Chapter 16

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OH RE-READ CHAPTER 13! I ADDED IMPORTANT-NESS TO IT! Anyways hello there. I should probably sleep. But i'm not going to. So when I go to school tomorrow, and everyone is complaining on how tired they are, there is always that one person who says: "Oh yeah, I has a massive head ache last night." That person may or may not be me. I chose to do this. Do I face the consequences? Sure, but it isn't my fault that I had a head ache (Totally). Lawl. Anyways guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

I couldn't feel my hands. At all. I couldn't tell if they were moving or not, but at least they stopped hurting. Right? My toes were heading down that path. I managed to drift of into a fitful doze, I kept shivering due to the wind.

I looked up as my arms were released. It was the janitor.

"Thanks." I said simply to him getting up and looking at my hands.

"No problem. May I ask why you were down there?"

"Uh, I shouldn't say."

"Ok. Well you better get to class, 5th block starts in 2 minutes." 5th was science. I rolled my eyes in my brain. Was my least favorite class. Other that P.E. of course. I picked up my stuff, or tried to, and managed to hold it in a way that didn't use my fingers. I raced to my locker, bouncing on my toes trying to regain feeling. Afterwards I ran to Mr. Perry's room, just before the bell rang I sat down. I had earned myself a glare from Nick and Jackie's assistant. Thank goodness Jackie wasn't in this class.

~Time Skip. Nothing happened here~

I walked onto the bus, slipping into a seat close to the front. I am so glad today is over. I was still very cold, I had not totally warmed up yet over the past 2 hours. I had gotten a few stares walking down the hall, I wonder what I look like. 

I get off at my stop, and walk home at a fast pace. I can't wait to be there. Wait, Mitch had called Mr. Cross, I am in so much trouble. I walked slower, delaying my trip.

I walked in the front door to be greeted by Mitch.

"Do you always just sit at the front door just waiting for me to be home again?" I asked him jokingly.

"No, I sit here from 5 minutes when you usually get home, I just like knowing that you are home safe." He replied. Oh, I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

"So, I called your teacher."

"I heard."

"And he said that you weren't in his class for the rest of the day."


"So you lied to me?" Mitch looked disappointed by me. I didn't answer.


"Because..." Well, I didn't know why.

"Because..." He motioned for me to continue. I sighed.

"Because I was... inalocker." I said really fast, hoping he didn't catch it.

"You were... ok. Who was it?" Dang it.

"It was a girl named Jackie. She has been bullying me since school started."

"Why didn't you tell me." Mitch stood up and looked very angry.

"Because I didn't want you to get mad."

"Why would you think I am mad?" Mitch looked at me.

"You look like you are going to punch a brick wall, Mitch, sit down."

"Oh." He sat down, looking sheepish. "So that bruise on your forehead?"

"Not from falling down the stairs. I also have a bruise on my stomach." I stated, knowing that he wanted to know everything that she did. Thank goodness he didn't ask to see it. That would be awkward.

"Ok, well I am going to go take a nap. No, wait. I am going to eat food then take a nap." Mitch didn't look up, he just pondered the information. 

I went into the kitchen to see everyone looking at me wide-eyed.

"Eevee, you know you can tell us everything." Adam assured me. 

"I know, it's just, I didn't want you guys to worry, you know?" They all nodded. I went to the pantry and everyone but Jerome went upstairs. I pulled out the package of Oreos and struggled to open the wrapper.

"You know that happened to me once. I was 13, too." Jerome said suddenly (I don't know if this is true, but it fits in the story).

I looked at him. He was 5' 10' now.

"Yeah, I grew a lot in high school. But it did happen, and nobody knows that but Mitch." I had no clue what to say, u but I was glad that he didn't notice how awkward my fingers were moving, they just refused to grip onto anything.

"Why didn't you tell them? They all said, including you, that I we could tell them anything."

"I know, but I'm just really nervous, everyone thinks that I'm that guy who fits in everywhere. I know, everyone says that I am a likeable person, but not everyone is that nice in school."

"You know what Jerome? I have something else to tell you, too." He looked at me confused.

"So, yesterday, before Jackie shoved me in the locker, she said somethings, and I'm not sure what to think. She said that she knew my back story, how I'm adopted, and that I don't even know my real parents, but that is besides the point. This does involve you, by the way."

I told him about how she said that she knew that I lived with Team Crafted, not that I was trying to hide it, I just kept to myself. She practically said that everything we do is worthless. And I told Jerome about my parents, or what I remember about them. I spilled everything I had been holding in since I was 9.

"My mom was the most caring person I had ever known, she helped me through every math problem, every time I wanted my brother to play with me, even when he was getting sick of it. My dad was the one who got me my first guitar, when I was 5. I had played, and sounded terrible. He got me guitar lessons, and I played for 4 years, practically everyday. I miss them so much." 

Jerome didn't say anything, he just hugged me, letting my tears soak his shirt.

"Hey, I have something to show you!" 

~Author's Note~

Alright, epic failure of a cliff hanger, but a cliff hanger nonetheless. #DealWithIt. Me and my friends came up with a new word for the hashtag-pound-number sign. It is now the Octothorp (OCT-O-TH-OR-P), it is spelled exactly how it sounds. It is brilliant. Anyway guys, I hope you all enjoyed this instalment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now