens.
Pic above or to the side is 1/4 of my cats. I call her Mousey Mouse
Have a wonderful day or night or morning, idk. Whatever it is, I hope it's great.

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