Chapter 32

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Sorry it took a while to upload. I've been pretty busy lately and on top of that I got sick. Plus a round of writers block and you get a chapter that's probably really bad. I hate to say it but there's only a few more chapters left. Maybe about six or seven. I still haven't decided who the sequel is going to be about.I have this idea for it, though it's a spin off and a lot of you want Sutton and Evan in it. Don't worry, if I decide to do it, I'll make sure Evan and Sutton are in it too.

And I had a request for another picture of Evan sooo>>>>>>>>>>

Thank you to everyone that commented/voted/fanned. Literally, you guys are fabulous :)

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes)


Chapter 32

Evan’s POV:

            We sat scattered around the living room, all quiet, absorbed in our thoughts. Sutton stood at the window, staring out vacantly. I could feel the emotions coursing through her body. Confusion, Sadness, Shock, Anger. I could understand why she would feel these things. It’s not every day you find out you have a little sister that was kept hidden from you. Sensing that she needed my comfort, I stepped up and wrapped her in a hug. She didn’t respond at first, still immersed in her thoughts, but eventually leaned into me.

            “Well what are we supposed to do with her?” Taylor broke the silence, hissing out the last word.

            “Can’t we just send her on her way or something?” Jason asked, earning him a slap from Elise.

            “She is Sutton’s sister, so whether you like it or not, she’s going to be around.” Elise said.

            “Presuming that Sutton wants her around.” My dad responded, glancing at Sutton.

            “Sutton, I know she’s your sister and all but something just doesn’t sit right with me about her.” Taylor walked over to where we were standing as she spoke.

            “Then what would you like me to do with her? Kick her out into the street? Imagine if our roles were reversed, what would you do?” Sutton exclaimed harshly. Taylor didn’t respond and looked down. Sutton sighed and stepped out of my embrace, wrapping Taylor into her own. “I’m sorry Tay, I’m just really confused right now. I know you may not like her, but can you at least try to get along with her. For me?”

            Leaning into Sutton, Taylor didn’t respond. It was pretty easy for me to see why Taylor didn’t like Claire. Jealousy is a strong, driving force. Sutton and Taylor have a close relationship, and even though she doesn’t like it, Taylor accepts the fact that she has to share Sutton with Jason. Add another sibling into the mix, and Taylor and Jason were bound to never like this third person. It’s not hard to tell Taylor has sharing issues, meaning Claire better not expect open friendliness from Taylor and Jason.

            “Why don’t we all go to bed and pick this up tomorrow?” I suggested. Everyone nodded and filed out of the room. I took Sutton’s hand and swung it as we walked up the stairs.

            “How are you really? It’s a lot to take in.” I asked her as we walked into our bedroom. She threw herself onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

            “I’m shocked of course, and I’m confused about what to do. I’m sad because it’s obvious Claire got the short end of the stick, growing up with no one while I grew up with parents and siblings. I’m angry because I feel like I should have known. A part of me should have known that somewhere in the world I had someone who needed me. I’m all of these things and I’m tired.” She finished.

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