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When Alexander said he was leaving, Chelsea didn’t think it would be so soon. The day after he went to her house, she showed up at the abandoned house, there was no sign of the vampire twins anywhere. The living room was empty, so was the kitchen. Chelsea felt tears in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Walking up stairs she ran her hand along the railing, she came to a stop outside Alexander’s bedroom door, hoping, praying he was still beyond the door. Taking a deep breath she stepped inside, the room was empty. On the bed was a lonely piece of paper.  Slowly she walked over and picked it up.

They are watching you, every step you take. You can’t come back to this house. It’s too dangerous. Watch yourself.

The note was written in Alexander’s writing, and it scared her. She began to wonder if he was going to come back like he promised. She couldn’t think of this right now, she had her mother to think about. The days were becoming shorter. Her mother’s days were numbers. All they had to do was wait.

Chelsea walked back out of the room and closed the door. She had nothing left to do, so she walked home.

“Excuse me miss!” She heard someone behind her shout. She turned and saw a man wearing a plaid shirt, jeans and boots.

“Yes.” She said.

“I was wondering if you knew the two teens living in the old house back there?” he asked.

“Yeah, I did.” She said.

“Do you know where they are?” he asked.

“No, they left.” She said sadly.

“Well if you hear from them tell them, Weston is in town.” He said.

“Sure thing.” She said and continued home.

School: something Chelsea has forgotten  about completely it’s not that important to her right now. Spending time with her mom is what was important.

It has been two months since Alexander and Ashley left, just one more month. That’s all that was left.

“Chelsea will you please come out of your room.” Her mom begged her. “I haven’t seen Alexander around, did you break up?”

“No mom, he left town.” I said opening the door and pushing past her.

“Chelsea, I know this is hard for you but you need to spend time with me.” her mother said.

“Why mom? You never wanted to spend time with me before, why now? Just because you are dying and have a month left to live your life.” She said.

“Yes.” She said flatly and went to her bedroom slamming the door shut. Chelsea sighed and went down stairs.

Chelsea sat in a swing at the park staring at the gravel and holding on the locket Alexander gave her.

In the woods Alexander stood behind a tree and watched her swaying back and forth, barely moving. He could feel that she was unhappy and scared. He knew her heart was breaking and even though she didn’t tell him, he knew she loved him or at least was starting to.

The cock of a gun broke him from his thoughts; he turned to see Weston standing behind him with a gun pointed right at his heart.

“That won’t kill me.” Alexander said.

“No but it will hurt.” He said. “Why are you here?”

“Just the best place my sister and I could find thought it would throw you off for a while.” Alexander said

“But your sister was reckless, she went to school. The school my daughter goes to. You might have lived for hundreds of years but you are still stupid.” He said and fired the gun.

Chelsea whipped her head to the trees; she heard the gun go off. She knew she shouldn’t go investigate but where is the fun in that? She stood from the swing and walked towards the forest. At first she saw nothing, and then there was a blur it looked like someone was running.

Once she stopped she turned around and saw blood splatters on the tree behind her. She walked over and examined it. Inside the tree just inches above her shoulder was a bullet in a tree. Chelsea ran her finger over the bullet and felt a sticky warm substance. Removing her hand from the tree she looked at her finger and noticed the blood on the tip of her long skinny pale finger.

“The woods aren’t a good place for a little ol’ thing like you.” A man’s voice said. She turned around and saw Weston behind her, holding a gun.

Chelsea looked Weston over and noticed he was out of breath and had starches on his face.

“What happened to you?” She asked

“Got into a little scuffle with an animal.” He said nervously.

“You mean Alexander don’t you?” She asked out of nowhere.

“You listen here missy; Alexander Williams is none of your concern. The world is better of without him.” He said. “And his sister.”

“You’re wrong!” Chelsea yelled.

“It’s best if you get going.” Weston warned. Chelsea stayed where she was not moving.

“Go on get!!” he yelled scaring Chelsea enough that she jumped and ran.

“Leave her alone.” Alexander said jumping from a tree after Chelsea was out of ear shot.

“She is just a human, what does she mean to you?” he asked Alexander.

“She means everything to me.” he said his eyes starting to flash red from anger.

“By all means Mr. Williams I will leave her be. Have a nice night.” Weston said and made his way out of the woods the same way Chelsea went.

Alexander’s blonde hair whipped around  in the cold November wind, his red eyes stood out from the rest of his appearance,he made his way out of the trees to follow Weston. Leading him down a dark cold alley, Weston went into a bar on the other side of Main Street. Alexander didn’t dare follow him inside, not knowing who was waiting for him on the other side. Instead he peeked through the window on the second story.

Weston was sitting around a table with three other guys wearing similar clothing to his own. Alexander heard them talking.

“Did you get those vampire twins yet?” The one on the left asked.

“No, they are very tricky.” Weston said. “But there is something keeping the oldest from running.”

“What is it?” The other guy asked.

“A girl.”

“Seriously?” The last one asked laughing.

“I guess monsters have feelings too.” Weston laughed along.

“What about the other one?” the man on the right asked.

“Well, I’m not for sure, Jack I want you to keep on her trail though.” Weston said sliding a picture of Ashley to Jack, the guy on the right.

“By myself?” He asked.

“No you idiot, take Luke with you.” He said.

“Were on it.” Jack said, he stood up and left with Luke behind him.

Alexander knew he had to get back to Ashley before these guys found her, but he wanted to know what Weston was planning. Ashley could hold them off for a while, and besides there was no way they would attack at night, when a vampire’s senses were more useful.

“What about me?” The last guy remaining asked.

“Me and you are going to find this girl.” He said. “Chelsea.”

Her name rolled off his tongue before he started laughing hysterically.

“And do what?” he asked

“You will see.” Was all Weston said before getting up and existing the bar.

A Broken Angel and A Monster (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now