Chapter 17

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Hola. I am very bored, and tired, I really should go to sleep earlier than... what time was that? Oh, yeah... like 2 in the morning... It wasn't fun at school today, was sang a parody of What does the Fox Say... it was brilliant... but I am not going to say what it was about (microwaves)... so you can't steal our idea. It was fun. Anyways guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Eevee's POV~ 

Jerome grabbed my hand and led me into his room. He began to rummage through his closet.

"Oh, where is it. Oh! I knew we didn't sell it at that garage sale." He pulled out a guitar and handed to me. I panicked in my mind, knowing he wanted me to play it.

"I can't play it right now." 

"Why not?"

"Er.." I showed him my fingers struggling to mimic the image of chords in my mind. To my surprise, I knew exactly how to play them still.

"Eevee, why can't you move your fingers normally?" I really had no choice but to tell him the truth. This was the only thing I had left out of my story. I told him, and his eyes went wide.

"Eevee, that it really serious, why didn't you tell us? That is real injury, not just small bullying, like I know that getting shoved into a locker isn't fun, but you couldv'e lost feeling in your hands forever." He got up.

"I know, I just didn't want you to worry anymore. Wait where are you going?" He began to walk out of the room.

"I have to tell Mitch. He needs to know, he'd know what to do." I sighed.

"Fine. But you have to tell him what happened to you, too."

"But... That isn't important now. I'm fine." Jerome looked at me with a look of nervousness on his face.

"It is to me. It does feel a lot better to tell someone." 

"Fine, but you go first,"

We walked up the stairs, hand-in-hand. (I swear, don't make this awkward, you doin't have to do this, they are family), Well, Jerome was holding my hand, I couldn't really move my fingers in that position.

"Mitch? I have something else to tell you." I said.

He turned around with a grimace.


"Today, I was locked outside, by Jackie and a couple of her friends, for a few hours, and now I can't move my fingers properly." He got up and came to look at my hands. I flexed my fingers, but my pinkie didn't go out very far, and my pointer finger went very far to the side. Mitch didn't say anything.

I raised my eyebrows at Jerome. He took a deep breath and began.

"Mitch, do you promise that you won't be mad?" Jerome's friend instantly looked up in shock.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because, I was bullied in middle school, too. I didn't tell you for the same reasons. It never did go as far as Eevee's, though." Jerome looked down. 

Mitch was speechless, just as he was with my hands. He just looked down.

"It wasn't your fault, they always waited until you were gone to ever do anything. Don't blame yourself." Wait... is that why Mitch looked so hurt when I told him I was being bullied?

"Mitch... is that the way you feel about me in school?" He slowly nodded. I hugged him. I didn't have any words... I in no way, shape, or form blamed him for anything that has happened.

"I feel like if I was with you at Minecon the girl wouldn't have tried to kidnap you, I feel like I could do something for you at school but I don't know what... and I just..." He trailed off. I felt a few tears soak through my sweat shirt. Was Mitch...crying? He didn't seem like it was something that he usually do, I have never seen him cry.

"Mitch, you didn't know that the girl at Minecon was going to do that. If you are always there to fix the problem then how am I supposed to learn how?"

"I know... it's just..."

We just sat there, Jerome had gone back down stairs, I had no clue what he was doing. I don't know how long were were there hugging, but eventually Ian came up to tell us that dinner was ready. Mitch said "ok", and headed into the bathroom.

"What happened?" Ian inquired.

"Uh, I think he will tell you if he wants to, it's really not in my place to say." I replied back. we went down the stairs and sat down. Apparently someone made burgers. Apparently someone knows how to make burgers. Unless they were the microwave kind. They were still good, I was just glad it wasn't something that required a utensil. Mitch came down stairs a few minutes after we had started. 

"So..." Jerome began. "I called the doctor, Eevee." He said.

My eyes went wide. I bet Jerome had told everyone the events of today.

"And?" I asked, acting like nothing happened.

"He said that we have to go in soon, and you can't write, or type, or do anything fun until we go in there." I sighed. 

"Does this mean I don't have to go to school tomorrow?" I asked. I wanted to go, not going meant that she would win. 

"Yup, you are staying home."

"I don't want to."

"Actually," Mitch chimed in, "I think it is better if you stay home as well."

"But, that means she wins. That is what she wants!" I was not happy at all that I didn't get a say in this.

"Mitch, that is true, it will only make it worse." Jerome agreed. 

"I don't care. I just don't want you getting hurt."

"So I don't even get a say in this?" I raised my voice a bit.

"Not this time." Mitch got up from the table.

"C'mon... I've had to deal with people like her since I was 9 and now I can't handle it?"

"No, this is serious. I said no, and that's final." He left the room before anyone could say anything. Everyone turned to look at me, so I ran upstairs. My bedroom door was closed, so I fumbled on it for about a minute with my useless hands whilst holding back tears. Eventually I kicked the door and let them fall. Now I am weak to Jackie. She won, and it's Mitch's fault. I told him that it would  make it worse. i just sat in the hallway and cried.

~Author's Note~

So.... how's it going? *Pause like the Dora Explorer show* Great! Me too! Mitch is being a mean person in the story, but he means well :3. IUSDHGUGFPISBFSA I got 120 reads! Thank you guys! I tried to make these chapters longer to make up for the short ones I had posted. Sorry for posting this late, my mom made me play with my siblings. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this installment of Adopted by BajanCanadian, take care.

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