Chapter 14

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SUIFOHSIUAPFH I love you people. Thank you taylormc829! You are my first commenter (and I'm not sure how to find the first voter, but I will thank you when I find out!). Anyways guys, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~

I just sat, crammed in the cold metal box. I thought about what Jackie said. 'You have no life, no friends, and no parents. That makes you weird and a loser, and we can't have that.' I wonder what she meant by 'we can't have that.' What would happen if everyone found out that I was adopted, and adopted by Team Crafted. Would they hate me more? Or would that make me super popular? I just hope that it doesn't make them jealous, I can't shake the memory from Minecon.

~Time skip because I can~

I woke up to the bell, I had been counting. That should be the final ring. I heard the stream of kids coming out of classrooms and lockers opening. I bet Jackie isn't going to open her locker until the teachers are out of sight, I waited for another 20 minutes, and I soon think it's hopeless. I was starving, not eating lunch. But, the door opens, and a blinding light fills the locker.

"Had fun?" Jackie asked, obviously proud of her work.


She shoves me to the ground.

"Don't talk back to me." She was treating me like her dog.

I just get up and walk hurriedly away. I missed my bus, but our house was just a mile and a half away, so I could just walk. 

~More time skips, because nothing happens here, she just walks.~

"EEVEE!" I get tackle-hugged by Mitch.

"Where the Hell have you been? You missed all of the classes after 2nd! Did you ditch?" Mitch stands back. Before I get the chance to respond he interrogates me.

"Eevee," he says cautiously. "What happened?" 

"I fell down the stairs, and I was helping Mr. Cross with the other math students. They were having problems with fractions, and dividing them. I learned that in 4th grade." I said with the best poker face I could muster.

"Oh, ok." He believed me. I breather a silent sigh of relief. I went straight into the kitchen, make two microwave pizzas and head upstairs. I just wanted to forget that this day ever happened. I eat both of the pizzas and pass out on my bed. 

~Time skip, sorry for them time skips, but sleeping is boring~

I wake up, hungry again, which could be due to the fact that I smelled dinner downstairs. I went into the bathroom to see how I looked. I fixed my ponytail (I haven't worn my hair down since 2nd grade irl) and washed my face gently. You could clearly see that my forehead was swollen and bruised. That was the only evidence you could see of that event, unless you looked onto the palms of my hands, or lifted my shirt to see the bruise on my stomach, which they won't, because that is awkward.

I head down the stairs, and into the dining room to see that dinner was just being served. Perfect. I sit down, not noticing all of the stared until I reach for my napkin.

"What?" I already knew what the question was.

"Eevee, what happened to your head?" Ty asked, and the rest of the boys, and Ashely, nodded.

"I fell down the stairs." I said, praying for them to believe me. All but Adam and Mitch looked unconvinced. I was nervous, what would happen if they found out I was being bullied? I didn't want them to know. 

I just ate my food and began to clear the table, since we all acted like children and refuse to do chores; it was my turn to clear the table, but Ian had to do the dishes. Ha.

I ran back upstairs and fell back asleep, hoping tomorrow would be better.

~Author's Note~

That chapter took a lot longer than I thought it would, but, you know, YouTube, and... yeah. It took about and hour. But now I have 92 READS THAT IS EPIC! Anyways guys (lol), I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

Adopted by BajanCanadian (A BajanCanadian and Team Crafted Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now