Chapter 5

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Not long after Jarryn left. Randall walked me down stairs and down some halls till we came across a small black wooden door.
" Ladies first" Randall says opening the door. I gave him a look that clearly said I'm not going first and shook my head. He lets out a sigh and grabbed my hand. Leading me in to the room. I cold chill went down my spine when he did.

I looked around the room, and hey. What do you know. It's grey. In the middle of the room, was a silver metal table with two chairs.

" Take a seat." Randall said sitting in one of the chairs, a crossed from me. I sat down and looked at him.

" How long have you been in your fathers gang?" He asked. I have him a 'really' look.

" 29 year." I said sarcastically ."What do you think. All my life." I say in a duh tone.

" How many members are in your gang?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

" a lot" I simply say. I have no idea how many. New recruits are recruited every day.

" What's your favorite color?"

Wait what? I give him a confuse look.

" The other questions Jarryn wanted to know. I want to know some things too." He says shrugging his shoulders.

" galaxy Purple" I answer. He smile and nods.

" Back to Jarryn's Questions. Have your parents ever mentioned a man named Aiden?" He asks. All I do is nod.

" You ok?" He asks. I look up at him. Then I look behind him and see a mirror.

" I'm fine, and why are you asking all these questions," I say standing up and walking over to the mirror. " when Jarryn is just ease droping behind the god damn mirror." I turn to the mirror and started banging on the mirror.

" GET IN HERE FUCKER . IM DONE PLAYING GAMES! YOU DONT THINK I KNOW WHAT THIS IS! WAKE UP!" That's when I feel Randall's arms rap around my body, locking my arm down to my sides.

" Hey , Hey. Calm down. It's ok." He says trying to calm me. I guess I started crying cause Randall wiped a tear of my right cheek.
................. Later that day..........
I woke up on the couch, feeling warm and safe. But when I went to stand up. I'm stop by something. I uncover my self with the dark blue blanket, too see an arm around my waists. I followed the arm to see that I was practically laying on Randall. I can see he's still sleeping. I looked around and saw his phone on the coffee table.
I slowly reached for it , but only stopped by his arm tightening around me.

I used my foot to pull the coffee table closer and tried again.
I grabbed the phone and slid the screen over.
Shit . Password

1234 -wrong
4321- wrong
2468- wrong

Ok back to work . I quickly pulled up the phone and dialed my dad.





No answer. Shit!

" What are you doing?" Double shit, Randall's wake.

" Uh.... Nothing." With that he takes the phone out of my hand.

" Who did you try to contact." He said in a serious voice. Crap he's mad.

" uhh...." Then the phone started ringing. Triple Shit. He looked at me, the answer it. But before he said anything he covered my mouth.

" Hello, who is this?"

" Grey Vince, I received a call from this number."

" Oh, I'm sorry. My sister tried to call her friend."

" It's ok, have a good day."

" You too." Then he hung up. Looking down at me with a glare. " That wasn't very smart Adalind. " you can tell he means business. He didn't call me by a nick name.

" I - I -I " I was hushed by him putting his hand over my mouth.

"I would shut your mouth, before you get your self into more trouble."
Well that's another chapter, if you guys notice I had to go back cause I mixed up Jarryns and Aidens names . Remember Aiden died in the last book. Lol.
Anyways love you guys so much. Leave a like and comment.

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