Rosie's Birthday !

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- Rosie's POV - 

Today I was becoming 21 years old. Now it is the big 2 1 but with Ally being like she is and can't have any drink we were just going to have takeaway and play some cheeky games apparently from Jack. I was still looking forward to tonight with all my buddies and one that might be more. We haven't really talked about it since it was a week of me being officially single. 

I woke up. I didn't really feel any different or any older. I sat up leaning against my head rest. I grabbed my phone which was on the bed side table when I was shocked at how many notifications a girl could have on her birthday. The one what popped out the most from them all was one by Jack Harries. 

To Rosie ( my lover ) , 

I hope you enjoyed you sleep , sleeping beauty. Second HAAPPPPPYYYYY BBBBIIIRRRRTTTHHHHDDDAAAAYYY !!! These past few years have been something. Aye ? I know you would agree because me and you are like mind readers and that's why we are perfect for each other ( Let's wait. :) ) I love you with all of my world. I know you love me. Text me when you are a awake so I can wish it in person with a special gift and a special kiss. ( morning kiss ? ) 


        Your boy. XXXx :) 

When I was reading the text , I couldn't help but smile at every word he said or how cute he was being with his feelings. I think I have fallen in love with him inside and out. That text was probably the cutest thing I have ever got off a boy. He defiantly loves me. In all of my thoughts I forgot that he was expecting a text off of me. 

Dear my boy , 

I am a wake and thank you for this lovely text. It gave me a smile on my face in the morning ( That is normally really hard so Well done ! ) I love you so much. 

From , 

      Your lover. XXXXXX x10.

I heard a knock on the door. The only person it could be was Jack. That text came thought fast. My first thought. " Come in. " I said. I couldn't help but smile. 

" Morning , sleeping beauty. " He came in with a tray with what looked like breakfast. Awrh. I could also see a card and something with a top. " Aren't you missing something " I said as he put the tray on my bed. He looked at the tray. " I don't think so. " 

" Really ? " I said pouting my lips. In a kiss position. 

" Oh right , yeah. " After this our kiss was a little , soft sweet kiss. It was perfect birthday kiss. He sat down next to me on my double purple bed. I looked down at the tray , a bit shocked " Did you cook all of this ? " Nothing was burnt. Jack was a terrible cook. Somethings happened or someone has helped. " Urrm no. Ally helped as she was up and had nothing to do so we chatted whilst she was cooking. " He said. 

" I knew it. " I said. Since the talk we had with everyone. Finn was in his bedroom 24 hours a day and Ally acted all happy for me and Jack but really inside she was dying. We needed a catch up before tonight. Me thinks. 

I found a car which was written by Jack. " So this is kinda of lovely dovey but still. I love you and you know that. " I gave him a look " Okay I will shut up. " he said and didn't speak after that. 

" Good. " I smiled cheekily. I ripped the outside packaging to the card. The card showed it front which said " To the one I love on their birthday. " Simple but I still loved it on how much he care for me. I opened it to a little paragraph. I will read that later. My thought said and then contused otherwise you breakfast will get cold but I can read the message. 

It All Starts With A Kiss. - Jack and Finn Harries fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now