Chapter 13

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FOVISDBIGFSH Thank you guys for 50 reads! I just started writing this story 2 days ago, and I really appreciate the reads and the little vote-star things! Anyway guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

I dashed out of the classroom just as the bell rang, I really was not in the mood for a black eye. Did I say I wasn't the most athletic person around? My family (yes I do call them my family) plays on the computer for a living. She caught up to me.

"Hah, where do you think your going? I never liked you being here, you think you are superior don't you? Raising your hand to answer every question, just shut up already, midget!" She dragged me around the corner to the basket ball courts outside of the cafeteria. They were empty.

"So, Jackie, why do you hate me? I'm still confused." I asked honestly.

"Is that a joke? I thought you knew everything!" She taunted. I do not see what she is getting at. It just seems random.

"That isn't true. Can I leave please? I don't want to be late for English."

"Of course you don't! I don't think your going anywhere though."

Dang. I didn't know what to do. She shoved me forward and my forehead hit the basketball hoop pole. It clanged loudly, and my vision went a bit blurry. I dropped to my knees, holding my head.

"Oh, by the way, I know who you are, and who you live with. I bet you don't even know your real parents." That one hit home. I knew exactly who my parents were. They had died in a car crash, with my brother, they were the family parents ever, and I barely remember their faces. I let the tears streak down my face.

"Wait, who I live with? Why is that so important?" I mumbled.

"Oh, it's nothing, just if I tell anyone they are either going to be jealous, for some odd reason, or like me, who thinks it just makes you a huge nerd. You live with a bunch of people who play Minecraft. That game is worthless, there is no way anyone cares about what you guys do. YouTube isn't for video games, who watches those anyway?"

"Why would you tell anyone that?" 

"Because I hate you. You have no life, no friends, and no parents. That makes you weird and a loser, and we can't have that." She kicked me in the gut and dragged me back inside. By that time the bell had rang again, reminding us that the 3rd block had started. 

(This is going to be so cliche) She dragged me into the 8th grade hallway, opened her locker and shoved me in. 

"Have fun, I'll come and get my backpack when school ends."

Great. What is everyone going to think? My hands we bleeding from when I tried to catch my fall, my head was throbbing, probably bruised and swollen, and I was hungry, but I was afraid to eat, since breathing hurt. Plus, Mitch would get an email saying that I missed class. 

I just didn't want him to know what had happened, he would make a huge fuss over it.

~Author's Note~

Ok, I am not going to post another chapter until I get feedback. I need to know if you like where the story is going, and need to know if you just like it in general. It is bugging me. A lot. Anyway guys, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now