Chapter 1

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 So, uh, how about that new Team Crafted video. Let's just say I'm excited. Also, renovated chapter.

~Eevee's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes. Looking out the window, I saw that it was just a bit after dawn. The hard mattress creaked when I sat up, making me wince, hoping my roommate wouldn't wake up. I crept the the edge of the room to get dressed, tucking my short hair under a hat and leaving the room.

This was my favorite time of day. No one was awake, and I had the house to myself. I went to the small broom closet, pulling out the mop and bucket. I hummed while I worked, scrubbing down all of the hardwood floors. I continued my chores, and listened as other girls in the building woke up. I set the table for twenty, put food on the table, and grabbed my book. I had read it thousands of times, I'm sure, but I would never get bored of it.

"Evangeline! What are you doing? It's a Sunday, adopters are coming early! You were supposed to dust the front room," Miss Julia snapped. I jumped up, shutting my book and leaving it on the couch. When she wasn't happy with me, no one knew what could happen. I quickly dusted all of the furniture in the room, then ran upstairs into my room. Stephanie wasn't there, to my relief. I changed out of my t-shirt and sweats and into something more presentable. I took off my hat and brushed my hair. It was only a few inches long, just the way I liked it. Very manageable.

I ran back down the stairs, hoping to get to the dining room before Julia noticed I had gone. I was supposed to be clearing the dishes now. I was out of breath, but on time. I picked up a stack of plates, walking back to the kitchen. My foot caught something, and then I was on the ground. The plates were sent flying, smashed. My hands caught my fall, luckily, but also hit the broken glass. Other than that, I was okay.

"Watch where you're going, freak," Stephanie belittled. I didn't even look up at her as I picked up the pieces. She huffed, stalking back down the hallway.

"Evangeline! Do you know how expensive those plates were!" Julia came in, looking at the mess.

"I'm sorry, Miss Julia. It won't happen again," I mumbled.

"It better not. There is no way you could possibly afford even one of those plates."

That's the slammer. Even in an orphanage, it's all about social standing. Most, if not all the other girls here were from rich families. My father was a passionate artist, but the economy screwed him over, especially when he lost his job at the law firm. My mother had been struggling in a business environment, surrounded by sexist men who would never pay her enough. The only way I was able to be here was because every other place was full. This was my way of paying off what I owed for a place to stay.

Even after I had picked up the shattered plates, my hands were still bleeding. I ran them under cold water for a moment, before wrapping bandages around them. There was no way I was getting out of this place.


So. Uh. I like that so much better. Does anyone know when I first wrote this? I think it was something close to two years ago??

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