3 Years Before The Accident.

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- No Body's POV -

They have been friends for a year. Has it changed or is it the same ?

- Ally ' s POV -

It's Friday night. Ten o'clock in the evening.  We were having a sleep over at my house. Why my house? But the people who were here are Rosie , Me , Finn and Jacky. Tomorrow we were going outfit shopping. No causal outfit shopping. Holy fucking prom outfits. WOOOOOOPPPP !!!! Now this is where the girls can be all girly. The boys can look after the princesses or just have fun like most boys do. 

After having a long and exciting think about what tomorrow will hold. Me and Rosie were having a long girly conversation about what dress we are aiming to get. The boys were getting ready for bed as they knew it would be a long day with us girls. The conversation we were having was about boys and dresses until Jack crashed our conversation and starting talking to Rosie about stuff. I zoned out by the time Jack got there as there was no point of me being there as Rosie would end up talking to Jack the whole night knowing how long they both talk. So I left them to it. 

I walked to my living room to find Finn laying on the sofa watching some crappy night time TV. What entertains him. " Hi Finn" I said quietly because I didn't want to make him jump but I think I still did make him jump.

"Hey Ally , you - " I interrupt him.

" I made you jump . I know " I giggled a bit. He did a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but go red. So I rushed to the bathroom. I splashed my face with some water. When I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Hello... ? " I asked wondering who it was. 

"Ally , I need the loo" It was Jack. What a dick ! I thought. I dried my face and felt a whole lot cooler. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure i looked alright. I opened the door and smiled. " Thanks" He said. I was so tired but I wanted to keep awake. 

- Rosie's POV - 

I was just having a good girly chat about girl stuff with Ally when Jack bounced on the bed we were sitting on and made us both jump. He put his arm around the both of us and said " Hows my favourite girls ? " Now I probably had a questioned face as I was really confused on why he said "favourite" Now I know why he would do it for Ally, but why me? Question aside. Ally went out as she was in her own little world like normal. So it was down to the two of us, Me and Jack. Now we were just talking normally and then he asked me all these personal questions like he wanted to know the deep deep stuff. I didn't want to tell him about that stuff as it is mine and no one elses secret. I know he was being friendly but he was being to personal for me. So I just went on my phone and ignored him until he left the room. Hope I didn't come across rude ? I was too tired to answer 101 questions. But why did Jack want to know this stuff ? Does he like like me ? Hope not ! 

- Ally's POV - 

In the end of trying not to fall asleep. I fell asleep watching midnight TV. Which is always boring and rude which it was. But I felt someone pick me up from the sofa. The warmness from their body spread to mine like I was the toast and that it was the butter melting from how much heat I was giving out but I wasn't as cold I was when this warm body touched mine. I felt warm once again. I felt a bouncy mattress fall underneath me and the pillow supporting my head whilst I sleep.

It All Starts With A Kiss. - Jack and Finn Harries fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now